This document summarizes an Agel business briefing about a new suspension gel technology product. It outlines the initial product orders and monthly auto-ship options, including a $300 personal pack and $1100 executive pack. It describes how to find two people who also find two people to build a team. It shows the increasing commission checks over time as the team grows.
This document discusses principles for effective management. It provides a "measuring stick" with 12 questions for employees to assess their work situation. It then presents scenarios for managers to consider regarding personnel decisions. The core message is that great managers focus on developing employees' strengths, define the right outcomes, and find the best fit for employees' talents rather than simply their experience. Managers are advised to draw out what employees have to offer rather than trying to fix weaknesses.
This document is the catalog for Waterline Technologies, a company that has been in business since 1957 providing pool and spa equipment and supplies. It lists their branch offices in Santa Ana, Palm Desert, Las Vegas, and an international office. The catalog contains over 50 pages featuring products like chemicals, test kits, pumps, filters, controllers and more. It provides contact information and an overview of their mission, terms, shipping policies.
This document provides guidelines and resources for teachers regarding copyright and fair use. It discusses that a single copy may be made by a teacher for scholarly research or teaching preparation, as long as it meets tests for brevity and spontaneity. It also allows for multiple copies of copyrighted works to be made for classroom use, as long as it meets the same tests and each copy includes a copyright notice. A variety of podcasts and handouts are referenced that provide more information on topics like ADA compliance, cyberbullying, social media, and freedom of speech as they relate to teachers.
Digitizen is a software that allows teachers to create games using real-world problems to engage students in the classroom. The software provides resources on digital citizenship, cyberbullying, and social networking, and how these topics relate to online behaviors and experiences. Teachers can access training materials on the site to learn how to publish their own games using Digitizen.
A category creator in the booming global field of wellness and nutrition, Agel's uniquely better gelceutical supplements and revolutionary compensation model will make you healthy AND wealthy -- wise!
Watch this brief overview to learn how gelceuticals will change how the world does wellness, and what this can mean for you today.
Students earn Industry Certificates when demonstrating skills in woodworking. The Woodwork Career Alliance of North America awards credentials to woodworking students, along with many other benefits for the schools.
E Team Corporate Presentation Capgeminiguest85695cbe
eTeam is an international management consulting firm focused on IT staffing services and project solutions. They have over 350 consultants globally and provide services to major companies. They offer customized, industry-specific professional services and staffing solutions across various domains like SAP, business intelligence, and quality assurance.
Spark is a fast and general processing engine compatible with Hadoop data. It can run in Hadoop clusters through YARN or Spark's standalone mode, and it can process data in HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, Hive, and any Hadoop InputFormat. It is designed to perform both batch processing (similar to MapReduce) and new workloads like streaming, interactive queries, and machine learning.
A category creator in the booming global field of wellness and nutrition, Agel's uniquely better products and revolutionary compensation model will make you healthy AND wealthy -- wise!
Review this brief overview to learn how gelceuticals will change how the world does wellness, and what this can mean for you today.
E Team Corporate Presentation Capgeminiguest85695cbe
eTeam is an international management consulting firm focused on IT staffing services and project solutions. They have over 350 consultants globally and serve industries such as retail, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, financial services, and more. eTeam has partnered with Capgemini since 2007 to provide high-quality resources and staffing for critical projects.
Intraoperative acetabular fracture and pelvic discontinuity in thrjatinder12345
This document discusses the management of intraoperative periprosthetic acetabular fractures and pelvic discontinuity during total hip replacement. It finds that underreaming the acetabulum is preferable to avoid intraoperative fracture but overreaming should be avoided. For undisplaced fractures where the implant is stable, screws can be used to fix the fracture. Displaced fractures or unstable implants require open reduction and internal fixation with plates and screws. Pelvic discontinuities with over 50% bone loss require an acetabular reconstruction cage.
This document discusses pelvic ring fractures, including their epidemiology, anatomy, imaging, and classification. It notes that pelvic fractures are usually due to high-impact trauma and have a 10% overall mortality rate. The pelvis has both anterior and posterior ligamentous supports. Imaging includes x-rays, CT scans, and arteriograms. Several classification systems are described for categorizing fracture patterns based on injury mechanism, including the Young-Burgess system which divides fractures into lateral compression, anteroposterior compression, and vertical shear patterns. The classification helps determine treatment and prognosis, with anteroposterior compression type 3 and vertical shear fractures having the highest transfusion requirements.
E Team Corporate Presentation Capgeminiguest85695cbe
eTeam is an international management consulting firm focused on IT staffing services and project solutions. They have over 350 consultants globally and provide services to major companies. They offer customized, industry-specific professional services and staffing solutions across various domains like SAP, business intelligence, and quality assurance.
Spark is a fast and general processing engine compatible with Hadoop data. It can run in Hadoop clusters through YARN or Spark's standalone mode, and it can process data in HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, Hive, and any Hadoop InputFormat. It is designed to perform both batch processing (similar to MapReduce) and new workloads like streaming, interactive queries, and machine learning.
A category creator in the booming global field of wellness and nutrition, Agel's uniquely better products and revolutionary compensation model will make you healthy AND wealthy -- wise!
Review this brief overview to learn how gelceuticals will change how the world does wellness, and what this can mean for you today.
E Team Corporate Presentation Capgeminiguest85695cbe
eTeam is an international management consulting firm focused on IT staffing services and project solutions. They have over 350 consultants globally and serve industries such as retail, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, financial services, and more. eTeam has partnered with Capgemini since 2007 to provide high-quality resources and staffing for critical projects.
Intraoperative acetabular fracture and pelvic discontinuity in thrjatinder12345
This document discusses the management of intraoperative periprosthetic acetabular fractures and pelvic discontinuity during total hip replacement. It finds that underreaming the acetabulum is preferable to avoid intraoperative fracture but overreaming should be avoided. For undisplaced fractures where the implant is stable, screws can be used to fix the fracture. Displaced fractures or unstable implants require open reduction and internal fixation with plates and screws. Pelvic discontinuities with over 50% bone loss require an acetabular reconstruction cage.
This document discusses pelvic ring fractures, including their epidemiology, anatomy, imaging, and classification. It notes that pelvic fractures are usually due to high-impact trauma and have a 10% overall mortality rate. The pelvis has both anterior and posterior ligamentous supports. Imaging includes x-rays, CT scans, and arteriograms. Several classification systems are described for categorizing fracture patterns based on injury mechanism, including the Young-Burgess system which divides fractures into lateral compression, anteroposterior compression, and vertical shear patterns. The classification helps determine treatment and prognosis, with anteroposterior compression type 3 and vertical shear fractures having the highest transfusion requirements.
5. 4- WikiPediaAçılış Tarihi:Ocak 2001Kurucuları:Jimmy Wales ve LarrySangerTip:Açık Kaynak AnsiklopediHedef Kitle:10 – 80 (Genel)Yaklaşık Kullanıcı Sayısı: 50.000 Aktif KullanıcıYaklaşık Sayfa Gösterimi:Aylık 6 MilyarYaklaşık Değeri:Bilinmiyor, 3 Milyon Dolar Bağış almış
6. 5- BeboAçılış Tarihi:Ocak 2005Kurucuları:Michael Birch ve XochiBirchTip:Sosyal AğHedef Kitle:16 – 24 (Gençler, Genç Yetişkinler)Yaklaşık Kullanıcı Sayısı:24 MilyonYaklaşık Sayfa Gösterimi:Aylık 4 MilyarYaklaşık Değeri:İngiliz Telekom Grubu: 500 Milyon Dolar (reddedilmiş)
7. 6- DiggAçılış Tarihi:Kasım 2004Kurucuları:KevinRoseTip:Sosyal İçerik Paylaşımı, OylamaHedef Kitle: 16 – 30 (Gençler, Yetişkinler, Teknoloji Meraklıları)Yaklaşık Kullanıcı Sayısı:1 MilyonYaklaşık Sayfa Gösterimi:Aylık 118 Milyon (2006)Yaklaşık Değeri:FoxInteractive/Newscorp: 150 Milyon Dolar (teklif edilmiş)
8. 7- FlickrAçılış Tarihi:Şubat 2004Kurucuları:LudicorpTip: Resim PaylaşımıHedef Kitle:16 – 80 (Genel)Yaklaşık Kullanıcı Sayısı:1.5 Milyon (Kasım 2005)Yaklaşık Sayfa Gösterimi:BilinmiyorYaklaşık Değeri:Yahoo(Mart 2005): bilinmiyor (on milyon $ altında olduğu sanılıyor)
9. 8- NetvibesAçılış Tarihi:Eylül 2005Kurucuları:TariqKrimTip: AjaxAlt Yapısı olan Başlangıç SayfasıHedef Kitle: 20 – 40 (Yetişkinler ve Teknoloji Meraklıları)Yaklaşık Kullanıcı Sayısı: 7 MilyonYaklaşık Sayfa Gösterimi:BilinmiyorYaklaşık Değeri:20 Milyon Dolar
10. 9- Del.icio.usAçılış Tarihi: 2003Kurucuları:JoshuaSchachterTip: Sosyal Ağ, Link PaylaşımıHedef Kitle: 20 – 40 (Yetişkinler ve Teknoloji Meraklıları)Yaklaşık Kullanıcı Sayısı: 1 MilyonYaklaşık Sayfa Gösterimi: 4 Milyon (Ağustos 2006)Yaklaşık Değeri:Yahoo: 30 – 40 Milyon Dolar
11. 10- MeeboAçılış Tarihi:Eylül 2005Kurucuları:SandyJen, SethSternberg, ve ElaineWherryTip: Ajax Alt Yapısı olan Mesajlaşma SitesiHedef Kitle:13 – 40 (Çocuklar, Gençler ve Yetişkinler)Yaklaşık Kullanıcı Sayısı:500.000Yaklaşık Sayfa Gösterimi:bilinmiyorYaklaşık Değeri:12 Milyon Dolar