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creating high performance work forces
the Social Web is not just a fad

it is a fundamental shift in how humans
communicate, interact, collaborate, search,
organize, buy and sell
social gaming can have a tremendous impact on
          productivity and motivation
how can HR exploit social
gamification tools to create a high
    performance workforce?
eMee at HR Tech Europe, 26 March, London
eMee at HR Tech Europe, 26 March, London
   at Persistent Systems in India, 7000+
    employees contribute to each others

   the crowd-sourced appraisal has enabled
    the company to abolish end of year
    appraisals, saving thousands of hours
    every year
badges arent only
for kids!
eMee at HR Tech Europe, 26 March, London
eMee at HR Tech Europe, 26 March, London
eMee at HR Tech Europe, 26 March, London
The Engagement Pyramid
eMee at HR Tech Europe, 26 March, London
global 2000 organizations will have at least one
gamified application by 2014
taking the initial steps
                  identify initial goals
                  identify pilot users
                  identify your
                   gamification champion
                  target first roll out in 4
Siddhesh Bhobe,
                 CEO, eMee
www.emee.co.in | www.facebook.com/Cafe.eMee

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eMee at HR Tech Europe, 26 March, London