Empowerment is a process that provides greater autonomy to employee through the sharing of relevant information power and the provision of control factors affecting job performance
Participation is the mental and emotional involvement of people in group situation that encourage them to contribute to group goals and share responsibility for them
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Empower and Participation Presentation
2. Empowerment is a process that provides greater autonomy to
employee through the sharing of relevant information power
and the provision of control factors affecting job performance
What is Empowerment ?
3. Five broad approach to empowerment
1. Helping employee achieve
2. Allowing more control
3. Providing successful role model
4. Using reinforcement & persuasion
5. Giving emotional support
4. Participation is the mental and emotional involvement of
people in group situation that encourage them to contribute
to group goals and share responsibility for them
What is Participation ?
5. Three elements of participation
1. Involvement
2. Motivation to control
3. Acceptance of responsibility