Este documento trata sobre las enfermedades pulmonares. Los pulmones son vulnerables a las sustancias contaminantes en el aire debido a que necesitan intercambiar grandes cantidades de gases diariamente para mantener la vida. La contaminación del aire ha causado un aumento en las enfermedades pulmonares como el asma y la bronquitis crónica. Las partículas y gases en el aire pueden causar cáncer de pulmón y otras enfermedades, lo que ha llevado a que las enfermedades pulmonares sean la segunda causa
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de conversores analógico a digital (A/D), incluyendo escalera, seguimiento, aproximaciones sucesivas, simple rampa, doble rampa y voltaje-frecuencia. Explica cómo funciona cada uno y sus ventajas e inconvenientes. El autor concluye que los circuitos escalera se usan para comparar voltajes positivos y negativos, mientras que los de aproximaciones sucesivas llegan al valor final sin recorrer todos los pasos anteriores.
Este documento presenta cinco poemas escritos por el poeta peruano Carlos Oquendo de Amat que fueron publicados originalmente en la revista Amauta entre 1927 y 1928. Oquendo de Amat fue un poeta vanguardista que vivió apenas 31 a?os pero cuya obra poética innovadora lo ha mantenido vivo en la memoria colectiva. Los poemas presentados exploran temas como la naturaleza, el amor y la ciudad de Nueva York a través del uso de imágenes surrealistas.
El documento habla sobre un grupo de estudiantes de primer a?o del Profesorado de Educación Inicial. Consiste en tres estudiantes: Sofia Paredes, Carla Leguiza y Andrea Vega.
El documento explica los diferentes tiempos verbales en inglés relacionados con acciones en el pasado. Describe el presente perfecto, pasado perfecto, presente perfecto continuo y futuro perfecto continuo, incluyendo su estructura, auxiliares y ejemplos de oraciones en cada tiempo verbal.
O documento critica fortemente uma greve de professores marcada para coincidir com os exames dos alunos. Afirma que a greve foi convocada por Mário Nogueira para desestabilizar o ensino e prejudicar os alunos e suas famílias, em vez de melhorar realmente as condi??es de trabalho dos professores. Também pede que o governo evite piquetes para permitir que os professores n?o grevistas possam dar aulas e supervisionar os exames.
Dokumen ini berisi informasi tentang penerimaan siswa baru di SMA Negeri 2 Selong untuk tahun pelajaran 2010/2011 melalui dua jalur, yaitu jalur P2SB untuk siswa berprestasi dan jalur UTUL untuk semua lulusan SMP. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan syarat dan ketentuan pendaftaran melalui kedua jalur tersebut.
La agronomía es el estudio de la agricultura y la ganadería aplicando principios científicos para mejorar la producción de alimentos. Estudia factores como el suelo, clima y procesos biológicos que afectan los cultivos. Los agrónomos clasifican tipos de suelo y estudian cómo hacerlos más productivos mediante fertilizantes. También se enfocan en mejorar las características de las plantas a través de fitomejoramiento para lograr mayor rendimiento y resistencia a plagas.
1. This document analyzes the mid-semester exam results for the Arts subject in grade 12 IPA 3 for the odd semester.
2. 34 students took the 10 question test and scores ranged from 58-100% with the class average being 81%.
3. Based on the results, 29 students passed, 5 students needed remedial help, and none needed to retake the exam.
La persona describe sus comidas diarias, desayunando cereal, almorzando carne, arroz, ensalada y tortilla con su familia, y cenando frijoles, huevos y pan. No todos los alimentos mencionados cumplen con los requisitos nutricionales completos, pero tratan de incluir un poco de granos, proteínas y otros grupos en sus comidas.
Korosi adalah penurunan mutu material akibat bereaksi dengan lingkungan secara kimiawi. Terdapat beberapa jenis korosi seperti korosi merata, galvanik, celah, sumuran, erosi, dan kavitasi yang disebabkan oleh berkurangnya tekanan cairan sampai dibawah titik jenuh uapnya.
The document provides information on verb tenses in English, including the simple present, simple past, present continuous, past continuous, and future continuous tenses. It defines each tense and provides examples of their use with affirmative, interrogative and negative forms. Key details include how the simple present expresses recurring or general actions or facts, the simple past expresses completed actions in the past, and the various continuous tenses express ongoing actions in the present, past or future. Subject pronouns and auxiliary verbs are identified for each tense.
La historia narra la vida de Fausto, un ni?o migrante que nació en condiciones difíciles y tuvo que migrar a los Estados Unidos a una edad temprana para apoyar económicamente a su familia. Fausto vivió en los Estados Unidos durante casi 6 a?os hasta que fue encontrado gravemente enfermo y llevado a un hospital, donde murió poco después. Su historia ilustra las dificultades que enfrentan los ni?os migrantes debido a factores como la pobreza, la falta de oportunidades y la discriminación.
La invasión alemana de Polonia en septiembre de 1939 inició la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Europa. A pesar de la resistencia polaca, Alemania avanzó rápidamente usando tácticas de guerra relámpago, mientras que la Unión Soviética también invadió Polonia desde el este. Para mayo de 1940, Alemania había conquistado Francia dejando a Gran Breta?a como el único país europeo que seguía resistiendo a Alemania.
Donald Cooper has over 15 years of experience in technology fields including wireless networks, physical security, and IT operations. He has held positions such as field application engineer, field service representative, team lead for CCTV systems, and internet manager. Cooper has an active TS/SCI security clearance and expertise in areas like Microsoft server administration, Cisco networking, and CCTV/access control systems from manufacturers like Bosch and Panasonic.
Getaran, bunyi, dan gelombang saling berhubungan. Getaran adalah gerak bolak balik secara terus menerus dengan melalui titik keseimbangan, dan dapat menimbulkan bunyi. Bunyi dibedakan berdasarkan frekuensinya menjadi infrasonik, audiosonik, dan ultrasonik. Gelombang adalah getaran yang merambat melalui medium, dan dibedakan menjadi gelombang mekanik dan elektromagnetik, serta transversal dan longitudinal.
Este documento describe el proceso de escritura y sus características. La escritura es un proceso cognitivo y creativo que plasma pensamientos e ideas a través de signos gráficos. Es un sistema complejo que se ense?a y transforma el aprendizaje a través de etapas como la generación de ideas, organización, borradores y revisión. La planificación considera el tema, audiencia y propósito, y las técnicas principales incluyen lluvia de ideas, esquemas y mapas conceptuales.
The document provides background information on characters and costumes for a Japanese-themed research project. It describes the Japanese imperial family and their role as emperors and empresses. It discusses samurai as the historical warrior class in Japan and their main weapon, the sword. It also describes geisha as female entertainers, and various peasant occupations like a sword maker, koinobori (carp streamer) maker, and monk. It provides details on traditional costumes worn by the emperor, samurai, geisha, and peasants. It concludes with information on samurai swords as a prop.
This document provides the guidelines and requirements for a group project on family history and culture for an undergraduate course. The objectives are to research one's genealogy and explore changes in human living from past to present. In groups of two, students must create a graphical timeline with family tree, an infographic representing family culture/traditions, and a 10-minute research video. The infographic should highlight geographical, economic, political, cultural and achievement aspects. Assessment will be based on understanding the brief, quality of documented findings, creativity/content of ideas, and team collaboration. Submissions are due on August 28th.
This document provides instructions for a group research assignment on comparing two similar businesses in different locations. Students must form groups of up to 7 members, select two businesses in the same industry, conduct primary and secondary research, and write a 2,500-3,000 word report. The report must include descriptions of the businesses and industry, a comparative analysis, recommendations, and follow APA style guidelines. Students will also present their findings in a 20-25 minute presentation and be assessed on the content, format, and presentation skills. Detailed requirements and assessment criteria are provided.
This document outlines an assignment for a compare/contrast essay on selected movie genres. Students must choose between disaster/adventure films or science fiction films, research the genre, view relevant movies, and write a 6 paragraph, 600-1000 word essay comparing or contrasting two movies from the chosen genre. The essay must follow the structure taught in English 1 and cite sources using APA style. The assignment aims to help students understand film genres and demonstrate their ability to analyze, synthesize, and communicate ideas about two films in an academic essay. It provides assessment criteria, submission requirements, and suggested references.
This report analyzes and compares two cendol stalls located in different areas - Cendol & Rojak Bandar Bukit Tinggi in Klang and Teo Chew Cendol in Penang. Both businesses started in the early 2000s and have grown popular for their secret recipes and selling up to 500 bowls per day. While Cendol & Rojak Bandar Bukit Tinggi remains small with one location, Teo Chew Cendol has expanded significantly with 14 franchises across Malaysia. The businesses face competition from other cendol stalls but strive to stand out through factors like taste, price and strategic locations.
This document discusses two traditional Malaysian dessert businesses: Cendol & Rojak Bukit Tinggi in Klang and Teochew Cendol in Penang. Both were founded in the 1930s-2004 and are known for their signature homemade palm sugar and coconut milk desserts. They face competition from other similar stalls and shops. Their strategies include focusing on quality, location, pricing, customer service and advertising to combat competition. While they share similarities like signature dishes and open-air settings, they differ in history, location, operations and targeted markets. The document recommends franchising, improving structures and using technology to help both businesses grow.
La agronomía es el estudio de la agricultura y la ganadería aplicando principios científicos para mejorar la producción de alimentos. Estudia factores como el suelo, clima y procesos biológicos que afectan los cultivos. Los agrónomos clasifican tipos de suelo y estudian cómo hacerlos más productivos mediante fertilizantes. También se enfocan en mejorar las características de las plantas a través de fitomejoramiento para lograr mayor rendimiento y resistencia a plagas.
1. This document analyzes the mid-semester exam results for the Arts subject in grade 12 IPA 3 for the odd semester.
2. 34 students took the 10 question test and scores ranged from 58-100% with the class average being 81%.
3. Based on the results, 29 students passed, 5 students needed remedial help, and none needed to retake the exam.
La persona describe sus comidas diarias, desayunando cereal, almorzando carne, arroz, ensalada y tortilla con su familia, y cenando frijoles, huevos y pan. No todos los alimentos mencionados cumplen con los requisitos nutricionales completos, pero tratan de incluir un poco de granos, proteínas y otros grupos en sus comidas.
Korosi adalah penurunan mutu material akibat bereaksi dengan lingkungan secara kimiawi. Terdapat beberapa jenis korosi seperti korosi merata, galvanik, celah, sumuran, erosi, dan kavitasi yang disebabkan oleh berkurangnya tekanan cairan sampai dibawah titik jenuh uapnya.
The document provides information on verb tenses in English, including the simple present, simple past, present continuous, past continuous, and future continuous tenses. It defines each tense and provides examples of their use with affirmative, interrogative and negative forms. Key details include how the simple present expresses recurring or general actions or facts, the simple past expresses completed actions in the past, and the various continuous tenses express ongoing actions in the present, past or future. Subject pronouns and auxiliary verbs are identified for each tense.
La historia narra la vida de Fausto, un ni?o migrante que nació en condiciones difíciles y tuvo que migrar a los Estados Unidos a una edad temprana para apoyar económicamente a su familia. Fausto vivió en los Estados Unidos durante casi 6 a?os hasta que fue encontrado gravemente enfermo y llevado a un hospital, donde murió poco después. Su historia ilustra las dificultades que enfrentan los ni?os migrantes debido a factores como la pobreza, la falta de oportunidades y la discriminación.
La invasión alemana de Polonia en septiembre de 1939 inició la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Europa. A pesar de la resistencia polaca, Alemania avanzó rápidamente usando tácticas de guerra relámpago, mientras que la Unión Soviética también invadió Polonia desde el este. Para mayo de 1940, Alemania había conquistado Francia dejando a Gran Breta?a como el único país europeo que seguía resistiendo a Alemania.
Donald Cooper has over 15 years of experience in technology fields including wireless networks, physical security, and IT operations. He has held positions such as field application engineer, field service representative, team lead for CCTV systems, and internet manager. Cooper has an active TS/SCI security clearance and expertise in areas like Microsoft server administration, Cisco networking, and CCTV/access control systems from manufacturers like Bosch and Panasonic.
Getaran, bunyi, dan gelombang saling berhubungan. Getaran adalah gerak bolak balik secara terus menerus dengan melalui titik keseimbangan, dan dapat menimbulkan bunyi. Bunyi dibedakan berdasarkan frekuensinya menjadi infrasonik, audiosonik, dan ultrasonik. Gelombang adalah getaran yang merambat melalui medium, dan dibedakan menjadi gelombang mekanik dan elektromagnetik, serta transversal dan longitudinal.
Este documento describe el proceso de escritura y sus características. La escritura es un proceso cognitivo y creativo que plasma pensamientos e ideas a través de signos gráficos. Es un sistema complejo que se ense?a y transforma el aprendizaje a través de etapas como la generación de ideas, organización, borradores y revisión. La planificación considera el tema, audiencia y propósito, y las técnicas principales incluyen lluvia de ideas, esquemas y mapas conceptuales.
The document provides background information on characters and costumes for a Japanese-themed research project. It describes the Japanese imperial family and their role as emperors and empresses. It discusses samurai as the historical warrior class in Japan and their main weapon, the sword. It also describes geisha as female entertainers, and various peasant occupations like a sword maker, koinobori (carp streamer) maker, and monk. It provides details on traditional costumes worn by the emperor, samurai, geisha, and peasants. It concludes with information on samurai swords as a prop.
This document provides the guidelines and requirements for a group project on family history and culture for an undergraduate course. The objectives are to research one's genealogy and explore changes in human living from past to present. In groups of two, students must create a graphical timeline with family tree, an infographic representing family culture/traditions, and a 10-minute research video. The infographic should highlight geographical, economic, political, cultural and achievement aspects. Assessment will be based on understanding the brief, quality of documented findings, creativity/content of ideas, and team collaboration. Submissions are due on August 28th.
This document provides instructions for a group research assignment on comparing two similar businesses in different locations. Students must form groups of up to 7 members, select two businesses in the same industry, conduct primary and secondary research, and write a 2,500-3,000 word report. The report must include descriptions of the businesses and industry, a comparative analysis, recommendations, and follow APA style guidelines. Students will also present their findings in a 20-25 minute presentation and be assessed on the content, format, and presentation skills. Detailed requirements and assessment criteria are provided.
This document outlines an assignment for a compare/contrast essay on selected movie genres. Students must choose between disaster/adventure films or science fiction films, research the genre, view relevant movies, and write a 6 paragraph, 600-1000 word essay comparing or contrasting two movies from the chosen genre. The essay must follow the structure taught in English 1 and cite sources using APA style. The assignment aims to help students understand film genres and demonstrate their ability to analyze, synthesize, and communicate ideas about two films in an academic essay. It provides assessment criteria, submission requirements, and suggested references.
This report analyzes and compares two cendol stalls located in different areas - Cendol & Rojak Bandar Bukit Tinggi in Klang and Teo Chew Cendol in Penang. Both businesses started in the early 2000s and have grown popular for their secret recipes and selling up to 500 bowls per day. While Cendol & Rojak Bandar Bukit Tinggi remains small with one location, Teo Chew Cendol has expanded significantly with 14 franchises across Malaysia. The businesses face competition from other cendol stalls but strive to stand out through factors like taste, price and strategic locations.
This document discusses two traditional Malaysian dessert businesses: Cendol & Rojak Bukit Tinggi in Klang and Teochew Cendol in Penang. Both were founded in the 1930s-2004 and are known for their signature homemade palm sugar and coconut milk desserts. They face competition from other similar stalls and shops. Their strategies include focusing on quality, location, pricing, customer service and advertising to combat competition. While they share similarities like signature dishes and open-air settings, they differ in history, location, operations and targeted markets. The document recommends franchising, improving structures and using technology to help both businesses grow.
This document presents a project brief for developing a vacant plot of land in Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. The 100m x 220m plot is located in a commercial area surrounded by residential neighborhoods. Two development proposals are presented - a recreational area with parks, playgrounds, and basketball courts, and a commercial area with a "Knowledge Cafe." Both proposals include site analyses, concepts, master plans, budgets, and sustainability features like solar energy. The goal is to turn the empty land into a functional space for community use.
This document provides an overview of civil engineering and civil and structural drawings. It discusses the roles and responsibilities of civil engineers in planning, designing, overseeing construction and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure. It also describes the different types of drawings used at various stages of construction projects, including tender drawings prepared for bidding, contract drawings with more details, working drawings used for construction, and final or as-built drawings to document any changes made during construction. The key difference between structural and architecture drawings is discussed, with structural drawings focusing on the load bearing elements and architecture drawings on aesthetics.
The document provides information about Mendatri Design, a landscape architecture firm, including their company profile, awards, key personnel, and sample projects. It also transcribes an interview with the principal landscape architect, LAr. Fairouz Che Ani, where she discusses the firm's design process and responsibilities on projects from conceptual design to construction observation. She explains the typical stages of tasks they undertake, including conceptual design, schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding, construction observation, and producing landscape guidelines.
The document provides information about Mendatri Design, a landscape architecture firm, including their company profile, awards, key personnel, and sample projects. It also transcribes an interview with the principal landscape architect, LAr. Fairouz Che Ani, where she discusses the firm's design process and responsibilities on projects from conceptual design to construction observation. She explains the typical stages of tasks involved, including conceptual design, schematic landscape design, design development, construction documents, bidding, construction observation, and producing landscape guidelines.
The document provides information about Mendatri Design, a landscape architecture firm, including their company profile, awards, key personnel, and sample projects. It also transcribes an interview with the principal landscape architect, LAr. Fairouz Che Ani, where she discusses the firm's design process and responsibilities on projects from conceptual design to construction observation. She explains the typical stages of tasks they undertake, including conceptual design, schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding, construction observation, and producing landscape guidelines.
The document provides information about Mendatri Design, a landscape architecture firm, including their company profile, awards, key personnel, and sample projects. It also transcribes an interview with the principal landscape architect, LAr. Fairouz Che Ani, where she discusses the firm's design process and responsibilities on projects from conceptual design to construction observation. She explains the typical stages of tasks involved, including conceptual design, schematic landscape design, design development, construction documents, bidding, construction observation, and producing landscape guidelines.
The document compares two neighborhood parks - Taman Wawasan Recreational Park in Puchong, Malaysia and Surin Avenue Neighbourhood Park in Singapore. Taman Wawasan is larger with more facilities like a lake, basketball courts, and a 1.62km jogging path. Surin Avenue park is smaller and has a skateboarding area but lacks maintenance. Both parks serve as community green spaces and encourage outdoor exercise for nearby residents.
This document provides 4 references about tall towers: the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and general information on the construction of the Petronas Towers. The references include an article from 1969 on the Petronas Towers, an undated source on facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa, another undated source on the Leaning Tower as one of the medieval wonders, and a 2013 article on the history and construction of the Petronas Towers.
This document references 4 sources about tall structures - the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The sources include an article from 1969 about the Petronas Towers, facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa from an unknown date, information from an unknown date about the Leaning Tower as one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World, and a 2013 article about the history and construction of the Petronas Twin Towers.
This PDF explains the importance of exterior models in architecture. It shows how these models, whether physical or digital, help architects see designs, improve ideas, and communicate clearly with clients and others. The PDF also talks about how exterior models help with client collaboration, testing how buildings fit into their environment, and marketing. It compares exterior models with other tools like CAD drawings, 3D renderings, and prototypes. In the end, it highlights how exterior models help create buildings that look good and work well.
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