R. Todd Stephens outlines 15 emotional needs that Enterprise 2.0 employees may have. The needs include a need for control over one's environment, connection to others, promoting one's expertise, fairness, contributing to corporate knowledge, feeling part of business objectives, being part of something bigger, getting what they want when they want it, organizing work in their preferred way, having work tools similar to personal tools, instant access to needed information, and not being left behind in technological changes. Stephens has a Ph.D. in Information Systems and is responsible for collaboration strategy at AT&T.
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Emotional Needs
1. R. Todd Stephens, Ph.D. Emotional Needs for the Enterprise 2.0 Employee 15 WAYS
15. No Command and Control of Information The need to have instantaneous access to information that I need, when I need it 14 Way th
16. Enterprise 2.0 The need not to be left behind in this next transformation of work! 15 Way th
17. About the Author R. Todd Stephens, Ph.D. R. Todd Stephens is the Technical Director of the Collaboration and Online Services Group for the AT&T Corporation. Todd is responsible for setting the corporate strategy and architecture for the development and implementation of the enterprise collaborative and metadata solutions. Todd writes a monthly online column in Data Management Review and has delivered keynotes, tutorials and educational sessions for a wide variety of professional and academic conferences around the world. Todd holds degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from Columbus State University, an MBA degree from Georgia State University, and a Ph.D. in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University. Todd has been awarded four U.S. patents in the field of metadata and collaboration as well as co-authored books on web-enabled applications, open source, virtual workspaces, web 2.0 and collaboration. Current book will focus on the elements of building professional trademarks. Online : http://www.rtodd.com Enterprise Metadata Blog: http://www.rtodd.com/blog Collaborage: Enterprise 2.0 Blog http://www.collaborage.com