The document discusses the possibility of founding a company and provides advice. It states that founding a company is possible now due to resources like information, events, coworking spaces, and startup ecosystems that provide support. However, it is not easy and requires months of work to create and sell a product while earning money. The market is the world, but it's best to start locally and not limit yourself geographically. The key is to start, keep things simple, fail fast and cheaply to learn, try to earn money, and be flexible to close something that's not working and start again.
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Emprender es posible, el momento es ahora y el mercado es el mundo. #eyevillalba17
1. Founding a company: is possible, the moment
is now and the market is the world
Wilhelm Lappe
3. It’s possible
• There are thousands of businesses
• Do it if you want
– It’s difficult: create, manage, sell
– You never know what will happen
– It’s rewarding
5. It’s possible
It’s as simple as Lean Startup:
•Find a problem
•Solve it
•Create a product
•Find a market
•Sell it
Make money
6. It’s possible
But it’s not easy:
•It will take months (6-12)
•Do you have time/money to do it?
•You’ll need to do many things
•How are you going to create something
without developers?
You have to sell
8. The moment is now
There’s an ecosystem:
• A lot of information, videos, books, courses
• There are many events and opportunities for
• You can find coworkings, Madrid campus…
9. The moment is now
There’s an ecosystem:
• There is support, public and private:
incubators, accelerators, small investment
• It’s an investment ecosystem: business
angels, grants, ENISA, venture capital... but
they are different
10. The moment is now
Make a decision
• Freelance, way of life or SME-PYMEs if you
– You can evolve from one to the other
– Freelance can become SME/PYME but
neither can become a startup.
• Startups: a different business model
11. The moment is now
Crisis or not:
The main question is: is this your moment?
– Unemployment: can you survive the next 6-18
months without earning money?
– Working: start doing it at nights, there will be a
moment when you realize there’s no way to continue
doing both simultaneously
It’s about cash flow: for business and personal
13. The place is the world
Make it international
•Your market is the world: nice but not real
•B2C means marketing.. And languages and
different markets
•B2B means culture, visits, maybe local
presence… and languages
14. The place is the world
Start at home: but don’t limit yourself
•The easier way is to do where you have
experience and support
•Maybe Spain is not your market
•Usually understand your market and then go
15. The place is the world
There are opportunities
•Do it alone: try to be part of international
•EOI European Coworkings
16. The moment is now
Be international yourself
• Start in English
• Don’t limit your market/ -ing to Spain (or to
your city).. .that’s only for freelancers
• International team
• English as language of the company
• Maybe international collaborators or
distributed work: not easy to manage.
18. Conclusions
Working plan
•Start it
•Keep it simple: fail fast, fail cheap and learn
•Try to earn money
•If it’s not working, close it, and start
something new (be patient, but not inflexible)
19. I’m ready to believe in me
have fun!