The document provides predictions from the MMA EMEA Board of Directors about mobile marketing trends in 2013. Key predictions include: major brands increasing mobile budgets to 7-10% of total spend; agencies adding mandatory mobile components to client proposals; mobile websites becoming more common than apps; location-based marketing growing for retail; and rich media playing a large role through high-quality optimized content. Overall, mobile is predicted to become a more central part of marketing strategies.
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EMEA Mobile Marketing 2013 prediction
1. Mobile Marketing in the Middle East
There is never a shortage of people and Our Board members are people at the
companies making predictions about whats forefront of mobile marketing today and
to come in the year ahead so what makes their insights here are not based on
this set any different? Well, its the people speculation, but real knowledge about what
making the predictions.
is happening to make mobile an indispensible
part of the marketing mix.
The EMEA Board of Directors is made up of
industry leaders operating businesses across As ever we welcome your thoughts and
the whole region and it includes feedback.
representatives from Operators, Technology
Enablers, Publishers, Agencies and Brands.
Paul Berney
Mobile Marketing Association
3. For the 鍖rst time since the advent of mobile
advertising and marketing we are seeing signi鍖cant
budgets being put behind mobile from leading
global brands on a global and regional level. The
aim of some of them is to reach 7-10% of total
media spend by the end of 2013. We have also
seen a growing need for fully integrated mobile
campaigns and agencies are actually of鍖cially
adding mobile to the plans that they present to
their clients at this time of the year for the year
It has 鍖nally become clear to agencies that
clients will no longer be interested in working
with them if they do not come up with innovative,
mobile proposals for their clients money for
2013. We have heard this in the past but this
time it is really happening. I see it everyday from
New York to Beijing.
Kerstin Trikalitis
Co-founder & CEO
Out There Media
4. The battle for customers within the FMCG
and retail segment will increasingly shift to
mobile as part of the integrated mix,
leveraging its unique contextual information
(e.g. location) to reach consumers on the
There are two main drivers of this. Firstly,
the smartphone andtablet revolution, which
allows us to reinvent rich, interactive
relationships over mobile and secondly, the
rise of mobile payments, which allows
brands to interact at the point of purchase
and start closing the loop from offer to
Adhish Kulkarni
Senior Vice President, Products & Marketing
5. 2013 will be a year of realisation as
companies start to accept that apps are not
always the best way to build relationships with
consumers. Mobile-optimised websites are
often better as they also allow for interaction
and engagement while ensuring a high quality
of user experience. In addition, they are more
cost-effectively structured and work across
(virtually) all devices and platforms without
requiring a chunky download.
As more brands and agencies start to
recognise the positives of this approach, well
see a shift in mobile strategy and less focus on
apps as a result.
Alex Meisl
Chairman & Co-founder
6. The concept of the app store will accelerate
in 2013. We will see an increasing number of
white label app stores cropping up either
branded by companies who are not actively
involved in the mobile or telco space or even
perhaps, unbranded.
With a growing number of these proxy stores, I
expect that we will also start to see targeted
vertical offerings such as app stores aimed at,
for example, the 鍖nance, the pharmaceutical or
the automotive industry.
In addition, I think it will become easier for
consumers to build and launch their own
applications at a minimal cost using DIY app
tools consumer-friendly SDKs, if you will.
Both these efforts will eventually help mobile
advertising industry accelerate and catch
marketers eyeballs 鍖nally.
Arda Kertmelioglu
Co-founder & VP/Marketing
7. I expect 2013 to be the year of mobile for
retail as opportunities increase for the channel
to help grow retailers bottom line.
The mobile channel is ideally placed to drive
foot traf鍖c into bricks and mortar stores. Push
marketing noti鍖cations that were once
limited to SMS now offer signi鍖cant
opportunities for retailers to target consumers
using location-based offerings and it is these
that offer the biggest sales opportunities for
the industry.
Ultimately, retail strategies must become
integrated. And, it shouldnt stop with push
marketing. In the long term, payments via
mobile will also have a signi鍖cant impact on the
Beno樽t Corbin
Mobile Marketing Association France
8. 2013 will be the year advertisers
take their campaigns to the next level
with audience targeting. Mobile is the
only medium that allows advertisers
to combine interest data, social data,
demographic data and most
important of all, location data.
Whether a brand wants to target a
fairly broad audience like mums, or a
more re鍖ned audience like IT decision
makers, no channel allows them to do
so more accurately than mobile.
Gavin Stirrat
Managing Director, EMEA
Millennial Media
9. Use of mobile to drive direct marketing
campaigns will accelerate as consumers and
marketers alike realise the bene鍖ts of
responding immediately to a call to action. To
make the most of this, businesses will make
increasing use of personalisation techniques
and analytics to better engage with their
audience and drive consumer response
In addition, tablets will become the
preferred medium for mobile advertising as
these are not impacted by the limitations of
screen size associated with a traditional
mobile device (and the budget restrictions
that can result from this). As a result, well
start to see growth in agency expertise
associated with tablets and creative ad
formats developed speci鍖cally for them.
Jay Patel
Managing Director
10. 2013 will see the industry 鍖nally unlock the
potential of mobile as a scalable marketing
and commerce channel for advertisers. Apps
and emerging technological innovations are
shaping how brands can deploy a seamlessly
connected and measurable experience to
consumers across device platforms.
With mobile, we are meeting consumers at
different touch points throughout their day
and we are enabling advertisers to create
content that is contextual to the device,
behaviour and location. Microsoft Advertising
is excited at the opportunity created with
Windows 8, particularly the mobility
component through Windows Phone 8 and
devices like Surface.
Mandeep Mason
Director of Mobile Advertising, International
11. I expect to see more and more peer-to-peer
communication apps emerge and their usage
extended as consumers expect to be able to
contact friends and colleagues whenever and
wherever they choose.
In addition, HTML 5 and rich media will
become increasingly important for
organisations as they look to disseminate a
growing volume of content via mobile. This
must be created without detracting from the
user experience so companies will need to be
increasingly innovative with their programming
skills to ensure that consumers continue to
associate known brands with the content
delivered via mobile as well as with that
delivered via traditional channels.
Melis Ertem
Consumer Product Marketing Director
12. In 2013 I expect we will see more
consolidation in the mobile advertising
industry, the pace of start-up acquisitions
will increase and joint ventures will become
more common. Watch out for the huge rise
in Asian mobile ad spend as global brands
use this channel as a key marketing tool to
create impact and breakthroughin growth
The mobile messaging trend will take off
with the aggregation of multiple services
and simpli鍖ed apps making the experience
ubiquitous. Brands will more and more be
looking to engage with consumers through
the phenomenon of sharing experiences
via mobile.
Nick Wiggin
Head of Advertising, Global
13. Marketers are unlocking the potential of
mobile advertising by pursuingrich media and
creating more engaging, immersive experiences
on mobile. Thepersonal nature of smartphones
and the multimedia content and features of
richmedia and HTML 5 allow marketers to
engage viewers at scale, in an
unparalleledmanner. In 2013we will see an
increase in cohesive cross channel
campaignsacross mobile devices and other
types of media. Successful campaigns no longer
deliverthe same message or ad already running
on TV, on mobile; for marketers to succeed
cross-media campaigns incorporating mobile
will deliver high impact, targeted campaigns.
Rob Jonas
VP & MD EMEA & Global Business Operations
14. I see advertising evolving from a dark art to
a clinical science; the decisions made are no
longer subjective or creative, based on
historic spend allocation, but are rather
considered and logical decisions based on
data around consumer habits and
preferences. It is mobile that will sit at the
heart of this change next year.
Whereas most forms of media are restricted
by screen size, form factor etc, mobile is
versatile and sits squarely at the centre of the
screen family. As a result, I expect it to
become the 鍖rst channel to be considered
rather than the last I would even go as far
as to speculate that it will likely overtake
commercial radio ad spend in the UK in
Shaun Gregory
Director of Advertising
15. Theres going to be a lot of focus on location-based
strategies next year and with that, companies are
going to realise very quickly that there is a need to
invest in the right mobile infrastructure in order to
make all that location can do ROI-positive. Location-
based services depend on a huge amount of
information to enable interaction with lots of people,
but delivering locally relevant content depends on a
good (content) management systems. Without it,
hyper-local and hyper-sensitive targeting becomes
almost impossible.
Finding the right balance of local insights, universal
brand truths, consumer value (and customer value) is
not going to be easy. But ultimately we believe that
when coupled with mobile payments, the location
capabilities of a mobile device/network can enable
our vision of a world where people can walk in
holding their phone to walk out with their phone
and a Coke.
Kim Siler
Mobile Brand Strategy, Global Interactive Marketing
The Coca-Cola Company
16. At the start of 2012 we asked our members
what they saw as the future of mobile
marketing they rated content and
applications as key followed by couponing,
display, video and location in that order and
we have de鍖nitely seen brands considering all
of these over the last twelve months.
Successful campaigns will drive a signi鍖cant
uplift in spend, however, these will depend on
a solid understanding of how to integrate
mobile into the wider marketing mix without
diluting the existing brand identity. How will
this happen? Through education a focus I
expect to see elevated across the
marketingindustry in 2013.
Cristina Recuero
Head of Mobile Marketing, Vivaki Spain
Vivaki Comunications
17. Turkey is a global leader for mobile
marketing and really drives innovation on the
iOS and Android platforms in particular. As a
result, I expect to see a large number of
areas evolve next year including mobile
search and mobile research.
Gami鍖cation should be a particularly
interesting area to watch as edutainment
educational entertainment has really taken
off as a result of the proliferation of mobile
devices. Mobile 鍖nance, including mobile
banking and mobile wallets, is also seeing a
real spike with usage increasing from
anywhere between 68 per cent to 292 per
cent from 2011 and 2012 depending on the
tool being used.
Firat Ertem
Chairman, Mobile Marketing Association Turkey
Rabarba Iletisim
18. The biggest change will be the volume of
investment in mobile by brands as the channel is
now recognised as a strategic element of any
campaign; it is no longer merely an add-on. The
challenge with this will be understanding how to
invest due to the number of different activities and
goals that can be addressed via mobile.
Rich media will play a signi鍖cant role as it will
enable brands to provide high quality mobile-
optimised content that quickly engages the
consumer. For big name household brands with
multiple product lines, this is a particularly
important consideration as it isnt always viable to
develop a mobile-optimised landing page for every
product available. Rich media platforms provide
the tools to bridge the gap for consumers and
engage within the con鍖nes of an agreed budget.
Steffen Krabbenh淡ft
Mobile Director
19. With mobile becoming a most valuable
real estate in the battle for consumer
eye balls and share of wallet, CMOs have
to embrace the Mobile Screen as an
integral part of their business model
rather than simply another marketing
channel. 2013 will be the year where
CMOs will turn mobile into a strategy!
Mark W辰chter
Mobile Strategy Consultant
20. I expect and hope for big transitions
in the way that brands view mobile in
From Why to How?
From Mobile to Mobility.
From Technology to Behaviour.
From Bolt-on to Mobile First.
From Digital to Physical.
It is the 鍖nal point which is the most
signi鍖cant not just because of the
importance of retail but also the
unprecedented opportunity for
contextually led engagement that it
Daniel Rosen
21. 2013 will be the year that
having a mobile presence of
some sort will become
essential for every major brand
worldwide as the realisation
grows that nothing gets you
closer to your customers than
Paul Berney
Mobile Marketing Association