The document is a PDF file containing 29 pages of text and images. It includes various font resources and embedded images. The text on the sample pages is written in Spanish and contains paragraphs, words, and other text elements.
This document provides information about a real estate listing located at 4850 Glen Erin Drive Suite 506. The listing is presented by David Speedie, a sales representative from Sage Real Estate located in Toronto, Ontario. Contact information for David Speedie and Sage Real Estate is provided.
This document provides reminders and information for a Spanish class, including:
1) Icons will be used to ask for volunteers to speak and participate in chat. Microphones will be off except for the teacher, who asks students to listen.
2) Students can draw or write during class. Any questions should be written down to ask the teacher during office hours after class.
3) A list of possible vocabulary words is provided for the month of February, related to love, friendship, food, and Valentine's Day.
4) Additional vocabulary words are presented with illustrations, including family members, foods, and expressions of love.
Intervento a L'altraeconomia organizzato da Rethinking economics, Bologna, 6 maggio 2016. Cosa hanno a che fare pluralismo in economia e valutazione della ricerca?
Content Curation tools for Steve Madden companyRuslan Useinov
Content curation involves collecting and sharing online content to benefit an audience. There are different types like aggregation, distillation, and elevation. Curation benefits brands through increased traffic, leads, and engagement. Steve Madden aims to provide innovative fashion footwear. Currently it uses platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, but could explore curation tools like Juxtapost, Curata, and Kapost which integrate with systems like Marketo to further efforts through visual content and structured workflows. These tools may help Steve Madden if used effectively.
The results of survey conducted for the fake Toronto based Moving CompanyRuslan Useinov
Within Toronto, there is a constant need for a quality moving service due to the vast amount of individuals who are interested in residing within one of Canada¡¯s largest city¡¯s.
Purpose of research project is to identify why consumers will select a moving company, along with the characteristics that they find most useful.
The reason why survey was conducted, is to understand what additional services people want to have during the moving process. Are people able to pay additional 50 dollars to have one extra person in crew? Are there any benefits for people renting a truck and doing everything by himself without moving companies?
For the business, like moving company, I can distinguish five main stakeholders, such us:
Storage industry
Trade associations
The time period covered by the survey was 18 days, and during that time frame I¡¯ve got 25 survey responses. Each respondent need to respond at least 3 questions, and depends of the answers, next question are subject to change. All questions not necessarily need to be answer, and respondent are able to skip each question. A lot of respondents skipped questions, so I had in result 9 blank responds (25 responds in total, and 9 from 25 deleted before data analyzing).
To exclude people, who not interested on Moving services, I decided to ask in first question: ¡°How often, if ever, do you currently need to move from one location to another?¡±
According to the responds to the first question, I can assume that 35,7% of respondents are not interesting in moving services at all.
Maybe it¡¯s because my target audience for survey is people in age brake from 35 to 49, but all responses i got from people at the age from 18 to 34
The main idea to conduct this survey is to get more information why, how, when and why people are choosing moving services instead of renting a truck, or ask friends for help with the moving processes
According to the answers, 44,4% of people still prefer to ask friends for help with moving.
On next question, where participants were asked to describe in few sentences why it¡¯s better to ask for help friends, rather to find moving company, we¡¯ve got next answers:
I think it is more trustful and it is not hard to move if we plan better!
Cheaper, friends make it fun
That¡¯s the word cloud, which was generated from the responds
Based on answers, I can assume, that people looking for a best service. Customers looking for a company, which they can trust. Price is also a very important aspect. I also noticed, that few of respondents mentioned ¡°planning the moving¡± words in feedback.
It is silly to deny, that moving to a new place is always difficult from several points:
need to pack, unpack, organize, create an inventory etc. All those processes taking too much energy, so no one like that exhausted process
you need to live your house or apartments, where you spend part of your
A collection of my first and second year MLA work as well as work experience in the landscape architecture profession in South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Suplemento de Seguran?a para Constru??o Civilprevencaonline
Este documento fornece dicas de seguran?a para trabalhadores da constru??o civil. As principais dicas incluem: proteger instala??es el¨¦tricas contra intemp¨¦ries; sinalizar escava??es; organizar e limpar canteiros de obra; fornecer equipamento de prote??o individual adequado; e treinar trabalhadores no uso seguro de ferramentas e equipamentos.
Lugares Turisticos ( Sandra Gil, Miriam Vilar i Maria de Haro..Florida Secund¨¤ria
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre varias ciudades importantes como Roma, Londres, Par¨ªs, Nueva York y Australia. Resume los principales puntos de inter¨¦s de cada ciudad como el Coliseo, la Fontana de Trevi y las Termas de Caracalla en Roma, el Museo Brit¨¢nico, el Palacio de Westminster y la Torre de Londres en Londres, y la Torre Eiffel, el Arco del Triunfo y Disneyland Paris en Par¨ªs. Tambi¨¦n brinda detalles sobre la importancia de Nueva York como centro financiero y cultural mund
O documento descreve os principais equipamentos de tecnologia utilizados em uma escola, incluindo televis?o, microcomputadores, projetor multim¨ªdia, aparelhos de som, c?mera digital, celulares, microfone e caixa de som. Explica como cada um desses equipamentos pode ser usado para melhorar o ensino e a aprendizagem, como pesquisas na internet, aulas mais atraentes com PowerPoint e registro de trabalhos com c?meras digitais.
El documento discute las diferencias entre el mast¨ªn ligero espa?ol tradicional y el mast¨ªn m¨¢s pesado promovido por los clubes caninos en las d¨¦cadas recientes. Argumenta que el mast¨ªn ligero ha sido la forma predominante y m¨¢s funcional de la raza, adaptada para trabajar con el ganado y cazar en las diversas regiones de Espa?a. El est¨¢ndar original de 1946 se bas¨® en perros de la regi¨®n de Ciudad Real y describ¨ªa al mast¨ªn ligero, no al mast¨ªn m¨¢s pesado favorecido hoy en d¨ªa.
As 4 Leis da Espiritualidade ensinadas na ?ndia s?o: 1) A pessoa que vem ¨¦ a pessoa certa; 2) Aconteceu a ¨²nica coisa que poderia ter acontecido; 3) Toda vez que voc¨º iniciar ¨¦ o momento certo; 4) Quando algo termina, acaba realmente.
This document provides information about a real estate listing located at 4850 Glen Erin Drive Suite 506. The listing is presented by David Speedie, a sales representative from Sage Real Estate located in Toronto, Ontario. Contact information for David Speedie and Sage Real Estate is provided.
This document provides reminders and information for a Spanish class, including:
1) Icons will be used to ask for volunteers to speak and participate in chat. Microphones will be off except for the teacher, who asks students to listen.
2) Students can draw or write during class. Any questions should be written down to ask the teacher during office hours after class.
3) A list of possible vocabulary words is provided for the month of February, related to love, friendship, food, and Valentine's Day.
4) Additional vocabulary words are presented with illustrations, including family members, foods, and expressions of love.
Intervento a L'altraeconomia organizzato da Rethinking economics, Bologna, 6 maggio 2016. Cosa hanno a che fare pluralismo in economia e valutazione della ricerca?
Content Curation tools for Steve Madden companyRuslan Useinov
Content curation involves collecting and sharing online content to benefit an audience. There are different types like aggregation, distillation, and elevation. Curation benefits brands through increased traffic, leads, and engagement. Steve Madden aims to provide innovative fashion footwear. Currently it uses platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, but could explore curation tools like Juxtapost, Curata, and Kapost which integrate with systems like Marketo to further efforts through visual content and structured workflows. These tools may help Steve Madden if used effectively.
The results of survey conducted for the fake Toronto based Moving CompanyRuslan Useinov
Within Toronto, there is a constant need for a quality moving service due to the vast amount of individuals who are interested in residing within one of Canada¡¯s largest city¡¯s.
Purpose of research project is to identify why consumers will select a moving company, along with the characteristics that they find most useful.
The reason why survey was conducted, is to understand what additional services people want to have during the moving process. Are people able to pay additional 50 dollars to have one extra person in crew? Are there any benefits for people renting a truck and doing everything by himself without moving companies?
For the business, like moving company, I can distinguish five main stakeholders, such us:
Storage industry
Trade associations
The time period covered by the survey was 18 days, and during that time frame I¡¯ve got 25 survey responses. Each respondent need to respond at least 3 questions, and depends of the answers, next question are subject to change. All questions not necessarily need to be answer, and respondent are able to skip each question. A lot of respondents skipped questions, so I had in result 9 blank responds (25 responds in total, and 9 from 25 deleted before data analyzing).
To exclude people, who not interested on Moving services, I decided to ask in first question: ¡°How often, if ever, do you currently need to move from one location to another?¡±
According to the responds to the first question, I can assume that 35,7% of respondents are not interesting in moving services at all.
Maybe it¡¯s because my target audience for survey is people in age brake from 35 to 49, but all responses i got from people at the age from 18 to 34
The main idea to conduct this survey is to get more information why, how, when and why people are choosing moving services instead of renting a truck, or ask friends for help with the moving processes
According to the answers, 44,4% of people still prefer to ask friends for help with moving.
On next question, where participants were asked to describe in few sentences why it¡¯s better to ask for help friends, rather to find moving company, we¡¯ve got next answers:
I think it is more trustful and it is not hard to move if we plan better!
Cheaper, friends make it fun
That¡¯s the word cloud, which was generated from the responds
Based on answers, I can assume, that people looking for a best service. Customers looking for a company, which they can trust. Price is also a very important aspect. I also noticed, that few of respondents mentioned ¡°planning the moving¡± words in feedback.
It is silly to deny, that moving to a new place is always difficult from several points:
need to pack, unpack, organize, create an inventory etc. All those processes taking too much energy, so no one like that exhausted process
you need to live your house or apartments, where you spend part of your
A collection of my first and second year MLA work as well as work experience in the landscape architecture profession in South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Suplemento de Seguran?a para Constru??o Civilprevencaonline
Este documento fornece dicas de seguran?a para trabalhadores da constru??o civil. As principais dicas incluem: proteger instala??es el¨¦tricas contra intemp¨¦ries; sinalizar escava??es; organizar e limpar canteiros de obra; fornecer equipamento de prote??o individual adequado; e treinar trabalhadores no uso seguro de ferramentas e equipamentos.
Lugares Turisticos ( Sandra Gil, Miriam Vilar i Maria de Haro..Florida Secund¨¤ria
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre varias ciudades importantes como Roma, Londres, Par¨ªs, Nueva York y Australia. Resume los principales puntos de inter¨¦s de cada ciudad como el Coliseo, la Fontana de Trevi y las Termas de Caracalla en Roma, el Museo Brit¨¢nico, el Palacio de Westminster y la Torre de Londres en Londres, y la Torre Eiffel, el Arco del Triunfo y Disneyland Paris en Par¨ªs. Tambi¨¦n brinda detalles sobre la importancia de Nueva York como centro financiero y cultural mund
O documento descreve os principais equipamentos de tecnologia utilizados em uma escola, incluindo televis?o, microcomputadores, projetor multim¨ªdia, aparelhos de som, c?mera digital, celulares, microfone e caixa de som. Explica como cada um desses equipamentos pode ser usado para melhorar o ensino e a aprendizagem, como pesquisas na internet, aulas mais atraentes com PowerPoint e registro de trabalhos com c?meras digitais.
El documento discute las diferencias entre el mast¨ªn ligero espa?ol tradicional y el mast¨ªn m¨¢s pesado promovido por los clubes caninos en las d¨¦cadas recientes. Argumenta que el mast¨ªn ligero ha sido la forma predominante y m¨¢s funcional de la raza, adaptada para trabajar con el ganado y cazar en las diversas regiones de Espa?a. El est¨¢ndar original de 1946 se bas¨® en perros de la regi¨®n de Ciudad Real y describ¨ªa al mast¨ªn ligero, no al mast¨ªn m¨¢s pesado favorecido hoy en d¨ªa.
As 4 Leis da Espiritualidade ensinadas na ?ndia s?o: 1) A pessoa que vem ¨¦ a pessoa certa; 2) Aconteceu a ¨²nica coisa que poderia ter acontecido; 3) Toda vez que voc¨º iniciar ¨¦ o momento certo; 4) Quando algo termina, acaba realmente.