Emily Beardow is a recruitment consultant specializing in mechanical engineering. She takes a quality over quantity approach, ensuring the best fit between candidates and clients. Emily works diligently, taking her work seriously and going the extra mile for clients and candidates. She has received praise for her professionalism, clarity, and excellent ideas. Emily focuses on mechanical engineering roles within industries like automotive, aerospace, and oil and gas. In her personal time, she enjoys music, cooking, and world foods.
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Emilys Profile
1. Emily Beardow Profile
Emily plays a prominent and proactive role in the Engineering
Division with a strong vocation to add as much value as possible for
his clients strictly placing ¡°best fit¡± candidates for the positions in
hand. Emily works on the Mechanical Engineering team, and has a
strict quality, not quantity approach to her work.
In her own words Emily admits ¡°I take my work extremely seriously, and I
am extremely motivated and driven. I can always find the passion and
energy to go that extra mile for my clients and candidates¡±.
The continued success is down to her consultative, proactive approach,
tailoring each and every role to meet the needs of clients and candidates
Reference by Client.
¡°Emily showed a high degree
of professionalism throughout
their preparation and
presentation. She portrayed
clarity of thought and
excellent ideas which put Industry
them ahead of other teams
nationally¡± Emily specialises within the Engineering industry and works within the
Mechanical Engineering division. her specialty is in the disciplines of
Design, Maintenance, Production and Management. she works in many
industry sectors including but not limited to:
? Scientific instruments
? Automotive
? Aerospace
Reference by Candidate ? Oil and Gas
? Special Purpose Machinery
¡°Emily explained the role in ? Capital Equipment
detail, and liaised with me at
all stages of the recruitment
phase. Emily detailed the job Personal Interests
description well, and was
easy to get in touch with at all I am passionate about Music and enjoy going to live music shows. I am
times when I had a question. also passionate about cooking and world foods, and spend most of my time
¡± cooking with friends, or eating out.
Genesis Associates (UK) Ltd, Bank House, The Paddock, Handforth, Cheshire, SK9 3HQ GENESIS
Tel: +44(0)1625 415351 Fax: +44(0)1625 521664 Email: recruitment@genesisassociates.co.uk |
www.genesisassociates.co.uk THE START
2. Genesis Vision
How we behave Our Vision
Professional We provide a complete search and selection service; always
Represent the business with professional, innovative and flexible in responding to the needs of our
integrity. Accept constructive candidates and clients.
feedback to develop and grow.
Lead by example, promote positivity We are a company that recognises and rewards high performance
and develop commercial providing development and career opportunities for all our employees
To be recognised as industry experts in specialist markets with a
Enthusiastic strategy to develop our ¡°Premier Partners¡±
Demonstrate belief and passion in
the work we do to support the
business objectives. Always being
positive; looking for solutions to How we work
Respect Consistent - Consistent in our work, behaviour, performance and
For all clients, candidates, outlook. Continually over achieving the expectations of our customers and
stakeholders and shareholders in colleagues
the business. We respect the
Selective - In whom we work with, the assignments we work on and the
opportunities & resources provided
approach we use. We are selective in who we employ and the services
and the input required to achieve
we offer
our goals
Bespoke - Using a focused, entrepreneurial, proactive technique, we are
Loyalty able to succeed where other agencies fail to deliver. We embrace and
Share knowledge and experience adapt to change
willingly. Look after the interests of
our clients, candidates and Genesis Dedicated - Prepared to do what¡¯s necessary to make the business
Associates. Support the business successful and to deliver against promises. Happy to go the extra mile to
decisions and objectives achieve a high performance culture
Leadership On Trust - We are honest and truthful throughout the business. Client
Take personal ownership and set and candidate trust is never breached
the standard to which we expect
others to operate. Promote the
values of the business
Genesis also supply
Genesis Associates is a provider of Engineering ¨C Power Generation, Oil & Gas, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil
interim, contract and permanent Sales ¨C IT Sales, Technical Sales, Commercial Sales
recruitment solutions across the
globe. IT Technical ¨C Software developers, Support, Sharepoint, BI
Client Services ¨C Print & Packaging, Employee Benefits, Creative
As a trusted advisor to both
privately owned and blue chip
organisations our ethos is simple:
Contact Emily & find out more about her services:
We source and identify talent to
ensure our clients realise their Office: +44 1625 415 351
commercial objectives.
Mobile: +44 781 682 4107
We provide candidates with Email: ebeardow@genesisassociates.co.uk
expertly matched opportunities
designed to enable them to develop LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/chris-green-buckley/17/20b/a75
and progress. Twitter: @Sabine H Douglas
Genesis Associates (UK) Ltd, Bank House, The Paddock, Handforth, Cheshire, SK9 3HQ
Tel: +44 1625 415351 Fax: +44 1625 521664 Email: recruitment@genesisassociates.co.uk | GENESIS