Company performance depends on the performance of downline employees. If downline employees work hard and safely, company production and confidence in employees will increase. However, any accidents or injuries that occur can negatively impact morale and performance.
According to surveys, 80% of the over 23 lakh industrial deaths worldwide each year are among downline employees. The root cause of most incidents and injuries is unsafe behaviors. Behavior Based Safety (BBS) is an effective approach to changing unsafe behaviors into safe behaviors and achieving ZERO HARM.
BBS works to change attitudes and behaviors through motivation, caring, listening, and praise. It is driven by employees to empower them. Empowering and motivating downline employees through B
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Empower down
1. EMPOWER DOWN (down line people) , GET CROWN
Companyperformance istotally dependinguponthe performance of downline people. If
the downline people workhardandsafe thencompanyproductionwill be higher,confidence in
people willbe improved, theywill empoweredtoachieve more andmore productionandhence
companyperformance will be achieved.Butunfortunately,if anyfatality,accident,LTI,MTIhappens
incompanythenconfidence andperformance of otherpeople goesdownanditdirectlyreflectsto
the performance of the company.
As persurvey, everyyear23 Lakh people die onlyinindustrial accidentaroundthe World. In
those 23 Lakh , 80% meansaround18.5 Lakh people are fromdownline categoryand20 % means
around 4.5 Lakhpeople are fromsupervisorycategory.
Root cause of anyIncident,LTI,MTI, and Fatality issomeone¡¯sUnsafe Behaviour.BBS
(BehaviourBasedSafety)isveryeffective approachtoconvertthose unsafe behavioursintosafe
Our attitude drivesourbehaviour,if ourattitude ispositive thenwe will dosafe behaviours
and vice versa.Motivationchangesourattitude whichispossible onlythroughBBSconcepts
because BBSdealswith self initiating,caring,listeningandpraising.BBSisbythe people, of the
people andforthe people.
Today¡¯sgenerationis echofriendly,If yougive bestservice,besttreatmenttothe people
thentheywill be attractedtowardsyou. Downline peopleare ourmirror andour performance is
beingreflectedthroughthembytheirsafe,unsafe workatsite. More the motivation,more the
safetyawarenessamong the downline peoplethendefinitelytherewillbe more shine,glaze on
So motivate, empower, givefreedomtodownline peopleinsucha waythat theycan find
mistakesinyou andothersand musttell andcorrect you andothers on the spot withouthesitation.
Thisonlypossible through cordial relationbetweenyouanddownline people.Trytobecome friend
not a BOSS andsee the difference. Aspermypersonal experience BBScompletelychangedmyway
of thinking,wayof talkingandwayof dealingwithdownlinepeople.
Motivation,safetyawarenessof downline peopleismusttoachieve ZEROHARMbecause
ultimatelyyouare buildingupyour confidence, improvingyourperformance dependingupontheir
performance andfinallyyouare securingyourjob.
Followthe BBSconceptshonestlyandachieve ZERO HARMand I am verymuch sure that
togetherwe can achieve ZEROHARM. Give freedomtodownline people, listenthem, correctthem
and empowerthem.
Empower Down Get Crown.
MBBS(Mentorof BehaviourBasedSafety)