This document is a book titled "Emotions and Students' Goals" by Nenad Suzi, PhD. It was published in 2002 by the Teacher Training Centre in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The book contains 5 chapters that discuss emotions and goals of students, including an experiment on the efficiency of interactive learning in the classroom. It also examines the emotional dimension of motivation in education and competencies needed for the 21st century. The book provides references and indexes at the end.
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Emotions and-students'-goals pdf
1. Nenad Suzi, PhD
Teacher Training Centre Banja Luka, 2002.
2. Dr Nenad Suzi
Emotions and students goals
Published by:
Teacher Training Centre, Banja Luka
Dr Drago Brankovi
Dr Svetozar Milijevi
Mr Biljana Pani-Babi
Preface 5
Students goal orientations: Attribution of goals ... 9
Students emotions and goals . 33
Efficiency of interactive learning: Experiment in classroom . 79
Emotional dimension of motivation in education .. 125
Competences for the 21st century ... 149
Name index 189
Subject index .. 193
Ainley, M. D.: 39, 64
Allen, J. D.: 22, 26, 44, 64
Alexander, P. A.: 38, 40, 64, 69
Allport, G. W. (Olport): 11, 26, 34
Ames, C.: 10, 11, 19, 26, 37, 41, 64, 108
Anderson, C. W.: 39, 67
Archer, J.: 11, 26, 37, 60, 64
Bandura, A.: 40, 64
Banur, V.: 147
Banse, R: 46, 67
Barron, K. E.: 27, 66
Barsalou, L.W.: 11, 26
Batin-Pearson, S.: 87, 108
Blumenfeld, P. C.: 10, 26, 41, 64, 68
Boisvert, J.: 38, 65
Bong, M.: 37, 64
Bouffard, T.: 38, 65
Brankovi, D.: 147, 173, 189
Brophy, J. E.: 38, 65
Bujas, Z.: 84, 108
Butler, R.: 11, 26, 38, 65
Byrnes, J. P.: 180, 189
Cantor, N.: 83, 109
Carter, S. M.: 27, 66
Carver, C.: 40, 65
Church, M. A.: 37, 65
Combs, A. (Kums): 34
Covington, M. V.: 11, 18, 19, 23, 26, 45, 65, 82, 108
Csikszentmihalyi, M.: 145, 147
Cvetkovi, 貼.: 137
Cox, M. T.: 10, 26, 28
Debus, R. L.: 50, 67, 82, 83, 87, 98, 108
De Groot, E. V.: 50, 69
Deppe, R. K.: 83, 108
DesJardins, M.: 10, 27
Dowson, M.: 10, 11, 13, 21, 27, 38, 39, 42, 43, 50, 65, 87, 108
Dweck, C. S.: 10, 27, 38, 65
orevi, J.: 137
Edgerton, R. B.: 14, 20, 21, 25, 27, 52
Eisenberg, N.: 46, 65, 171, 189
Elliot, A. J.: 27, 37, 65, 66
Erikson, E.: 152, 181
Ervin, F.: 128, 147
Farel, .: 181
Farmer, H. S.: 23, 27
6. Ferguson, T. J.: 46, 53, 54, 65, 66
Fischer, A. H.: 46, 47, 67,
Fisher (Fi邸er): 15, 53, 66, 181
Ford, M. E.: 12, 22, 27, 41, 42, 44, 66
Fridlund, A. J.: 46, 66
Fries, A. B. W.: 164, 181
Garber, J.: 41, 69
Garcia, T.: 83, 108
Gardner, H.: 133, 134, 147, 149, 155, 160, 161, 175, 178, 182
Goldschmidt, W. (Goldsmit): 14, 20, 21, 27, 52
Goleman, D.: 132, 134, 135, 144, 147, 164, 181
Haladyna, T. M.: 37, 69
Harackiewicz, J. M.: 16, 27, 37, 50, 65, 66, 83, 88
Harkins, S. G.: 12, 27
Hartop, B.: 166, 181
Havelka, N.: 137
Hay, I.: 41, 66
Healey, J.: 40, 41, 67, 87, 108
Herbart, J. F.: 146
Hess, U.: 46, 67
Hidi, S.: 38, 66
Hill, K. G.: 28, 83, 108, 109
Hilsman, R.: 41, 69
Holt, K.: 11, 28, 39, 68
Horowitz, M. J.: 152, 181
Hundt, G. M.: 17, 18, 28
Ili, M.: 147, 166, 181
Jagacinski, C. M.: 19, 27, 28
Jakobs, E.: 46, 51, 67, 164, 181
Jenkin, J.: 41, 67
Jetton, T. L.: 38, 64
Kappas, A: 46, 67
Kardash, C. M.: 88, 108
Koci, Lj.: 147
Komensky, J. A.: 146
Kulikowich, J. M.: 38, 64
Kva邸ev, R.: 36, 67
Larouche, C.: 38, 65
Leake, D. B.: 10, 11, 26, 27, 28
Lee, O.: 39, 67
Leggett, E. L.: 10, 27, 38, 65
Lussier, C.: 88, 109
Maehr, M. L.: 10, 11, 23, 27, 29, 38, 41, 65, 66, 67, 70
Manstead, A. S. R.: 46, 47, 67, 164, 181
Mark, V.: 128, 147
Marsh, H. W.: 28, 40, 41, 50, 67, 82, 83, 87, 98, 108
Martin, A. J.: 50, 67, 69, 82, 83, 87, 98, 108
Maslow, A. H.: 11, 28
McClelland, D. C.: 36, 44, 67