Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness of one's emotions and the ability to manage stress and relationships. It focuses on skills such as self-awareness, managing emotions, and handling relationships that are not typically measured by standard IQ tests. Developing emotional intelligence can help one understand emotional states that impact how we work and interact with others.
#2: * identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups
#3: * Brains different circuitries * The guy with perfect scores and high IQ, lacking of self-mastery
#4: * used in ethics * oneself introspection , ability to recognize as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals * we focus attention in ourselves we compare our current behavior to our internal standards and values. * High IQ lawyer * Decisions need feelings * Basal ganglia: decision rules, gastrointestinal, gut sense/quick decisions * Full decisions -> verbal cortex * Is what Im about to do in keeping with my sense of purpose, meaning or ethics?. Verbal cortes put into words.
#5: * positive -> creative, problem solver, better decision making * negative -> weak arguments distinguishers, less attention to detail, quick decisions, skeptical * sour/somber -> attention to detail in boring tasks * anger -> focus, attention and energy mobilizer -> thwart goals * bad mode -> unpleasant for team, cranky, harmony disruptive, lowers team effectiveness
#6: * interconnection differences * Four stages * George Lucas , Phil Glass, JRR Tolkien/Marquez
#7: * Keep nurturing the circuitry so ideas can blossom
#8: * amygdala is our bad boss * brains were designed as a tool for survival -> threat detected -> take full control of prefrontal cortex * DO NOT control what emotions we will have or how we will fell about them * dont think about other than what is troubling you, no learning, no improving, no remembering -> only thrusting over-learned habits * Body gets a flow of hormones -> cortisone and adrenaline * Amygdala makes mistakes -> most triggers now days are not real threats
#9: * MINIMIZE: If you dont realize you are in the midst of a hijack you dont stand a chance of getting back emotional equilibrium * awareness internal states -> management states * Prefrontal cortex -> good boss -> self regulator, decision making, reasoning, flexible response * DO control, when the prefrontal cortex has its inhibitory circuits full blast youll be able to have a decision point. * People may live hijacked * Reason with yourself * Meditation
#10: * Pilots are over 99% of population live under stress, thats their zone * Imagine crowd decides to start firing random people constant stress * Right prefrontal vs Left prefrontal: distressing emotions vs enthused, energized emotions. * Activity ratios predict peoples day by day mood * Style 1 unflappable people vs people who easily become upset * Style 2 Fast recover vs chronic worry keeping amygdala primed and yourself in distress as long as you ruminate . * Style 3 People with stronger feelings authentically communicate their feelings and move people * Left/right: People flourishing in live 3-1 ratio, successful teams 5-1 * Health: (right) immune response weakened vs (left) restoration and recovery * Meditation on the bio startup * lovingkindness * pharmacology
#11: * Narcissists, Machiavellians, sociopaths they all have defects in EI brain areas * People very good at cognitive empathy lacking of EI and empathic concern * The murder story, did not felt empathy regrets * Charming to superiors but abusive to direct reports * The guy at work that never does a lick of work
#12: * let go judgment * Increase present moment perception * Do not ignore emotions, see the flow * how much time