The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) provided training to Iowa nurse Joan McMahon that helped her successfully respond during historic flooding in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in June 2008. McMahon utilized the incident command training and flexibility emphasized at CDP to evacuate 183 patients from Mercy Medical Center and activate their emergency operations center. She credits her CDP training with allowing her to remain calm under the chaotic conditions during the flood response.
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IowaNurse CreditsCDPTrainingFor Successful FloodResponse
Iowa Nurse CreditsCDP Training For Successful FloodResponse
Joan McMahon
Whenthe Cedar RiverreachedhistoricfloodlevelsJune 2008 andforcedthe evacuationof asmany as 10,000
townspeople fromnearbyCedarRapids,Iowa,alocal nurse knew exactlywhattodothanksto specializedtrainingshe'd
JoanMcMahon, a nurse withthe Mercy Medical CenterinCedarRapids,wasa recentgraduate of the Healthcare
Leadership(HCL) andPandemicInfluenzaPlanningandPreparedness(PIPP)coursesatthe CDP.
Hundredsof CedarRapidscitizens responded to help protect Mercy Medical. Eventually,therivercrested atclose to 32
feet,despite predictionsthatthe river would crest at 24 feet.
2. Mercy leadershipdecidedtoevacuate 183 patientsandactivate theirEmergency OperationsCenterasheavyrain,city
wide powerproblems,andinfrastructure failurescrippledthe city.Despite the chaoticenvironment,McMahonsaysshe
was able tostay calm andfocusedthanksto herCDP training.McMahon utilizedthe flexibilityand teamwork
"The intense CDPexerciseswere constantlythrowinginjects,scenarios,andrequestsall atonce,"saidMcMahon,a 27-
yearveteranof Mercy Medical Center."Thiswasexactlywhathappenedduringourdisaster.[Asa resultof the training,]
I getit. I finallygetit."
McMahon stressedthatthe IncidentCommandportionof hercourseswere mostbeneficial duringthe floodand
ultimate standupof the EOC.
The EOC forMercy Medicalwas fully activated as flood waters threatened thehospitalon June12. A recentCDP student
saysthe conceptsand principlestaughthere assisted in theresponse
"The atmosphere inthe EOC waschaotic,"she said."I wouldsaythe ICS systemandthe constant planningand
preparednesshelped toeducate usall andhelpedusremaincalm.Asa representative forouremergencymanagement
groupwe constantlytryto integrate [CDPtraining] intoourobjectivesandshow everyonehow vital the toolswe've
learnedare to successful disastermanagement."
Mercy Medical'sflooded lobby
McMahon has consistentlystressedpreparednessandpusheshercoworkersandmostseniorofficialstoattendCDP
"The conceptsand principlestaughtatthe CDP have helpedme tremendously,"stressedMcMahon."Iam sothankful
for the coursesand we continue toEDUCATE, EDUCATE, and reinforce all of the principlestaughtduringHCLand PIPP."
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