This document describes 6 potential games:
1) A scavenger hunt to find a hidden object in your messy room before time runs out.
2) A navigation game to arrive at your destination on time without getting lost.
3) A game challenging your ability to stay awake after a night out without dozing off.
4) A game trying to convince a gullible friend an outrageous lie is true.
5) A wakeboarding game to ride the longest without falling off while performing tricks.
6) The winner for each game is determined by points gained and penalties for losing or forfeiting.
The Texas STaR Chart is used to evaluate a campus's progress in meeting technology goals and can be used for technology planning, budgeting, and project evaluation. It shows that MacArthur High School's scores fluctuated between Developing and Advanced across four areas from 2006-2009, with Educator Preparation and Development being the weakest area. Overall, the chart provides important data about the school and can help guide continued improvement in all areas to meet state compliance.