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Emerging Trends & Behaviors
in Mobile for 2013
Globally, tablet sales are forecast to outstrip PC sales
by 2016. While tablet customers share common
behaviors to PC users, there are marked differences
across platforms that present interesting
opportunities to marketers.
Source: Business Insider
Phones are for snacking, Tablets
are for meals
Media Content Accessed Through Device

Business and IT Professionals Worldwide who
own a Tablet, by Job Title
% of respondents
In the first half of 2012 36% of all emails were opened on a mobile
device (phones and/or tablets), an increase of 32% from late 2011
numbers of 27.39% (Knotice). At this rate, we should expect to hit the
tipping point where over 50% of all emails are opened on mobile
devices during 2013.

This presents a problem to marketers: email does not perform as well
on phones & tablets as it does on traditional PCs, with Click To Open
(CTO) rates originating from phone/tablet devices often over 50% less.

To accommodate rapidly increasing mobile open rates and ensure PC
experiences do not suffer, responsive email design should be
considered. Using this technique, the content and layout of email
responds to provide an optimal experience based on the device used to
open it: Desktop users continue see a full-width email, while mobile
users could see a streamlined template with one single offer, fewer
navigation buttons, easy-to-tap calls-to-action, and boiled down
messaging that shows you only whats important.

Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled handsets are
increasingly available. NFC applications are expected to
become more widespread, particularly in markets with a high
penetration of Android devices, such as South Korea.

NFC is most often thought of as a mobile payment solution 
NFC driven mobile payments are expected to hit $100bn by
2016 (Source: ABI Research).

There are many other potential uses of NFC, including:

     Adding activation to out of home campaigns
     Driving data exchange & experiences at events,
      conferences & shows
     Peer-to-peer file transfers, social networking & gamification
     Automating door locks, car ignitions, home automation
      through proximity

In 2011 Starbucks proved that mobile payments were finally
here to stay by becoming the largest retailer in the world
taking mobile payments  over $110 million in the first year.

In 2013 ISIS, Google Wallet, PayPal, Square, Passbook and
others will take mobile payments & the mobile wallet
mainstream for Smartphone users. By 2020, Pew predict
that most people will have replaced their wallets for smart-

In many developing countries such as Nigeria and Angola,
mobile payments via SMS & Feature Phone applications are
already commonplace  industry analysts predict 20 million
Nigerians using mobile money by 2015 (source: Business
Daily Online). Users of Kenyas M-Pesa system now send
money totaling 20% of that countrys GDP to each other
each year via text message (Time Magazine)

In 2012 iconmobile redefined experiential marketing by
putting an interactive Windows Phone 7 interface in the
hands of iPhone and Android users, without having to
install an app or download a video.

The results were astounding. In just a few weeks
between November 14  30, 2011 the demo gained:

    5 million demos
    $ .07 cost per demo
    96% Organic traffic
    73% purchase intent for iPhone and Android visitors
    +32 point lift in purchase intent

In 2013 expect experience based marketing to explode 
using the unique capabilities of mobile devices to show,
not tell customers about products and services.

From toothbrushes to entire cars, Smartphones are
increasingly used as the technological glue that
connects our physical and digital lives.

Mobile phones and tablets are becoming the
remote controls of our daily lives; the physical
world becomes the catalyst for spontaneous
interactions and commerce via mobile devices --
the primary digital connection to customers.

Recognizing that mobile is not just another channel
but an opportunity to deliver advanced contextual
services enables planning for differentiated, next
generation mobile experiences.
Mobile Marketing Maturity

                                   $ ROI
                            learning curve

      1               2       3
By 2017, 85% of the world will be covered by 3G mobile internet and half
will have 4G coverage, according to Sony Ericsson.

Personalized and data-soaked, context and location aware, the phone is
the window into the consumer's soul that marketers have been looking
for. Whether brands are invited in depends on whether marketers
understand what consumers want and need in a mobile environment. By
any measure, they're not moving fast enough.

To put it bluntly, there needs to be more ad spending on mobile, which
now comprises only about 1% of budgets, according to a recent study
from the consultancy Marketing Evolution. Based on ROI analyses of
smartphone penetration, that figure will be about 7%. In five years' time,
that number will need to be in excess of 10%.

Thank you!
paul booth
director of strategy  iconmobile llc
119 pine street, 305, Seattle, 98101



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Emerging Mobile Trends & Behaviors for 2013

  • 1. Emerging Trends & Behaviors in Mobile for 2013 paul.booth@iconmobile.com www.iconmobile.com
  • 2. Globally, tablet sales are forecast to outstrip PC sales by 2016. While tablet customers share common behaviors to PC users, there are marked differences across platforms that present interesting opportunities to marketers. Source: Business Insider
  • 3. Phones are for snacking, Tablets are for meals Media Content Accessed Through Device Business and IT Professionals Worldwide who own a Tablet, by Job Title % of respondents
  • 4. In the first half of 2012 36% of all emails were opened on a mobile device (phones and/or tablets), an increase of 32% from late 2011 numbers of 27.39% (Knotice). At this rate, we should expect to hit the tipping point where over 50% of all emails are opened on mobile devices during 2013. This presents a problem to marketers: email does not perform as well on phones & tablets as it does on traditional PCs, with Click To Open (CTO) rates originating from phone/tablet devices often over 50% less. To accommodate rapidly increasing mobile open rates and ensure PC experiences do not suffer, responsive email design should be considered. Using this technique, the content and layout of email responds to provide an optimal experience based on the device used to open it: Desktop users continue see a full-width email, while mobile users could see a streamlined template with one single offer, fewer navigation buttons, easy-to-tap calls-to-action, and boiled down messaging that shows you only whats important. http://www.knotice.com/reports/Knotice_Mobile_Email_Opens_Report_FirstHalf2012.pdf http://www.responsys.com/land/download-email-design-look-book-2012
  • 5. Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled handsets are increasingly available. NFC applications are expected to become more widespread, particularly in markets with a high penetration of Android devices, such as South Korea. NFC is most often thought of as a mobile payment solution NFC driven mobile payments are expected to hit $100bn by 2016 (Source: ABI Research). There are many other potential uses of NFC, including: Adding activation to out of home campaigns Driving data exchange & experiences at events, conferences & shows Peer-to-peer file transfers, social networking & gamification Automating door locks, car ignitions, home automation through proximity http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20121018006048/en/NFC-Mobile-Payment-Transaction-Spend-Hit-100
  • 6. In 2011 Starbucks proved that mobile payments were finally here to stay by becoming the largest retailer in the world taking mobile payments over $110 million in the first year. In 2013 ISIS, Google Wallet, PayPal, Square, Passbook and others will take mobile payments & the mobile wallet mainstream for Smartphone users. By 2020, Pew predict that most people will have replaced their wallets for smart- devices. In many developing countries such as Nigeria and Angola, mobile payments via SMS & Feature Phone applications are already commonplace industry analysts predict 20 million Nigerians using mobile money by 2015 (source: Business Daily Online). Users of Kenyas M-Pesa system now send money totaling 20% of that countrys GDP to each other each year via text message (Time Magazine) http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Future-of-Money/Overview/Introduction-and-overview-of- responses.aspx http://www.businessdayonline.com/NG/index.php/news/76-hot-topic/31507--nigeria-to-become-dominant- in-africas-mobile-payment-market http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2103289,00.html
  • 7. In 2012 iconmobile redefined experiential marketing by putting an interactive Windows Phone 7 interface in the hands of iPhone and Android users, without having to install an app or download a video. The results were astounding. In just a few weeks between November 14 30, 2011 the demo gained: 5 million demos $ .07 cost per demo 96% Organic traffic 73% purchase intent for iPhone and Android visitors +32 point lift in purchase intent In 2013 expect experience based marketing to explode using the unique capabilities of mobile devices to show, not tell customers about products and services. http://aka.ms/wpdemo
  • 8. From toothbrushes to entire cars, Smartphones are increasingly used as the technological glue that connects our physical and digital lives. Mobile phones and tablets are becoming the remote controls of our daily lives; the physical world becomes the catalyst for spontaneous interactions and commerce via mobile devices -- the primary digital connection to customers. Recognizing that mobile is not just another channel but an opportunity to deliver advanced contextual services enables planning for differentiated, next generation mobile experiences.
  • 9. Mobile Marketing Maturity $ ROI Organization learning curve Consumer engagement level 1 2 3
  • 10. By 2017, 85% of the world will be covered by 3G mobile internet and half will have 4G coverage, according to Sony Ericsson. Personalized and data-soaked, context and location aware, the phone is the window into the consumer's soul that marketers have been looking for. Whether brands are invited in depends on whether marketers understand what consumers want and need in a mobile environment. By any measure, they're not moving fast enough. To put it bluntly, there needs to be more ad spending on mobile, which now comprises only about 1% of budgets, according to a recent study from the consultancy Marketing Evolution. Based on ROI analyses of smartphone penetration, that figure will be about 7%. In five years' time, that number will need to be in excess of 10%. http://adage.com/article/news/marketing-s-years/237616/
  • 11. Thank you! paul booth director of strategy iconmobile llc 119 pine street, 305, Seattle, 98101 paul.booth@iconmobile.com @paulboo