Are you a change leader willing to grow your personal impact with authenticity ?
Are you willing to support others to grow to their fullest potential, mobilizing the alignment of head, heart and body ?
Welcome to a highly experiential training for those wishing to develop practical skills working with the body in business relationships, training and coaching. Using posture, breathing and movement helps clients go deep quickly and creates lasting results. These 2 days will give you both a greater personal insight and a clearer overview of the field as well as practical embodied tools you can use in your work the next day.
Workshops co-facilitated in English with clarifications in French available.
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Embodiment Workshops M. Walsh & M. Raber - Paris, 13th & 14th Sept. 2016
1. 2 days of experiential embodiment workshops
with Mark Walsh and Maud Raber
Paris, 13th & 14th September 2016
Are you a change leader willing to grow your personal impact with authenticity ?
Are you willing to support others to grow to their fullest potential,
mobilizing the alignment of head, heart and body ?
2. 1-Day Introduction to Embodiment with Mark Walsh & Maud Raber
13th September 2016
Who is this training for ?
Come if you¡¯d like to gain :
¡ì? Anyone looking to develop their individual leadership or grow as a person
¡ì? Business and life coaches, trainers, facilitators and consultants
¡ì? Teachers, therapists and those in other helping or educating professions
¡ì? Yoga, dance, complementary health practitioners and martial artists looking to apply their skills to business
¡ì? An understanding of the relevance of body awareness, posture and movement to your work
¡ì? Practical embodied tools you can use with clients & colleagues immediately
¡ì? Tips on how to make this work accessible within a business environment
¡ì? Basic knowledge of how to work with the body con?dently and safely
¡ì? Bodily leadership and in?uencing skills
¡ì? Techniques to manage pressure and complexity
¡ì? How to better ¡°read¡± others and employ your intuition
¡ì? How to develop the four aspects of embodied intelligence
Information : Maud Raber : +33 (0)679 568 559 / Skype: raber.maud /
Book you seat online : - Early bird seats available until July 30th!
This is a highly experiential training for those wishing to develop practical skills working with the body in business
relationships, training and coaching. Using posture, breathing and movement helps clients go deep quickly and creates
lasting results.This training will give you both a greater personal insight and a clearer overview of the ?eld as well as
tools you can use the next day.
Workshop co-facilitated in English with clari?cations in French available.
Foundational training
3. Embodied Facilitation Skills for trainers & coaches with Mark Walsh & Maud Raber
14th September 2016
Who is this training for ?
Come if you¡¯d like to gain :
¡ì? Business and life coaches, trainers, facilitators and consultants
¡ì? Yoga, dance, complementary health practitioners and martial artists looking to apply their skills to business
¡ì? Teachers, therapists and those in other helping or educating professions
¡ì? Anyone looking to develop their individual leadership or grow as a person
¡ì? A deeper & much clearer understanding of the relevance of body awareness, posture and movement to your work
¡ì? Advanced practical embodied tools you can use with clients immediately
¡ì? Advanced tips on how to make this work accessible within a business environment
¡ì? Advanced knowledge of how to work with the body con?dently and safely
¡ì? Improved self-awareness ¨C what is hidden that is limiting your work?
¡ì? Bodily leadership and in?uencing skills
¡ì? Advanced techniques to manage pressure and complexity
¡ì? How to better ¡°read¡± others and employ your intuition
¡ì? How to develop the four aspects of embodied intelligence
¡ì? A ¡°second generation¡± approach to embodiment that is clearer, more rational and culturally appropriate than
older West-coast US styles
¡ì? A taste of embodied work if you are consideringThe Embodied Facilitator Course professional quali?cation
Information : Maud Raber : +33 (0)679 568 559 / Skype: raber.maud /
Book you seat online : - Early bird seats available until July 30th!
How to create clear safety, trust, and enhanced creativity while facilitating a group in an embodied way ?
What posture and bodymindset does it invite us to develop in ourselves ?
This is a primer of advanced facilitation skills for all trainers and coaches willing to leverage the transforming power of embodiment in their
work. In this day, we will cover some of the core models and approaches delivered in IntegrationTraining¡¯s1-year certifying Embodied
Facilitator Course.Advanced training accessible to all participants to our Intro to Embodiment (13th Sept. or previous European dates) or to
Embodied Potential¡¯s?"Leadership puissant & authentique"?Level 1 course. Co-facilitated in English with clari?cations in French available.
Advanced training
4. About the trainers
Mark Walsh Maud Raber
Mark Walsh has dedicated his adult life to studying the "embodied" approach to
being a leadership trainer. His experience and quali?cations include :
¡ì? Bsc (Hons) Psychology (Leeds University)
¡ì? Extensive training and facilitation experience with large and small organisations in
the UK and abroad, e.g. Unilever (London/ Switzerland),The UK House of Lords,
Virgin Atlantic (Sussex), Harrow Primary CareTrust (NHS London),The Institute
of Development Studies (University of Sussex, Brighton),The Natural History
Museum (London), Emerging Capital Partners (US/ Africa) and Liberty Global
(international telecoms blue-chip).
¡ì? Three years organising projects, training and conferences for the international
organisation Aiki Extensions Inc.This included leadership training, stress
management and con?ict resolution work in the Middle East alongside the UN,
in the slums of Brazil and with an HIV awareness charity in East Africa
¡ì? Residential training in Somatics (the study of the conscious body) and Embodied
Leadership at Strozzi Institute, California, with Wendy Palmer and with Being In
Movement founder Paul Linden in Ohio, USA
¡ì? 16 years of aikido training and teaching on ?ve continents and an internationally
recognised black belt
¡ì? Experience of training in numerous other physical system : yoga, tai chi, Feldenkrais,
?amenco, Uzazu, tango, contact improvisation, jiu-jitsu, MMA and Five Rhythms
¡ì? Training in integral theory (Ken Wilber et al)
¡ì? Four years in the outdoor education industry, training climbing, abseiling, team
building, orienteering, fencing, archery, snowboarding, trampolining and leadership
¡ì? Seven years Non-Violent Communication training, including residential training
and study with NVC founder Marshall Rosenberg, and pioneering work with
"Embodied NVC" in areas of con?ict
¡ì? Coach training with several organisations - most recently graduating from
New?eld Network's "Theory and Practice of Ontological Coaching"
¡ì? Numerous training courses on meditation and mindfulness
¡ì? Writes Google #2 ranked management training blog, hosts #1 trainingYoutube Channel
and is one of the most "followed" trainers onTwitter worldwide (30,000+ followers)
¡ì? Based in Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Maud is an experienced somatic coach. She works with executives, teams
and organizations to support the growth of whole-person leadership and
embodied relational skills to foster performance and well-being at the
workplace. She helps leaders stretch out to their next level of somatic,
cognitive and social-emotional development to boost their potential.
Her quali?cations include :
¡ì? Master in Public Administration (MPA), Sciences Po, Paris
¡ì? Certi?ed Leadership Embodiment Coach and Instructor,Wendy Palmer,
¡ì? Practitioner of the Being in Movement somatic education, Paul Linden,
¡ì? Certi?ed Embodied Facilitator,The Embodied Facilitator Course, UK
¡ì? Practitioner of Focusing (body-centered listening), Levels I & II, BeLux
Focusing Center
¡ì? Certi?edVertical Development & Global Leadership Pro?le Coach, Pr.
WilliamTorbert, USA
¡ì? Certi?ed evidence-based developmental coach (adult cognitive, social-
emotional and psychological development), Pr. Otto Laske, USA
¡ì? Certi?ed systemic representations facilitator (organizational, managerial,
socio-political, family and intra-personal constellations), R. v. Leoprechting
& L. Jacobsson, Pro-Action Learning,Austria & Belgium
¡ì? Practitioner of Systemics,Transactional analysis, Neuro-linguistic
Programming, NonViolent Communication (NVC) and mindfulness
¡ì? Facilitates in French, English and German ?uently
¡ì? Recent client references :Axa,AxaTech, BNP Paribas, L'Or¨¦al, Casio, SFR,
KPMG,Vallourec, SNCF, RFF, CNP Assurances, EY Alumni, Havas
Worldwide, Ipsen, L¨¦o Pharma,Webedia, French Civil Aviation Authority
(DGAC, Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy),
Terrafemina, SNCF au F¨¦minin,The Collaborative Enterprise, University
of Happiness at Work
5. Our training venue :
Espace Babylone
91, rue de S¨¨vres, Paris 6¨¨me ¨C Salle Luxembourg
Vaneau, Rennes, Saint-PlacideM
Luxembourg, Tuileries, Monceau
Salles modulables
avec acc¨¨s terrasse et vue sur le jardin
Luxembourg ,Tuileries et Monceau
Largeur 7,65 m
Longueur 19,57 m
Hauteur 3,45 m
Surface 149,71 m2
Capacit¨¦s (personnes)
Salle en U 63
Salle de r¨¦union 81
Salle de classe 89
Th¨¦?tre 95
e Tarifs et R¨¨glement int¨¦rieur 2016 / Association Oasis ¨C Espace Babylone,
sous r¨¦serve de modification du taux de TVA, octobre 2015
Largeur 7,65 m
Longueur 8,41 m
Hauteur 3,45 m
Surface 64,33 m2
Capacit¨¦s (personnes)
Salle en U 31
Salle de r¨¦union 35
Salle de classe 39
Th¨¦?tre 43
avec acc¨¨s terrasse et vue sur le jardin
A green oasis
in the very center of Paris
We advise you to wear business casual, comfortable clothes (suitable for movement) and ?at shoes during the workshops.
Practical informations
Dresscode :