This presentation provides tips on emergency preparedness. It discusses staying informed about potential emergencies through warning systems and community plans. It emphasizes the importance of making a plan for your family that considers your needs, risks, and where you may be located during an emergency. The presentation also provides guidance on building a disaster supplies kit with non-perishable food, water, and items needed to sustain your family for at least 72 hours. Additional resources for emergency preparedness from organizations like FEMA, Red Cross, and local agencies are also listed.
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Emergency planning
1. Title of Presentation
Client Name
August 22, 2012
Employee Name,
Emergency Preparedness
Tips to Protect You and Your Loved Ones
Presented by:
Susan Stoba
2. Agenda
+ Introduction to Emergency Preparedness
+ Staying Informed
+ Making a Plan
+ Building a Kit
+ Additional Resources
4. Being and Staying Informed
+ What happens where you are?
C For Los Angeles:
? Fires
? Earthquakes
? Manhunts
? Blackouts
? Riots
? Pandemics
+ Warning Systems & Signals C How do you get information?
C Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA),
C Emergency Alert System (EAS),
C National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio
C Local City, State or Local Agency emergency notifications
+ Community and Other Plans
C Disaster/Emergency Plans
C Local community, day care center, schools, work
6. Making a Plan
+ Plan Practically
C 72 Hours
C Bi-coastal emergency contacts
C Family meeting spot
+ Plan for your risks
C Medical needs? Dietary needs?
Different age groups? Pets?
+ Plan for Locations
C Home
C School
C Workplace
C In a moving vehicle
8. How to Build a Disaster Supplies Kit
+ Basic disaster supplies kit
+ Maintaining your kit
C Rotating water
+ Kit storage locations
C Work
C Car
C Home
+ Non-Perishable Food
+ Managing water
C Consumption Only
+ Water
C 1 gallon per person per day
9. Additional Resources
+ FEMA --
+ Red Cross --
+ Center for Disease Control (CDC) --
+ City of Glendale --,