This document discusses emotional intelligence (EI), including definitions from experts like Dr. Travis Bradberry. EI is defined as the ability to identify, assess and control one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves four core skills under two competencies: personal competence and social competence. Research shows EI relates to important workplace outcomes. For example, over 75% of Fortune 500 companies use EI training and 90% of top performers have high EI. EI helps with leadership, decision-making, teamwork and conflict resolution.
2. Dr. Travis Bradberry
Dr. Travis Bradberry is the awardwinning coauthor of the
#1 bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, and the
cofounder of TalentSmart, the world's leading provider of
emotional intelligence tests and training, serving more
than 75% of Fortune 500 companies.
His bestselling books have been translated into 25
languages and are available in more than 150 countries.
Dr. Bradberry has written for, or been covered by,
Newsweek, BusinessWeek, Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company,
Inc., USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington
Post, and The Harvard Business Review.
3. What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Dr. Travis Bradbery:
Emotional intelligence is the something in each
of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we
manage behavior, navigate social complexities,
and make personal decisions that achieve
positive results.
4. What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Dr. Travis Bradbery:
intelligence is
made up of four
core skills that pair
up under two
competence and
social competence.
5. What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Dr. Travis Bradbery:
intelligence is
made up of four
core skills that pair
up under two
competence and
social competence.
6. What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Dr. Travis Bradbery:
The communication between your
emotional and rational brains is the
physical source of emotional intelligence.
The pathway for emotional intelligence
starts in the brain, at the spinal cord.
Your primary senses enter here and must
travel to the front of your brain before
you can think rationally about your
However, first they travel through the
limbic system, the place where emotions
are generated. So, we have an emotional
reaction to events before our rational
mind is able to engage. Emotional
intelligence requires effective
communication between the rational
and emotional centers of the brain.
8. Emotional intelligence (EI) is
defined as the ability to identify,
assess and control the emotions of
oneself, of others and of groups.
The concept of emotional
intelligence began to emerge in the
1990s, with the publication of
Daniel Golemans book Emotional
Intelligence in 1995 based on the
work of psychologists Howard
Gardner (Harvard), Peter Salovey
(Yale) and John Mayer (New
Hampshire) in the 1970s.
Daniel Goleman
9. Emotional Intelligence is
the ability to identify our
own emotions and those
of others, to self-motivate
ourselves and know how
to monitor our emotions
and those of the people
around us.
What is Emotional Intelligence ?
10. What is
Intelligence ?
The emotional intelligence
concept was introduced in the
early 1990's by Daniel
Golemen. It has captured a
great deal of attention from
practicing leaders and from
organizations seeking to
enhance the leadership abilities
of their employees.
Emotional intelligence is
having ones ability to
perceive and express
emotions, understand and
reason with emotions, and
effectively manage with
emotions. This goes not only
for yourself, but with others.
11. By Dr. Travis Bradberry
Emotional Intelligence Statistic
Emotional Intelligence Statistic
Conducting validation research on
the Six Seconds Emotional
Intelligence Test (SEI), the research
team assessed the importance of
emotional intelligence as
measured by the SEI.
The international study assessed
665 individuals ranging in ages
from 18 to 65, slightly more
women than men, education from
some high-school education to
post-graduate degrees, and a wide
range of occupations and levels
from entry-level to executive.
Emotional Intelligence Statistic
Awareness is Know Yourself accurately assessing emotional data.
Management is Choose Yourself consciously selecting emotional response.
Direction is Give Yourself purposefully applying emotion toward significance.
In these three dimensions, analysis of 24,436 people from around the globe shows women have
a slight edge in all three. In the Know Yourself area, Ms. Average scores 1.8% higher than Mr.
Average but only 0.4% higher in the Choose Yourself area (see Figure 1: EQ and Gender,
14. Emotional Intelligence Statistic
According to
a leading provider of
emotional intelligence
training, over 75% of
the Fortune 500
companies use
emotional intelligence
training tools and 90%
of top performers have
high emotional
Given two professionals with the
same level of skills, expertise and
IQ what then would be the
determining factor that will
determine who is successful?
Emotional Intelligence. Think of
emotional intelligence and IQ as an
iceberg. You can only see the tip of
it (which is ones IQ), but no one can
see the enormous body of ice below
and this represent emotional
intelligence. Being emotional
intelligence is a surefire way to
success not only in your
professional career or business but
also in every aspect of your life.
23. An examination of more than 300 top-level executives from fifteen
global companies showed that six emotional competencies
distinguished stars from the average.
Team Leadership
Organizational Awareness
Achievement Drive and
32. Workplace Conflict Resolution
All conflicts tend to have a high emotional content, and so
emotional intelligence plays an important role when
resolving workplace issues. Dreachslin and Kiddy [2] cite
Daniel Goleman of the Consortium for Research on
Emotional Intelligence.
Goleman described the central components of emotional
intelligence as:
Self-Awareness (our own feelings)
Self-Management (managing our emotions)
Social Awareness (recognising other peoples feelings) and
Social Skills (managing emotions in others).
33. An understanding of
these factors can
assist managers to:
create trusting
perform more
effectively under
make better decisions,
defuse potential
workplace conflicts.