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2009 mEDIA kIT

                THE PULL YOU NEED

accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
Since 1998, emedia has been recognized
                                 as a premier B2B lead generation provider.
                              Companies such as Cisco, United Healthcare,
                            microsoft, Ford, IBm, Verizon, AT&T and many
                          younger, innovative companies have enjoyed
                        expanded revenues with emedias unique lead
                      gen vehicles and world-class service.

                How can emedia help you?
             emedia generates high-quality B2B leads quickly
          and proactively via permission-based email bulletins.
        Millions of decision makers and influencers across
     North American business regularly receive emedias
   bulletins to source white papers, guides, product
trials, webinars, training and other offers.

            accelerated lead generation  on demand
Attract Better Quality Leads
Your needs, your offers
and our capabilities
determine a lead
volume guarantee 
and we guarantee
to hit it for you.

How can i generate                          To add further value, emedia            surveys. For richer prospect
new business leads?                         offers lead nurturing through its       profiles, emedia runs surveys with
Unique rapidrequest                         ReTouch program (see next page).        your collateral as the reward for
technology. Present your offers             Because of these special features       completion. Custom surveys can
(collateral) to our bulletin subscribers,   and the caliber of our subscribers,     be created for you, you can select
in a format with enticing copy and          emedia leads are marked with the        from our library of available
potent calls to action.                     quality your team expects.              surveys, or we can use a survey
                                                                                    youve created. Your sales team
emedia pre-populates response               cost-per-lead (cPl)                     will thank you for the wealth of
forms, making it simple and                 guarantees. most of emedias            prospect information youre able
quick for prospects to take action.         clients eliminate campaign risk         to give them.
In addition, readers receive                by purchasing on a Cost-per-Lead
collateral within a few seconds,            Guarantee basis. Your needs, your
helping to drive higher conversion.         offers and our capabilities determine
RapidRequest also offers custom             a lead volume guarantee  and we
questions, enabling leads to be             guarantee to hit it for you. emedia
profiled to your specifications.            can fulfill CPL Guarantees on both
Your quality is ensured.                    white paper leads and surveys.

     accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
I just want to say how
                                                                                         pleased I have been with
                                                                                         our pilot program with
                                                                                         emedia, and how it has
                                                                                         performed thus far.
                                                                                         In addition, our rep has
                                                                                         provided great service to
                                                                                         me, a new emedia client.
                                                                                         Good customer service is
                                                                                         rare and I like to recognize
                                                                                         it when it is great!

                                                                                         Jennifer randall, Product
                                                                                         marketing manager, 3m

Do you need to Drive Web Site Traffic?                      for nurturing Your leads:
banner inserts. Ideal for promoting a specific online       retouch: ReTouch allows you to reinforce your original
property, success is measured by the number and quality     message or put forth a follow-up call to action to prior
of click-throughs to your website, landing page or          respondents (RapidRequest, CPL, Survey). ReTouch lets
microsite. In contrast to search engines, emedia starts     you further prepare the lead for sales contact or otherwise
with a highly qualified audience of permission-based        develop a solid prospect relationship.
viewers for generating traffic. Clients find this to be a
huge advantage when determining campaign ROI.               emedias subscribers
                                                            emedias email bulletins enjoy a readership of over
for maximum exposure Within                                 two million decision makers across several dozen B2B
emedias bulletins:                                         niche audiences. Our bulletins are delivered to
bulletin sponsorship. This gives your RapidRequest,         permission-based recipients on a regular basis  and
Survey or Banner Insert the highest-profile position        become an anticipated information source for these busy,
within a bulletin. For just one insert per bulletin,        demanding professionals. What does this translate to?
Sponsorship can deliver a dominant brand message,           Responsiveness that keeps our clients returning.
as well as generate leads.

                Ive been really pleased with emedias customer surveys. Not only are they a great lead gen tool,
                but have also shown to be a good PR resource for my company. emedia really excels in their expertise
                and customer service. I would highly recommend them to any of my collegues.

                Paula alvarez, channel marketing director, loglogic

          accelerated lead generation  on demand
For audience sizes and bulletin frequency, please request audience data sheets.

nortH         IT Security                  Email Security & Compliance      Manufacturing Tech
              IT Storage                   Enterprise IT Strategy           Mobile Technology
american      Software Developer           Supply Chain Technology          Network Management
it Pro        Virtualization               CRM                              Professional Development
aUdiences     VM                           SME Technology                   IT HelpDesk & Support
              Windows Server 2003          Plant Technology                 SOA
              Windows Server 2008          Procurement Technology           Data Center Solutions
(1,700,000)   Windows Desktop              Project Management               Exchange
              IT Compliance                Federal Technology               Tech Webinars
              Applications Management      VoIP                             Printing Tech
              Business Intelligence        Wireless Technology              People Management
              Data Management              Construction Technology          Cloud Computing

                                              I have been happy with the lead quality, timeliness
                                              and customer interaction that emedia offers.
                                              Once again, they came in above and beyond our
                                              expectations with this last CPL campaign. I would
                                              have no problem recommending emedia to anyone
                                              that is looking for high quality leads, at a great CPL!

                                              melinda smith, marketing manager, ca

  accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
emedias CFO campaign delivered on all fronts. Lead quality,
   high response rates and great customer service made for a
   stellar campaign. We also saw a bump in lead generation
   activity from increased site traffic as a result of the exposure
   in the email bulletin, a pleasant bonus to a great program.

   kristin keyes, marketing director, expensewatch

nortH                   Hr management                                 HR
                                                                      Talent Management Update
american                aUdience
                                                                      Employee Benefits
bUsiness                                                              Professional Development
execUtive                                                             People Management
                                                                      Recruitment and Retention

                        financial execUtive                           Business Intelligence
                        aUdience                                      CFO Update
                                                                      Company Compliance
                        (350,000)                                     Company Finance

                        logistics/                                    Logistics & Distribution
                        sUPPlY cHain                                  Supply Chain Technology
                                                                      Manufacturing Tech
                        aUdience                                      Plant Technology
                                                                      Procurement Technology
                        (525,000)                                     Project Management

     accelerated lead generation  on demand
emedia helped me pick out the best audience to increase our effectiveness.
            They were happy to walk through the process and make sure I was crystal
            clear on our campaign before jumping in. They did a great job, and I look
            forward to many more campaigns with them.

            claudia Hoeffner, marketing manager, eloqua

nortH          marketing/sales                             Marketing
american       execUtive aUdience                          CRM

               occUPational HealtH                         Health & Safety
               management aUdience                         Health & Safety in Hospitality
                                                           Health & Safety in Construction
               (100,000)                                   Health & Safety in Manufacturing

               small bUsiness                              Small Business
                                                           SME (Small & Medium Enterprises)
               aUdience                                    SME Technology


                                        emedia bulletins have given our lead generation programs a
                                        real shot in the arm. In short, we get quality leads. Not only
                                        do we get a return on our spend, we can pinpoint our vertical
                                        markets using their diverse universe of e-bulletins. Lastly, they
                                        make it real easy to implement our program.

                                        John toraason, director of marketing, b&b electronics

  accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
At first I was skeptical of emedias services but have to say
                            I am very pleased with the results. The leads were generated
                            faster than I expected and are exactly what we seek.
                            In the construction industry we usually dont see this type
                            of advertising work, but emedia did it.

                            Wendy Hunt, marketing manager, carnie cap inc.

indUstrY    electronics                   Aerospace Electronics
                                          Automotive Electronics
verticals   (230,000)                     Electronics Engineers
                                          Electronics Events
                                          Electronics Testing & Measurement
                                          Electronics Development
                                          Embedded Electronics
                                          Medical Electronics
                                          Printed Circuits
                                          Power Management

            constrUction                  Architects
                                          Building Equipment
            (480,000)                     Commercial Construction Management
                                          Construction Technology
                                          Green Construction
                                          Health & Safety in Construction
                                          Residential Construction Management

            Packaging                     Converting Tech
                                          Packaging Labeling
            (90,000)                      Packaging Materials
                                          Packaging Sustainability
                                          Packaging Technology

            manUfactUring                 Printing Tech
                                          Converting Tech
            (500,000)                     Manufacturing Tech
                                          Product Design

    accelerated lead generation  on demand
creative examples

                    Email Bulletin Example

The RapidRequest
response generated
by our Sponsorship
inclusions in emediaUSAs
Windows Server bulletins
more than exceeded
our expectations,
both in terms of quality
and quantity.

Jacqui galow, marketing
manager, neverfail

     accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
rates Per    RapidRequest              Banner               Bulletin            Customized           Cost-per-Lead
bUlletin        Insert                 Insert             Sponsorship             Survey               Programs

insert            $2995                 $2495                 $3995            Call for Pricing      Call for pricing

creative     Title: Maximum of 68 characters (including spaces). Please note the subject bar of the
             bulletin is decided by the editor.
             Body Copy: Guideline of 70 words of text.

             Image & Banner Sizes: Maximum file size of 20k.
             Images: 150 pixels (W) x 150 pixels (H) recommended.
             Standard Banner: 468 pixels (W) x 60 pixels (H)
             Tower Banner: Up to 120 pixels (W) x up to 600 pixels (H)

             Response Mechanism: Web URL or Third Party Tag

             Hosted files: Max file size 250kb

             Copy Deadline: Copy and images should ideally be sent 48 hours in advance. The sooner
             we receive the material, the more chance we have to offer our guidance and help you get
             maximum response.

             Toll-free Phone: 800-782-6167
contact Us
             Phone: 630-288-8480
             Fax: 303-265-2915


             2000 Clearwater Drive  Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA

             If you need to target audiences in the UK, visit www.emedia.co.uk for details of the range of titles


    accelerated lead generation  on demand

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Emedia 2009 Media Kit Digital

  • 1. 2009 mEDIA kIT THE PULL YOU NEED TO GET THE QUALITY LEADS YOU WANT accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
  • 2. Since 1998, emedia has been recognized as a premier B2B lead generation provider. Companies such as Cisco, United Healthcare, microsoft, Ford, IBm, Verizon, AT&T and many younger, innovative companies have enjoyed expanded revenues with emedias unique lead gen vehicles and world-class service. How can emedia help you? emedia generates high-quality B2B leads quickly and proactively via permission-based email bulletins. Millions of decision makers and influencers across North American business regularly receive emedias bulletins to source white papers, guides, product trials, webinars, training and other offers. accelerated lead generation on demand
  • 3. Attract Better Quality Leads Your needs, your offers and our capabilities determine a lead volume guarantee and we guarantee to hit it for you. How can i generate To add further value, emedia surveys. For richer prospect new business leads? offers lead nurturing through its profiles, emedia runs surveys with Unique rapidrequest ReTouch program (see next page). your collateral as the reward for technology. Present your offers Because of these special features completion. Custom surveys can (collateral) to our bulletin subscribers, and the caliber of our subscribers, be created for you, you can select in a format with enticing copy and emedia leads are marked with the from our library of available potent calls to action. quality your team expects. surveys, or we can use a survey youve created. Your sales team emedia pre-populates response cost-per-lead (cPl) will thank you for the wealth of forms, making it simple and guarantees. most of emedias prospect information youre able quick for prospects to take action. clients eliminate campaign risk to give them. In addition, readers receive by purchasing on a Cost-per-Lead collateral within a few seconds, Guarantee basis. Your needs, your helping to drive higher conversion. offers and our capabilities determine RapidRequest also offers custom a lead volume guarantee and we questions, enabling leads to be guarantee to hit it for you. emedia profiled to your specifications. can fulfill CPL Guarantees on both Your quality is ensured. white paper leads and surveys. accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
  • 4. I just want to say how pleased I have been with our pilot program with emedia, and how it has performed thus far. In addition, our rep has provided great service to me, a new emedia client. Good customer service is rare and I like to recognize it when it is great! Jennifer randall, Product marketing manager, 3m Do you need to Drive Web Site Traffic? for nurturing Your leads: banner inserts. Ideal for promoting a specific online retouch: ReTouch allows you to reinforce your original property, success is measured by the number and quality message or put forth a follow-up call to action to prior of click-throughs to your website, landing page or respondents (RapidRequest, CPL, Survey). ReTouch lets microsite. In contrast to search engines, emedia starts you further prepare the lead for sales contact or otherwise with a highly qualified audience of permission-based develop a solid prospect relationship. viewers for generating traffic. Clients find this to be a huge advantage when determining campaign ROI. emedias subscribers emedias email bulletins enjoy a readership of over for maximum exposure Within two million decision makers across several dozen B2B emedias bulletins: niche audiences. Our bulletins are delivered to bulletin sponsorship. This gives your RapidRequest, permission-based recipients on a regular basis and Survey or Banner Insert the highest-profile position become an anticipated information source for these busy, within a bulletin. For just one insert per bulletin, demanding professionals. What does this translate to? Sponsorship can deliver a dominant brand message, Responsiveness that keeps our clients returning. as well as generate leads. Ive been really pleased with emedias customer surveys. Not only are they a great lead gen tool, but have also shown to be a good PR resource for my company. emedia really excels in their expertise and customer service. I would highly recommend them to any of my collegues. Paula alvarez, channel marketing director, loglogic accelerated lead generation on demand
  • 5. For audience sizes and bulletin frequency, please request audience data sheets. nortH IT Security Email Security & Compliance Manufacturing Tech IT Storage Enterprise IT Strategy Mobile Technology american Software Developer Supply Chain Technology Network Management it Pro Virtualization CRM Professional Development aUdiences VM SME Technology IT HelpDesk & Support Windows Server 2003 Plant Technology SOA Windows Server 2008 Procurement Technology Data Center Solutions (1,700,000) Windows Desktop Project Management Exchange IT Compliance Federal Technology Tech Webinars Applications Management VoIP Printing Tech Business Intelligence Wireless Technology People Management Data Management Construction Technology Cloud Computing I have been happy with the lead quality, timeliness and customer interaction that emedia offers. Once again, they came in above and beyond our expectations with this last CPL campaign. I would have no problem recommending emedia to anyone that is looking for high quality leads, at a great CPL! melinda smith, marketing manager, ca accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
  • 6. emedias CFO campaign delivered on all fronts. Lead quality, high response rates and great customer service made for a stellar campaign. We also saw a bump in lead generation activity from increased site traffic as a result of the exposure in the email bulletin, a pleasant bonus to a great program. kristin keyes, marketing director, expensewatch nortH Hr management HR Talent Management Update american aUdience Employee Benefits bUsiness Professional Development (370,000) execUtive People Management Recruitment and Retention aUdiences financial execUtive Business Intelligence aUdience CFO Update Company Compliance (350,000) Company Finance logistics/ Logistics & Distribution sUPPlY cHain Supply Chain Technology Manufacturing Tech aUdience Plant Technology Procurement Technology (525,000) Project Management accelerated lead generation on demand
  • 7. emedia helped me pick out the best audience to increase our effectiveness. They were happy to walk through the process and make sure I was crystal clear on our campaign before jumping in. They did a great job, and I look forward to many more campaigns with them. claudia Hoeffner, marketing manager, eloqua nortH marketing/sales Marketing Sales american execUtive aUdience CRM bUsiness (210,000) execUtive aUdiences occUPational HealtH Health & Safety Environment management aUdience Health & Safety in Hospitality Health & Safety in Construction (100,000) Health & Safety in Manufacturing small bUsiness Small Business SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) aUdience SME Technology (200,000) emedia bulletins have given our lead generation programs a real shot in the arm. In short, we get quality leads. Not only do we get a return on our spend, we can pinpoint our vertical markets using their diverse universe of e-bulletins. Lastly, they make it real easy to implement our program. John toraason, director of marketing, b&b electronics accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
  • 8. At first I was skeptical of emedias services but have to say I am very pleased with the results. The leads were generated faster than I expected and are exactly what we seek. In the construction industry we usually dont see this type of advertising work, but emedia did it. Wendy Hunt, marketing manager, carnie cap inc. indUstrY electronics Aerospace Electronics Automotive Electronics verticals (230,000) Electronics Engineers Electronics Events Electronics Testing & Measurement Electronics Development Embedded Electronics Medical Electronics Printed Circuits Power Management constrUction Architects Building Equipment (480,000) Commercial Construction Management Construction Technology Green Construction Health & Safety in Construction Residential Construction Management Packaging Converting Tech Packaging Labeling (90,000) Packaging Materials Packaging Sustainability Packaging Technology manUfactUring Printing Tech Converting Tech (500,000) Manufacturing Tech Product Design accelerated lead generation on demand
  • 9. creative examples Email Bulletin Example The RapidRequest response generated by our Sponsorship inclusions in emediaUSAs Windows Server bulletins more than exceeded our expectations, both in terms of quality and quantity. Jacqui galow, marketing manager, neverfail accelerated lead generation for b2b markets
  • 10. rates Per RapidRequest Banner Bulletin Customized Cost-per-Lead bUlletin Insert Insert Sponsorship Survey Programs insert $2995 $2495 $3995 Call for Pricing Call for pricing creative Title: Maximum of 68 characters (including spaces). Please note the subject bar of the bulletin is decided by the editor. sPecs Body Copy: Guideline of 70 words of text. Image & Banner Sizes: Maximum file size of 20k. Images: 150 pixels (W) x 150 pixels (H) recommended. Standard Banner: 468 pixels (W) x 60 pixels (H) Tower Banner: Up to 120 pixels (W) x up to 600 pixels (H) Response Mechanism: Web URL or Third Party Tag Hosted files: Max file size 250kb Copy Deadline: Copy and images should ideally be sent 48 hours in advance. The sooner we receive the material, the more chance we have to offer our guidance and help you get maximum response. Toll-free Phone: 800-782-6167 contact Us Phone: 630-288-8480 Fax: 303-265-2915 inquiries@emediausa.com 2000 Clearwater Drive Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA If you need to target audiences in the UK, visit www.emedia.co.uk for details of the range of titles available. emediausa.com accelerated lead generation on demand