Listado universidades senescytmaritzallcastilloEste documento lista numerosas universidades de Alemania, con su nombre en alemán, inglés y español. Incluye información sobre el país, continente y nombre de la institución en tres idiomas para más de 100 universidades alemanas.
Emova client pub ghid-encheque_dejeunerEmova is launching a gift box called Emova that contains dining and hospitality experiences across Romania. The Emova box includes a gastronomic guidebook, a voucher for two people to use, and a catalog of partner restaurants and hotels. It comes in four price tiers from 240 to 800 lei. The goal is to provide a unique gift that promotes local businesses. The accompanying guidebook is distributed to 30,000 people annually and advertises to high-income customers interested in gastronomy. Emova offers a marketing platform for partners to reward employees, clients, and promote their businesses.
Hangouts & BHO workshop voor Brakel AtmosAdversitementEen eerste kennismaking met Google Hangouts en aanvullende webinar technologie zoals Business Hangouts
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - American Cancer SocietyLeonard GotshalkLeonard Gotshalk, president of Gotshalk Enterprises and philanthropist, supports various local and national organizations through donations, with a focus on the American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society runs the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer program of charity walks to honor survivors, raise awareness, and fund research and mammograms, bringing nearly 300 communities together since its inception to fight breast cancer through thousands of walkers and corporate sponsors.
Reimagining Service Wisconsin Presentation Oct 2012Volunteer WisconsinOn Oct. 11, 2012, Kaira Esgate of Reimagining Service presented the Reimagining Service principles and service enterprise model to an audience of 200 nonprofit, corporate and public sector attendees in Wisconsin.
Rotary International Works with Peace Corps to Gain VolunteersLeonard GotshalkLeonard Gotshalk oversees Gotshalk Enterprises, a consulting and financial firm he founded in 1974 while playing in the NFL. He is active in his community as a former member of Rotary International, an organization of over 1.2 million business and professional leaders across 34,000 clubs worldwide. In 2014, Rotary International and the Peace Corps announced a collaboration to address poverty, lack of clean water, and illiteracy by bringing awareness to their joint efforts in Thailand, Togo, and the Philippines through volunteer experiences shared at Rotary clubs. The two organizations jointly work in over 60 countries and many former Peace Corps volunteers later join Rotary.
Google+ is GoogleAdversitementOp maandag 11 november 2013 mocht ik tijdens een bijeenkomst van de Social Media Club Uden/Veghel (SMC0413) een presentatie geven over Google+.
In deze presentatie heb ik laten zien dat Google+ niet het zoveelste sociale netwerk is maar een sociale laag die alle Google diensten aan elkaar verbindt.
Door deze verbinding ben je in staat om met Google+ waardevolle relaties op te bouwen die bijdragen aan de continuïteit van je organisatie.
Leonard Gotshalk Continues the Tradition of Angus Cattle Breeding Leonard GotshalkLeonard Gotshalk owned Gotshalk Rainbow Ranch, a Black Angus cattle operation in Lakeport, California. He served as a director of the Western States Angus Association under the American Angus Association. The American Angus Association was established in 1883 by 60 members and is now the largest beef breed registry worldwide. It started when Angus cattle were imported from Scotland to the US and crossbred with Texas Longhorn cows, creating a hardier breed suited for American conditions. Today, Angus beef is a popular brand known for its quality as food.
Leonard Gotshalk - Tinker Air Force Base During World War IILeonard GotshalkLeonard Gotshalk supports Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City. During World War II, Tinker Air Force Base played an important role by repairing equipment such as cargo planes, bombers, and aircraft engines. Located in Oklahoma City, Tinker Air Force Base was established in 1941 as an air material depot and expanded during the war by acquiring additional facilities. It was named after Major General Clarence L. Tinker, an Oklahoma native who died fighting Japanese troops in World War II.
Volunteer Connection Basic FunctionsVolunteer WisconsinThis document provides a user guide for an online volunteer management system called Volunteer Connection. It outlines the basic functions for agencies to post volunteer opportunities, manage contact information, locations, and track referrals from interested volunteers. The guide walks through logging in, creating an opportunity listing, and using the dashboard tabs for contacts, locations, referrals, and more. It aims to teach users how to recruit and communicate with volunteers through the online system.
E20summit Rawnshah 120207043040 Phpapp01Wasim AkhtarThe document summarizes a keynote presentation by Rawn Shah on social business excellence at the Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris, France in 2012. The presentation discusses how social media has opened new conversations across organizational boundaries by breaking down invisible walls between functions. It also notes that lines of business are now spanning many roles and interacting in new ways to improve customer service, sales, and business development, but risks potential chaos if not managed effectively. The presentation argues social business approaches can create value, but organizations must work to strengthen culture, sales channels, and brand awareness to maximize benefits.
Volunteer Connection EligibilityVolunteer WisconsinThe document outlines the eligibility criteria for organizations to post volunteer opportunities on the Volunteer Wisconsin website. Organizations that are eligible include 501(c)(3) non-profits, government, faith-based groups, civic groups, community coalitions, and schools. These organizations can post opportunities for purposes like client services, public education, fundraising, and program support. The same types of organizations are also eligible to post disaster-related volunteer opportunities to assist with relief efforts. Final approval of all posted opportunities is at the discretion of Volunteer Wisconsin.
Emova client pub ghid-encheque_dejeunerEmova is launching a new gift box concept in Romania containing vouchers for fine dining experiences. The Emova gift box is available in 4 price tiers and contains a gastronomic guide of restaurants along with vouchers that can be redeemed at partner establishments. It is meant to surprise and delight recipients with unique food and hospitality experiences. Emova aims to be a one-stop shop for corporate gifts and client loyalty programs by offering curated dining experiences through their gift boxes and guide.
Volunteer Engagement Assessment & StandardsVolunteer WisconsinView this presentation for information on employing Volunteer Engagement Standards in your organization. Download the self-assessment at
Strategies to Engage Generations of VolunteersVolunteer WisconsinVolunteer Wisconsin has compiled this information for organizations interested in targeting different generations for volunteer opportunities. Learn tips for effectively engaging different generations.
Leveraged Recapitalization - One Way Companies Resist Takeover BidsLeonard GotshalkLarry Gotshalk oversees operations as president of Gotshalk Enterprises and has expertise in private equity, mergers, and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions involve companies merging operations or one acquiring another to enhance financial standing. A business takeover is an acquisition where a firm makes an offer for another's outstanding stock. However, not all transactions are friendly as hostile takeovers involve resistant targets who may use leveraged recapitalization, selling equity and acquiring debt, to become a less attractive investment.
Leonard Gotshalk - Tinker Air Force Base During World War IILeonard GotshalkLeonard Gotshalk supports Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City. During World War II, Tinker Air Force Base played an important role by repairing equipment such as cargo planes, bombers, and aircraft engines. Located in Oklahoma City, Tinker Air Force Base was established in 1941 as an air material depot and expanded during the war by acquiring additional facilities. It was named after Major General Clarence L. Tinker, an Oklahoma native who died fighting Japanese troops in World War II.
Volunteer Connection Basic FunctionsVolunteer WisconsinThis document provides a user guide for an online volunteer management system called Volunteer Connection. It outlines the basic functions for agencies to post volunteer opportunities, manage contact information, locations, and track referrals from interested volunteers. The guide walks through logging in, creating an opportunity listing, and using the dashboard tabs for contacts, locations, referrals, and more. It aims to teach users how to recruit and communicate with volunteers through the online system.
E20summit Rawnshah 120207043040 Phpapp01Wasim AkhtarThe document summarizes a keynote presentation by Rawn Shah on social business excellence at the Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris, France in 2012. The presentation discusses how social media has opened new conversations across organizational boundaries by breaking down invisible walls between functions. It also notes that lines of business are now spanning many roles and interacting in new ways to improve customer service, sales, and business development, but risks potential chaos if not managed effectively. The presentation argues social business approaches can create value, but organizations must work to strengthen culture, sales channels, and brand awareness to maximize benefits.
Volunteer Connection EligibilityVolunteer WisconsinThe document outlines the eligibility criteria for organizations to post volunteer opportunities on the Volunteer Wisconsin website. Organizations that are eligible include 501(c)(3) non-profits, government, faith-based groups, civic groups, community coalitions, and schools. These organizations can post opportunities for purposes like client services, public education, fundraising, and program support. The same types of organizations are also eligible to post disaster-related volunteer opportunities to assist with relief efforts. Final approval of all posted opportunities is at the discretion of Volunteer Wisconsin.
Emova client pub ghid-encheque_dejeunerEmova is launching a new gift box concept in Romania containing vouchers for fine dining experiences. The Emova gift box is available in 4 price tiers and contains a gastronomic guide of restaurants along with vouchers that can be redeemed at partner establishments. It is meant to surprise and delight recipients with unique food and hospitality experiences. Emova aims to be a one-stop shop for corporate gifts and client loyalty programs by offering curated dining experiences through their gift boxes and guide.
Volunteer Engagement Assessment & StandardsVolunteer WisconsinView this presentation for information on employing Volunteer Engagement Standards in your organization. Download the self-assessment at
Strategies to Engage Generations of VolunteersVolunteer WisconsinVolunteer Wisconsin has compiled this information for organizations interested in targeting different generations for volunteer opportunities. Learn tips for effectively engaging different generations.
Leveraged Recapitalization - One Way Companies Resist Takeover BidsLeonard GotshalkLarry Gotshalk oversees operations as president of Gotshalk Enterprises and has expertise in private equity, mergers, and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions involve companies merging operations or one acquiring another to enhance financial standing. A business takeover is an acquisition where a firm makes an offer for another's outstanding stock. However, not all transactions are friendly as hostile takeovers involve resistant targets who may use leveraged recapitalization, selling equity and acquiring debt, to become a less attractive investment.
Leveraged Recapitalization - One Way Companies Resist Takeover BidsLeonard Gotshalk
Emova prezentare client & publicitate ghid
Ghidul “à lacarte!”,primul ghid gastronomicdinRomania
lanseaza unproiect unic pepiata locala:
kitul decadouri ce va misca siva emotiona publicul
printr‐onoua viziune despre cadouri
Creat pentru asurprinde placut pecei pecareiiapreciezi,
kitul Emova trezeste cele mai rafinate placeri culinare.
Emova este uncadou original,careil pune invaloare pe
cel careil ofera sisepotriveste perfectcelui careil
Inkitul decadouri Emova veti gasi informatii sioferte ale
celor mai prestigioase restaurante sihoteluri din
Kitul Emova cuprinde:
Kit l E i d
• ghidul gastronomic“à lacarte!”
• unvouchervaloric valabil pentru doua persoane
• uncatalogcuofertele sidatele decontactalepartenerilor
nostri dindiversedomenii
Estedisponibil in4variante:
BRONZE (240lei)
SILVER (405lei)
GOLD (615lei)
PLATINIUM (800lei)
Calitate si siguranta
Emova este responsabila deselectia celor mai buni furnizori
deservicii pentru cabeneficiarul sa aibe intr‐adevar satisfactia
unui cadou special,exclusivist.
Emova este uninstrumentidealdebusiness:
• motiveaza sau recompenseaza cei mai buni salariati
• este perfectpentru cadourile deafaceri
• fidelizeaza cusucces clientii
Kitul Emova poate fi cumparat:
• onlinedepesite‐ul
• directinretelele demagazinepartenere
• in sistem B2B
Beneficiarul cadoului Emova,dupa ce consulta catalogul de
servicii recomandate sialege activitatea dorita,face rezervarea
Aflat ladoua editie,este unicul ghid degastronomie din
Cuundesigndeosebit sicalitate exceptionala,
ghidul “à lacarte”contine 96depagini cudescrieri de
restaurante,clasificari sirecomandari,inromana siengleza.
Ghidul este editat anual:
Suport hartie:interior150gmp,coperti 450gmp.
Atasat kitului Emova sau individual,ghidul “à lacarte”este
disponibil online,directinmagazinesau B2B.
De asemenea, se distribuie gratuit in hoteluri de lux,
inhoteluri delux,
aeroporturi sau laevenimente speciale.
Esteunghid dereferinta pentru persoane cu
venituri mari:oamenii deafaceri,amatorii degusturi
rafinate,cupenetrare puternica inmediul debusiness
1/1 Pagina* 220x220mm
220x220 mm 2200euro
2 200 euro
1/2Pagina* 110x220mm 1300 euro
2/3Coperta 4 160x220mm 3000euro
Pachet Partener 4800euro
• Advertorial ½ pagina
• 1paginadegrafica
• Siglapecoperta4:dimensiune4x4cm,300dpi
MachetelegraficesepredauinformatPDF/TIFF /AI in
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