This document discusses opinion leaders and key communicators in social systems. It defines opinion leaders as individuals who are informally consulted for advice and information and can influence others' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Several methods are described for identifying key communicators, including sociometric, information ratings, and self-designating methods. Key communicators tend to have higher social participation, education, status and innovativeness than their followers. The document emphasizes that extension workers should train and work with key communicators to indirectly communicate innovations and spread messages to audiences.
Marketers are particularly interested in the diffusion process as it determines the success or failure of a new product. It is quite important for a marketer to understand the diffusion process so as to ensure proper management of the spread of a new product or service.
This document provides an introduction to an urban agriculture course. It discusses definitions of urban agriculture, noting that over half the world's population lives in cities. Reasons for urban agriculture include issues of food security, environmental sustainability, and community development. Examples of urban agriculture are discussed for different regions, including Los Angeles. The history of urban agriculture is reviewed, from victory gardens to current initiatives. Methods and considerations for urban agriculture are also introduced.
Como dar estudios bi?blicos facilito.pptxJorgeMana
El documento ofrece consejos sobre cómo dar estudios bíblicos de manera efectiva. Resalta la importancia de que los que dan estudios sean espirituales, conozcan bien la Biblia y sean perseverantes. También enfatiza la necesidad de conocer el contexto de los estudiantes, generar un ambiente de confianza, hacer preguntas para comprender su punto de vista, y orar con ellos al finalizar cada lección.
1) O documento descreve as especifica??es e fun??es do teclado mec?nico Ducky One 2 SF, incluindo ilumina??o RGB, modos de jogo interativos, e personaliza??o de macros.
2) Inclui diagramas mostrando a localiza??o das teclas e suas fun??es, como teclas multimédia e de atalho, e explica como personalizar os modos de ilumina??o e macros.
3) Fornece instru??es detalhadas sobre como utilizar e personalizar os vários recursos do teclado, como ajustar o tempo de ressal