The document discusses the importance of internships and work experience for career success after university. It notes that the author selected their university course and business school based on maximizing exemptions from professional exams. They applied to around 30 internships to gain practical work experience. The internship provided valuable skills in teamwork and presentations. Securing an internship requires an intensive application process with interviews and assessments. While stressful, internships are vital for preparing for the workplace and gaining relevant experience that makes applicants more competitive for graduate programs and full-time jobs.
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1. I selected business school based on
reputation (13th in country
Selected course based on max # exemptions from
chartered accountancy exams
Applied to lots of internships (~30) could apply
course theory in business
Could access purple door (team people to help
during & up to 5 yrs post course for
CVs, interview practice, assessment centre
practice, network with local businesses..
Looked at CV eg email address, could see
Opted into 4yr course with 1 yr internship
found own internship
Offered job at internship company, turned down as
wanted graduate programme with accountancy option
Asked lecturers for help with interview preparation
Selected A Levels & Uni course based on best
predicted grades in earlier exams
Need to be determined to get work
if you cant be bothered will end up
stacking shelves
Inexperienced, driven, bright
University graduate
relevant, meaningful work
experience to potential
Applicants with no work
experience are rejected at
application stage
Internships are vital to prepare for
work place :
1) Securing internship (application
process, interviews (phone &
F2F), assessment centres
2) Great experience during
internship (eg team work,
presenting skills)
Although well prepared still
learnt hard way research
company basic before any
interview, have to apply v early
as often 1st come,
1st serve
Felt v stressed when applying for
graduate programmes (In University
final year as attending course, writing
dissertation, applying for programs
(~40) and having a social life
Work experience was key to getting
the graduate programme (plus above
avge University degree
Friends did not get internship
placements and some went on to
not get jobs as they had no work
The more you can demonstrate
relevant experience the more likely
you are to get into the selection
More likely to succeed if follow a
passion or proven capability