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Developing Employability Skills
through the Curriculum
Give someone a fish and they will eat well for a
day. Give them a fishing rod and they will eat well
for life.

Sarra Saffron Powell
Educational Development
Curriculum Review Coordinator Team
xt. 41180
Learning Outcomes
 Participants will explore ways in which Employability impacts
curricula s and will consider skills and attribute development
through a range of frameworks including the CBI
Framework, Learning and Digital Literacies, and professional &
statutory bodies.
 Participants will consider
implementation, integration, learning activities and
 Participants will be introduced to a tool to get started, other
information sources and who can help (curriculum review
support structure).

Briefly introduce yourselves

School and teaching
What are the drivers for
Sector wide?
Local (University of Liverpool)?

Professional Bodies?
10 mins
Fees (economic contracts and consumer choice)
Access Agreements (Panel on Fair Access to the
Professions 2009)
HEFCE funding
Student expectation
Digital technologies
NSS  Guild agendas
Employment Strategy
Russell Group Competitors
UoL Strategy and Policy (Strategic Aims)
Improving Student Experience
Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR)
Internationalisation (global economy)
QA standards
Professional Bodies and Councils
Co/extra curricula (Liverpool Life)
Curriculum Review
Employers  CBI skill sets
Low economic growth
Employability is high on the agenda
Embedding employability into the core of higher education will
continue to be a key priority of Government, universities and
colleges, and employers. This will bring both significant private
and public benefit, demonstrating higher educations broader
role in contributing to economic growth as well as its vital role in
social and cultural development. (HEFCE 2011, p5)

Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for
employability, HEA, York
NB: HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) allocates funding from the
Government to universities and colleges
Challenges for HEIs  Employability is a
significant response
In an environment of high tuition fees and low economic
growth, student expectations of both the qualification, and the
experience of higher education (HE) itself, have been raised and
questioned. Many HEIs are now adopting a renewed focus on
the student experience and in engaging students as partners in
learning. The challenge for HEIs is to address this through
enhancing the quality of pedagogical approaches: the context of
delivery, curricula construction and recognition of the impact
that co-curricular and extra-curricular activities have in
encouraging students to become confident learners and
individuals capable of making a full contribution to society.
Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for
employability, HEA, York
So what is Employability?
Two definitions and a starting point
A set of achievements  skills, understandings and personal
attributes  that makes graduates more likely to gain
employment and be successful in their chosen
occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the
community and the economy.
(ESECT*, based on Yorke 2006)

Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for
employability, HEA, York
* Higher Education Academy and the Enhancing Student Employability Co-ordination
Team (ESECT)

An employment approach
Employability is not just about getting a job. Employability is
more than about developing attributes, techniques or
experience just to enable a student to get a job, or to progress
within a current career. It is about learning and the emphasis is
less on employ and more on ability. In essence, the emphasis
is on developing critical, reflective abilities, with a view to
empowering and enhancing the learner.
(Harvey 2003)

Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for
employability, HEA, York

An employability approach
The skills debate
What are the differences between skills
and attributes? (no clear, agreed
definitions in lit.)

How can we ensure they are adequately
So what is Employability
at UoL?
UoL Employability Strategy
A set of skills, knowledge and personal attributes that make an
individual more likely to secure and be successful in their
chosen occupation(s) to the benefit of themselves, the
workforce the community and the economy ((HEA, 2006).
The development of University wide Employability Strategy
requires an integrated approach based in a curricular, co
curricula and extra curricula collaboration.

University of Liverpool, Employability Strategy, 2012
CBI skills sets

NUS, CBI (2012) Working towards your future: Making the most of your time
in higher
education, http://www.nus.org.uk/Global/CBI_NUS_Employability%20report_May%20201
CBI skills sets
1. Self-reliance skills: self-management, readiness to accept
responsibility, flexibility, resilience, time-management;
2. People skills: teamwork, communication skills, listening and
questioning, respecting others, contributing to discussions;
3. General employment skills: problem
solving, literacy, numeracy;
4. Specialist skills: business and customer
awareness, application of IT.
University of Liverpool, Employability Strategy, 2012
Overlap and synergy with Digital
Literacy and Learning Skills Strategy*

*In consolation Nov 2012
Digital Literacy and Learning Strategy*
all students are given the opportunity to develop learning and
study skills
students are able to develop the digital learning skills they need
for study and employment
the contribution that the development of learning and digital
literacy skills makes to the enhancement of student employability
is clearly articulated

The University of Liverpool, Learning and Digital Literacy Learning Strategy, 2012
Draft, *in consultation - revised Learning and study Skills Strategy
digital learning competences ensure students are adequately
equipped for living, learning, working and researching in a
continually developing digital world
Employers are increasingly expecting graduates to be conversant
with a range of information, communication and media tools.
Employability in the curriculum (1)
ESECT Key findings
 Development takes time  months and years.
 Development takes practice.

 Students need to hear, repeatedly, what it is intended that
they learn in order to understand what that means, to know
ways of judging what they have achieved, and to see how to
 Ideally, this would mean programme-level planning having
priority over planning at the level of the module.
Mantz Y, Knight P T, ( 2006) Embedding employability into the curriculum, HEA, York
* Higher Education Academy and the Enhancing Student Employability Co-ordination
Team (ESECT)
So how might employability in the
curriculum look?
Employability through the whole curriculum?

Employability in the core (key skills) curriculum?
Work-based or work-related learning incorporated as
one or more components within the curriculum?
Employability-related module(s) within the curriculum?
Work-based or work-related learning in parallel with
the curriculum?
Mantz Y, Knight P T, ( 2006) Embedding employability into the curriculum, HEA, York
So how does employability in
your current curriculum look?
Does it support digital literacy ad
learning skills?
When is employability
introduced to your students 
how and who by?
In reality hybrid models most
Skills auditing  a common auditing
tool for employability

Skills auditing identifies the gaps
Foregrounds programme <>module correlations

Based on pedagogical model: curriculum alignment
Underpinned by Constructive alignment
(outcomes based approach), Biggs, (2003)
Learning Outcomes (LO)  Taught
activities most likely to lead to LO - Practice
assessment of LO - Assess
arrive at final grade
Curriculum mapping
 Module Leaders discuss interpretation of terms (what they
mean and is there synergy with Digital Literacy and
learning skills?)
 Check understanding of proformas (e.g how much
evidence constitutes confirmation that a skill is
 Module leaders undertake mapping exercise where skills
are explicitly taught/practiced assessed
Curriculum mapping
Information from the mapping performance can collated into
the chart/spreadsheet to look at the overall picture (see
Issues/questions can then be discussed - e.g. are all skills
covered; are there any instances where the students are
assessed the skill level not been taught their skill; are there
issues of skill development and progression from years 1 to 2 in
2 to 3 (for undergraduate courses)
Curriculum mapping

The information from the mapping for the modules
could not be used to revisit the learning outcomes each
patrol/programmes. The whole process can often
highlight skills may not previously explicitly stated as
learning outcomes
You are not 温鉛看稼艶.
Curriculum Review Team

Liverpool Life
iLearn (student skills development)

250+ resources
Skills diagnostic
Subject specific:
Key lab skills Physics
Stats for Psychology

Developing Digital Literacies Working

Tunde Varga Atkin
iTeach (relaunch Aug 2013)

Sources of support, resources and
 Careers Faculty Employability consultants (Employability
Strategy Implementation Plans)
 Student facing workshops
 Employer led programmes
 Online Programme and Module Planner (coming soon!)
 eLearning Unit
 Educational Development (workshops)
 PGCert  402 Module Design and Evaluation
 Guild input
 Professional Bodies guidance and Subject Benchmarking
 Higher Education Academy
 ESECT literature etc
 In response to economic conditions, Employability is high on all
national and local agendas
 Employability is defined variously and not always helpfully
 Employability can take many shapes in the curriculum
 Employability Strategy to be implemented across University
 The strategy is based on CBI skills sets which must be included in
 The strategy adopts a curricula, co curricula and extra curricula
 Employability is closely related to digital literacy and learning
skills development
 Skills auditing is a useful starting point to embed Employability
into the curriculum
 There are a range of resources to develop curriculum
 Feedback please
Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for employability, HEA, York
Educational Development and Developing Digital Literacies Working Group (Feb 2012), Learning and Digital
Literacy Skills Strategy, draft version 7, Educational Development and Developing Digital Literacies Working
Mantz Y, Knight P T, ( 2006) Embedding employability into the curriculum, HEA, York [accessed 29/11/2012]
NUS, CBI (2012) Working towards your future: Making the most of your time in higher education, [accessed
29/11/2012] http://www.nus.org.uk/Global/CBI_NUS_Employability%20report_May%202011.pdf
University of Liverpool, Employability Strategy, 2012,
Biggs, J (2003) Aligning Teaching and Assessment to Curriculum Objectives, (Imaginative Curriculum
Project, LTSN Generic Centre)

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Employability in the curriculum (1)

  • 1. Developing Employability Skills through the Curriculum Give someone a fish and they will eat well for a day. Give them a fishing rod and they will eat well for life. Anon. Sarra Saffron Powell Educational Development Curriculum Review Coordinator Team Sarrasaf@liv.ac.uk xt. 41180
  • 2. Learning Outcomes Participants will explore ways in which Employability impacts curricula s and will consider skills and attribute development through a range of frameworks including the CBI Framework, Learning and Digital Literacies, and professional & statutory bodies. Participants will consider implementation, integration, learning activities and assessment. Participants will be introduced to a tool to get started, other information sources and who can help (curriculum review support structure).
  • 3. Introductions Briefly introduce yourselves School and teaching responsibilities?
  • 4. What are the drivers for employability? Sector wide? Local (University of Liverpool)? Professional Bodies? 10 mins
  • 5. Fees (economic contracts and consumer choice) Access Agreements (Panel on Fair Access to the Professions 2009) HEFCE funding Student expectation Digital technologies NSS Guild agendas Employment Strategy Russell Group Competitors UoL Strategy and Policy (Strategic Aims) Improving Student Experience Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR) Internationalisation (global economy) QA standards Professional Bodies and Councils Co/extra curricula (Liverpool Life) Curriculum Review Employers CBI skill sets others? Low economic growth
  • 6. Employability is high on the agenda Embedding employability into the core of higher education will continue to be a key priority of Government, universities and colleges, and employers. This will bring both significant private and public benefit, demonstrating higher educations broader role in contributing to economic growth as well as its vital role in social and cultural development. (HEFCE 2011, p5) Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for employability, HEA, York NB: HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) allocates funding from the Government to universities and colleges
  • 7. Challenges for HEIs Employability is a significant response In an environment of high tuition fees and low economic growth, student expectations of both the qualification, and the experience of higher education (HE) itself, have been raised and questioned. Many HEIs are now adopting a renewed focus on the student experience and in engaging students as partners in learning. The challenge for HEIs is to address this through enhancing the quality of pedagogical approaches: the context of delivery, curricula construction and recognition of the impact that co-curricular and extra-curricular activities have in encouraging students to become confident learners and individuals capable of making a full contribution to society. Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for employability, HEA, York
  • 8. So what is Employability?
  • 9. Two definitions and a starting point A set of achievements skills, understandings and personal attributes that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy. (ESECT*, based on Yorke 2006) Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for employability, HEA, York * Higher Education Academy and the Enhancing Student Employability Co-ordination Team (ESECT) An employment approach
  • 10. Employability is not just about getting a job. Employability is more than about developing attributes, techniques or experience just to enable a student to get a job, or to progress within a current career. It is about learning and the emphasis is less on employ and more on ability. In essence, the emphasis is on developing critical, reflective abilities, with a view to empowering and enhancing the learner. (Harvey 2003) Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for employability, HEA, York An employability approach
  • 11. The skills debate What are the differences between skills and attributes? (no clear, agreed definitions in lit.) How can we ensure they are adequately developed?
  • 12. So what is Employability at UoL?
  • 13. UoL Employability Strategy A set of skills, knowledge and personal attributes that make an individual more likely to secure and be successful in their chosen occupation(s) to the benefit of themselves, the workforce the community and the economy ((HEA, 2006). The development of University wide Employability Strategy requires an integrated approach based in a curricular, co curricula and extra curricula collaboration. University of Liverpool, Employability Strategy, 2012
  • 14. CBI skills sets NUS, CBI (2012) Working towards your future: Making the most of your time in higher education, http://www.nus.org.uk/Global/CBI_NUS_Employability%20report_May%20201 1.pdf
  • 15. CBI skills sets 1. Self-reliance skills: self-management, readiness to accept responsibility, flexibility, resilience, time-management; 2. People skills: teamwork, communication skills, listening and questioning, respecting others, contributing to discussions; 3. General employment skills: problem solving, literacy, numeracy; 4. Specialist skills: business and customer awareness, application of IT. University of Liverpool, Employability Strategy, 2012
  • 16. Overlap and synergy with Digital Literacy and Learning Skills Strategy* *In consolation Nov 2012
  • 17. Digital Literacy and Learning Strategy* all students are given the opportunity to develop learning and study skills students are able to develop the digital learning skills they need for study and employment the contribution that the development of learning and digital literacy skills makes to the enhancement of student employability is clearly articulated The University of Liverpool, Learning and Digital Literacy Learning Strategy, 2012 Draft, *in consultation - revised Learning and study Skills Strategy
  • 18. digital learning competences ensure students are adequately equipped for living, learning, working and researching in a continually developing digital world Employers are increasingly expecting graduates to be conversant with a range of information, communication and media tools.
  • 20. ESECT Key findings Development takes time months and years. Development takes practice. Students need to hear, repeatedly, what it is intended that they learn in order to understand what that means, to know ways of judging what they have achieved, and to see how to improve. Ideally, this would mean programme-level planning having priority over planning at the level of the module. Mantz Y, Knight P T, ( 2006) Embedding employability into the curriculum, HEA, York * Higher Education Academy and the Enhancing Student Employability Co-ordination Team (ESECT)
  • 21. So how might employability in the curriculum look?
  • 22. Employability through the whole curriculum? Employability in the core (key skills) curriculum? Work-based or work-related learning incorporated as one or more components within the curriculum? Employability-related module(s) within the curriculum? Work-based or work-related learning in parallel with the curriculum? Mantz Y, Knight P T, ( 2006) Embedding employability into the curriculum, HEA, York
  • 23. So how does employability in your current curriculum look? Does it support digital literacy ad learning skills? When is employability introduced to your students how and who by?
  • 24. In reality hybrid models most effective
  • 25. Skills auditing a common auditing tool for employability Skills auditing identifies the gaps Foregrounds programme <>module correlations Based on pedagogical model: curriculum alignment
  • 26. Underpinned by Constructive alignment (outcomes based approach), Biggs, (2003) Learning Outcomes (LO) Taught activities most likely to lead to LO - Practice assessment of LO - Assess arrive at final grade
  • 27. Curriculum mapping Module Leaders discuss interpretation of terms (what they mean and is there synergy with Digital Literacy and learning skills?) Check understanding of proformas (e.g how much evidence constitutes confirmation that a skill is taught/practised/assessed?) Module leaders undertake mapping exercise where skills are explicitly taught/practiced assessed
  • 28. Curriculum mapping Information from the mapping performance can collated into the chart/spreadsheet to look at the overall picture (see example) Issues/questions can then be discussed - e.g. are all skills covered; are there any instances where the students are assessed the skill level not been taught their skill; are there issues of skill development and progression from years 1 to 2 in 2 to 3 (for undergraduate courses)
  • 29. Curriculum mapping The information from the mapping for the modules could not be used to revisit the learning outcomes each patrol/programmes. The whole process can often highlight skills may not previously explicitly stated as learning outcomes
  • 30. You are not 温鉛看稼艶.
  • 33. iLearn (student skills development) 250+ resources Skills diagnostic Subject specific: Management Key lab skills Physics Stats for Psychology sarrasaf@liv.ac.uk
  • 34. Developing Digital Literacies Working Group Tunde Varga Atkin tva@liv.ac.uk sarrasaf@liv.ac.uk
  • 35. iTeach (relaunch Aug 2013) Sarrasaf@liv.ac.uk
  • 36. Sources of support, resources and tools Careers Faculty Employability consultants (Employability Strategy Implementation Plans) Student facing workshops Employer led programmes Online Programme and Module Planner (coming soon!) eLearning Unit Educational Development (workshops) PGCert 402 Module Design and Evaluation Guild input Professional Bodies guidance and Subject Benchmarking Higher Education Academy ESECT literature etc
  • 37. Summary In response to economic conditions, Employability is high on all national and local agendas Employability is defined variously and not always helpfully Employability can take many shapes in the curriculum Employability Strategy to be implemented across University The strategy is based on CBI skills sets which must be included in curriculum The strategy adopts a curricula, co curricula and extra curricula model Employability is closely related to digital literacy and learning skills development Skills auditing is a useful starting point to embed Employability into the curriculum There are a range of resources to develop curriculum
  • 39. References Pegg A, Waldock J, Hendy-Isaac S, Lawton R, (2012) Pedagogy for employability, HEA, York Educational Development and Developing Digital Literacies Working Group (Feb 2012), Learning and Digital Literacy Skills Strategy, draft version 7, Educational Development and Developing Digital Literacies Working Group Mantz Y, Knight P T, ( 2006) Embedding employability into the curriculum, HEA, York [accessed 29/11/2012] http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/documents/employability/id460_embedding_employability_into_the_cu rriculum_338.pdf NUS, CBI (2012) Working towards your future: Making the most of your time in higher education, [accessed 29/11/2012] http://www.nus.org.uk/Global/CBI_NUS_Employability%20report_May%202011.pdf University of Liverpool, Employability Strategy, 2012, Biggs, J (2003) Aligning Teaching and Assessment to Curriculum Objectives, (Imaginative Curriculum Project, LTSN Generic Centre)

Editor's Notes

  • #19: Learning encompasses all learning skills and includes ICT, information and media literacies, digital scholarship, collaboration, and managing digital identities: a digitally literate learner is flexible and reflective, confident and capable of selecting appropriate tools and software for effective scholarship and research.