Independent research project created for Nashoba Regional High School's EMT Cadet Program, run by Bolton Ambulance Squad and Quality EMS educators.
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EMS Responce to Terrorism
1. EMS Response
to Terrorism
"I think about the job done yesterday, and tip my hat to the responders,
pray for the victims, and thank whatever forces led me to this calling." -
Michael Morse, rescue captain with the Providence Fire Department
2. Terrorism
The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or
property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian
population or any segments thereof, in furtherance of
political or social objectives"
o Domestic - activities are directed at a government or
population, without foreign direction
Environmental terrorists, Survivalists, Militias, Racial-hate groups,
Extreme political or religious groups
o International -"activities are foreign-based and/or directed
by countries or groups outside the target country or
whose activities cross national borders.
3. First Responders Role
EMS is usually principle target of terrorist attacks
o keep safety top priority!
o Incident command and law enforcement's job is to isolate
hazards and organize evacuation
Notification- potential crime scene
o follow protocols, incident communications may request
additional specialized agencies
Identification of threat (containers, or specific indicators)
protect critical assets!
Gross decontamination (do it)
4. First Responder Role
Scene Size-up
o signs of HAZMAT
o Unconscious
o SLUDGEM signs (explained later)
o skin irritants and symptoms
o difficulty breathing
Situational Awareness
o mass casualties/fatalities with little or no trauma
o responder casualties
o dead animals and plants
Don't Rush In! (clear scene, PPE, secondary explosive
devices, search all patients)
5. Identify Threat Posed by
Event - OTTO
potential act of terrorism is crime scene
o Occupancy (location) - Symbolic targets,
public/assembly areas, businesses, infrastructure
o Type of event -scene involves guns, explosions, mass
casualty with no trauma
o Timing of event - holidays, anniversary, public
gatherings, busy times of day
o On-scene warning signs -unexplained patterns, signs,
symptoms, and containers
6. Take Home Message is you
remember nothing else
o Time - minimize exposure, perform quickly
o Distance - maximize, distances given in Emergency
Response Guidebook
o Shielding - Emergency Response Guidebook for
specific shielding, appropriate PPE, breathing gear,
hide behind cars, buildings, wear HAZMAT suits, get
7. Weapons of Mass
o Chemical
o Biological
o Radiological
o Nuclear
o Explosive
o Criminal activities
Harms Posed by
o Thermal
o Radiological
o Asphyxiation
o Chemical
o Etiological (disease)
o Mechanical
o Psychological
8. Chemical Incidents
usually exposed
through inhalation
o heat, explosives, and
sprayers can aerosolize
o could be ingestion,
injection, absorption
o respiratory gear
HAZMAT clothing
o decontaminate pts
Volatility - choose
chemicals w/ low
boiling point and high
vapor pressure to
evaporate quickly
o greater airborne
release potential
Agents can be
gaseous, liquid, or
9. Classes of Chemical
Choking agents
o e.g. chlorine
o causes - upper or lower-respiratory
irritation, lacrimation, chest pain,
dyspnea, coughing, laryngeal
edema, pulmonary damage/ edema
o Prevent use of oxygen in cells
o highly volatile, rapidly acting
chemical agents.
o e.g. hydrogen cyanide (AC)
o cause - air hunger, hyperpnea,
apnea, seizures, coma, and death
Vesicating (blister) agents
o e.g. mustard gas, sulfur
mustard (HD), nitrogen mustard
(HN), agent T
o may be toxic to the lungs, eyes,
and mucous membranes
o lesions are usually skin, but can
be respiratory, ocular, and GI
o can also cause - cough, bloody
sputum, and dyspnea
o symptoms may not occur for
several hours
10. Classes of Chemical
Agents Count.
Nerve agents
o Inhibit neurotransmission
o signs- SLUDGEM!
GI Upset
Emesis (vomit)
Miosis (small pupils)
o can also cause airway
o Onset varies from 1 minute
to a few hours (skin vs air)
lacrimators / irritating agents
o e.g. (tear gases)
o cause - nasal/ocular discharge,
photophobia, burning sensations
o may cause -chest tightness tightness,
shortness of breath, and malaise
Incapacitating agents
o delayed-onset (1-4 h)
o cause tachycardia, dizziness, vomiting,
blurred vision, stupor, confusion, and
random activity
o can make person docile, belligerent,
stuporous, or confused (seem intoxicated)
11. Biological Incidents
Caused by
o bacteria, viruses,
and/or toxins
focused emergency
or public health
Role of EMS is
primarily supportive
o material can replicate
Four major routes
o absorption, ingestion,
injection, inhalation
Exposed or
o PPE, respiratory protection
o Get as much info as
possible and prioritize
12. Examples of Biological
Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) easy to access,
and durable, small number of anthrax spores
causes the inhalational form
1- to 3-day incubation period, hard to
diagnose in early stages and difficult to treat
once clinical signs are apparent
signs/ symptoms
o necrotic lesions that spontaneously
o fever
o dyspnea (shortness of breath)
o necrotizing hemorrhagic mediastinitis
(bloody death of tissue)
o hypotension
Death within 24-36 hours up to 7 days
Brucellosis (Brucella) bacteria
less commonly fatal
signs/ symptoms
o draining lesions
o fever
o malaise
o osteomyelitis (bone
o genitourinary (genital and
urinary) infections
o endocarditis (inner heart
lining inflammation) -
cause of death
13. Examples of Biological
Weapons Count.
Encephalitis viruses mosquitoes
are a vector
Signs and Symptoms
o fever
o headache
o confusion and
obtundation (dulled
o dysphasia (impaired
o seizures and paresis
vaccine for Venezuelan
equine encephalitis (VEE) is
Smallpox virus vaccine no longer is produced
Aerosol exposure signs and symptoms
o viremia (viruses in blood)
o malaise
o fever
o headache and/or delirium
o prolonged rash
Allergens mite/insect particles, epithelium,
hair, urine, feces, and powdered enzymes
could cause respiratory symptoms,
conjunctivitis (pink eye), and/or dermatitis
(skin inflamation)
Clostridium botulinum
Yersinia pestis (plague)
14. Radiological
Effects of radiation
on bone, GI, CNS
o Time, distance,
o Radiologic detecting
radiological dispersion
o practical and difficult to
o symptoms are delayed
o treatable if early detection
o Military nuclear device
o Improvised
o Radiological dispersal
device (dirty bomb)
o Sabotage
15. Incendiary
variety of devices
o may involve attacks
on a fixed target or
group of people
o assume designed to
disperse bio, chem,
radiologic materials
o preblast vs postblast
Blast injury patterns
o Lung injury - bradycardia,
apnea, and hypotension
o Ear injury - tympanic
membrane (loss of
hearing, blood, ringing)
o Abdominal injury
o Brain injury - concussion
or mild traumatic brain
injury (MTBI)
16. Boston Marathon
responders performed selfless and heroic acts of care and compassion, situation
was special due to large amount of EMS who were on hand for the marathon itself
and were on the scene within seconds, race tents were utilized as cold zone
o Doctors were "pulling ball bearings out of people in the emergency room...a
terrifying scene of shattered glass, bloodstained pavements and severed
limbs." -terrorism expert
o "Somebody's leg flew by my head. I gave my belt to stop the blood" -John
o "They just started bringing people in with no limbs" -Tim Davey
o "They just kept filling up with more and more casualties...Most everybody was
conscious.They were very dazed." -Lisa Davey
o "This is something I've never seen in my 25 years here ... this amount of
carnage in the civilian population." -Alisdair Conn, chief of emergency services
at Massachusetts General Hospital
18. We Can't Always Help
unexploded bombs were rampant Adrian judged scene
was not secure
The conflict between personal priorities and the call to
duty can be significant
o sometimes we can become part of the problem not aid solution
"They were disoriented and dehydrated from the race,
and really couldn't talk much...I couldn't do very much for
them, other than stay with them until friends arrived to
help them home."
o -EMT Adrian Will-Orrego, junior at Northeastern
19. Adam Lane
We had just left the area a minute before the explosion...We could feel the
concussive energy of the primary blast wave
At first we didn't know what it was...We saw a lot of people run by. It seemed
that it was almost instantaneous that medical responders were all over the
place, tending to the wounded
I made the right decision to stay with my friends and go help other runners
who were not injured but were still shocked and exhausted by what happened
You realize after something like this, there is a lot that is just beyond your
control...Had we been delayed a few minutes, things could had been very
o -Adam Lane EMT, PA student studying at the Massachusetts College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences
20. Marathon: IEDs
Explosive Device:
o homemade bomb or
destructive device
created to destroy,
incapacitate, harass,
or distract
wide variety of
can be thrown,
placed, or
composed of
o e.g. vehicle, a package, cans,
backpacks, vests etc.
initiating system
o set off the main charge to make it
o e.g. cell phone, toy RC, etc.
main charge
o almost always includes a blasting cap
and batteries
o any type of battery can be used (e.g. 9-
volt, AA, car batteries, etc.)
21. IED Deployment
Over time: allow enemy to
escape or to target victims
On command: choose the
optimal moment, used against
mobile targets with established
o include wires or radio
controlled devices
o switches include pull or trip,
pressure, pressure release,
movement-sensitive, light-
sensitive, proximity
Deployment Techniques
disguised in a variety of things
Multiple IEDs can be linked together with
detonation cord
o charges detonate simultaneously
often secondary devices and multiple
explosions to increase victims
o scene safety!
gunfire, small bombs, and other
distraction tactics can bait victims into the
kill zone of a second IED
Multiple locations are common with IED
bombers so command officers must be
mindful of their resources
22. Specific IEDs
VBIED: parked vehicle in a high traffic area
VBIEDS: suicide driver VBIED
o hard to detect and stop
o bomber -mobile, able to choose time, place, and victims
Suicide Bombers Personal Borne IEDS (PBIED) attack
with an explosive vest, belt, or baggage attached to person
o commonly hold up to 12 lbs of explosives (can be as high as 45) and
incorporate fragment materials into the design
o potential attack
attempting to circumvent security checkpoint or gate
wearing too much clothing for the weather
suspicious bulges in clothing
23. Works Cited
EMS1 Staff. 3 dead, dozens injured after Boston Marathon explosions. EMS1. N.p., 15 Apr. 2013.
Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <
French, Glenn. Boston bombings: IED recognition for patrol officers. PoliceOne. N.p., 17 Apr. 2013.
Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <
Hsieh, Art. Boston bombings: EMT stories from the scene. EMT1. N.p., 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 19 Apr.
2013. <
24. Works Cited Count.
Kaye, Randi. CNN News Report. Youtube. N.p., 17 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2013.
Limmer, Daniel, et al. "EMS Responce to Terrorism." Emergency Care. Ed. Edward T.
Dickinson. 12th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2012. 1063-97. Print.
Morse, Michael. The Boston bombings: EMS efforts made me proud, humble. EMT1. N.p., 16
Apr. 2013. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <
Stephens, Everett. EMS and Terrorism. Medscape. N.p., 24 July 2008. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.