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How to be your customers
first choice in a tough market

     Amelia Young and Stuart Baltman
             November 4, 2011
Services are

                                  Consumed at the same
                                   time they are delivered
                                  It varies based on who is
                                   delivering  and
                                   experiencing  it
                                  Quality is difficult to
                                   define  much less

     The experience is your product. You cant
              afford to get it wrong.

Not just whats urgent, but whats

              Urgent      Necessary

A model for winning customers

                              Engage and excite your customers
                              with a vision
                                    What should they expect to
                                    What does DONE look like?
                                    Why should they care?
                                    How will they feel?

              Empower                                                  Enable

 Provide your customers with the tools                 Ensure your customers have the
  required to deliver on the vision                      knowledge & skills to use the tools
    Give your customers access to the
     people, processes, equipment,                                 Enable
                                                         you have provided
                                                             Educate, teach and train your
     infrastructure, and other resources that                 customers (if necessary)
     they need                                               Leverage their capabilities and
    Make it easy for your customers to                       build the capabilities they need
     choose you                                              Show them how

The good news is that these are the
only three things you need to do to.
   . the challenge lies in the fact that you
   must do all three


          Empower              Enable

Remember how you learned to skate?

                                  Its fun
                   Encourage      Watch mom/dad
                                  Hot Chocolate anyone?

                                  Lets go get some
                    Empower        skates
                                  Rink at City Hall
                                  Teaching process

                                  Instill confidence
                    Enable         (overcome fears)
                                  Teach (e.g. A. Stand, B.
                                   Walk, C. Glide..)

Lets talk about coffee

From coffee to for-here, grande, half-
decaf, non-fat, extra foam, hazelnut, latte

                            Teach the Starbucks Language
             Enable         Guidance from well-trained Baristas
                            Ordering guides, calling orders
                            Where to pay, where to stand

                          Product variety and customization

                          Layout, D辿cor, Location, Neighbourhood, etc.
     Value                Outgoing, friendly and knowledgeable staff.
                          Beans, Cups, insulators, toppings, napkins,
                          Your beverage, your way.

                          Your 3rd place.refuge from home & office
                          Premium service, product and..premium

From coffee to for-here, grande, half-
decaf, non-fat, extra foam, hazelnut, latte

                            Teach the Starbucks Language
             Enable         Guidance from well-trained Baristas
                            Ordering guides, calling orders
                            Where to pay, where to stand

                          Product variety and customization

                          Layout, D辿cor, Location, Neighbourhood, etc.
     Value                Outgoing, friendly and knowledgeable staff.
                          Beans, Cups, insulators, toppings, napkins,
                          Your beverage, your way.

                          Your 3rd place.refuge from home & office
                          Premium service, product and..premium

What are the benefits of this approach?

1. Ensures you dont miss components of your customers
   experience that are critical in their process to choose you

2. Removes barriers, making it easy for your customers to do
   business with you

3. Creates barriers that make it challenging for your customers
   to switch

4. Supports premium pricing, which drives margin growth

5. Builds a strong and deep relationship with customers which
   drives loyalty and increased share-of-wallet

The broken furnace..

                          This part looks
                        expensiveI think Ill
                        charge them enough
                          to buy an i-Pad

From Ill fix the furnace when it
breaks to a multi-year service contract

         Enable               Low monthly fee vs. high unexpected
                               repair bills
                              Leverage print materials, web and call
                               centre staff to educate customers

                              Create multi-year service contract
         Encourage Empower

                              Call centre, billing capabilities, technicians,
                               equipment, etc.

                              Create need  an unexpected breakdown
                               could cost you $100s or even $1,000s
                              Professional and highly skilled technicians
                               in uniform at your home 24/7/365

From Ill fix the furnace when it
breaks to a multi-year service contract

           Enable               Low monthly fee vs. high unexpected
                                 repair bills                                    $20
                                Leverage print materials, web and call      x36 mo.
                                 centre staff to educate customers            = $720

                                Create multi-year service contract
           Encourage Empower

   Value                        Call centre, billing capabilities, technicians,
                                 equipment, etc.

                 Create need  an unexpected breakdown
                  could cost you $100s or even $1,000s
                 Professional and highly skilled technicians
                  in uniform at your home 24/7/365


Breakout Discussion: Which of the 3Es
does your business do best? Gaps?



Who do you need to Encourage, Empower
and Enable?

Example: Product differentiated by

                         Consumer                                 Retailer
                 Signaled to the consumer that         They were able to demonstrate

                  this is a special product by           a process that would ensure
                  merchandising it in the bakery         freshness would be consistent

                 Small portion sizes make it easy      Unique packaging made it
                  for people to have a small, guilt-     possible for the product to
                  free indulgence                        belong in the bakery section

                 Pizza Pizza deal                      Demonstrated strong consumer

                 School pizza lunches                   demand from the promotional

Example: Multi-stakeholder service

                       Economic Buyer      Direct         Indirect
                                        Influencers     Influencers

                         Head of        Portfolio      Clients

                          Operations      Managers       Regulators
                         Owner/CEO      Compliance
                                         Admin staff

Breakout Discussion: Stakeholder

                             Decision-makers up the      Influences outside
       Functions             hierarchy
       Lines of business    Users down the hierarchy     the organization

       Economic Buyer        Direct Influencers            Indirect

Unconventional tactics for identifying what will
encourage, empower and enable your customers

                 LinkedIn profiles and discussion threads
     What        Investor materials
   they say      Surveys of stakeholders other than the economic

                   Mystery shopping and talking to call centre reps
     What          Who theyre hiring and for what
    they do        Marketing campaigns
                   Comprehensive win/loss analysis

              LinkedIn discussions
    What      Talking to your customers customers
  others say  Investor presentations of their customers and
  about them   competitors

Taking Action

   Commit to doing whats necessary:
   I will do the following in the next 30 days to enhance the value of the
   experience my organization delivers to its customers:

   1. __________________________________________________

   2. __________________________________________________

   3. __________________________________________________

   _______________________        ____________________
   Signed                         Date

Focus on whats necessary to identify what a
great experience looks like for your customers

                    Economic         Direct       Indirect
                      Buyer       Influencers   Influencers

        Encourage   Insight ???   Insight ???   Insight ???

         Empower    Insight ???   Insight ???   Insight ???

           Enable   Insight ???   Insight ???   Insight ???

Thank You

More Related Content

Encourage empower enable model

  • 1. How to be your customers first choice in a tough market Amelia Young and Stuart Baltman November 4, 2011
  • 2. Services are Intangible Consumed at the same time they are delivered It varies based on who is delivering and experiencing it Quality is difficult to define much less measure The experience is your product. You cant afford to get it wrong. 2
  • 3. Not just whats urgent, but whats necessary Urgent Necessary 3
  • 4. A model for winning customers Encourage Engage and excite your customers Encourage with a vision What should they expect to experience? What does DONE look like? Why should they care? How will they feel? Empower Enable Provide your customers with the tools Ensure your customers have the required to deliver on the vision knowledge & skills to use the tools Empower Give your customers access to the people, processes, equipment, Enable you have provided Educate, teach and train your infrastructure, and other resources that customers (if necessary) they need Leverage their capabilities and Make it easy for your customers to build the capabilities they need choose you Show them how 4
  • 5. The good news is that these are the only three things you need to do to. . the challenge lies in the fact that you must do all three Encourage Empower Enable 5
  • 6. Remember how you learned to skate? Its fun Encourage Watch mom/dad Hot Chocolate anyone? Lets go get some Empower skates Rink at City Hall Teaching process Instill confidence Enable (overcome fears) Teach (e.g. A. Stand, B. Walk, C. Glide..) 6
  • 7. Lets talk about coffee 7
  • 8. From coffee to for-here, grande, half- decaf, non-fat, extra foam, hazelnut, latte Teach the Starbucks Language Enable Guidance from well-trained Baristas Ordering guides, calling orders Where to pay, where to stand Product variety and customization Empower capabilities. Layout, D辿cor, Location, Neighbourhood, etc. Value Outgoing, friendly and knowledgeable staff. Beans, Cups, insulators, toppings, napkins, etc. Your beverage, your way. Encourage Your 3rd place.refuge from home & office Premium service, product and..premium price. Price 8
  • 9. From coffee to for-here, grande, half- decaf, non-fat, extra foam, hazelnut, latte Teach the Starbucks Language Enable Guidance from well-trained Baristas Ordering guides, calling orders Where to pay, where to stand Product variety and customization Empower capabilities. Layout, D辿cor, Location, Neighbourhood, etc. Value Outgoing, friendly and knowledgeable staff. Beans, Cups, insulators, toppings, napkins, etc. Your beverage, your way. Encourage Your 3rd place.refuge from home & office Premium service, product and..premium price. Price 9
  • 10. What are the benefits of this approach? 1. Ensures you dont miss components of your customers experience that are critical in their process to choose you 2. Removes barriers, making it easy for your customers to do business with you 3. Creates barriers that make it challenging for your customers to switch 4. Supports premium pricing, which drives margin growth 5. Builds a strong and deep relationship with customers which drives loyalty and increased share-of-wallet 10
  • 11. The broken furnace.. This part looks expensiveI think Ill charge them enough to buy an i-Pad 11
  • 12. From Ill fix the furnace when it breaks to a multi-year service contract Enable Low monthly fee vs. high unexpected repair bills Leverage print materials, web and call centre staff to educate customers Create multi-year service contract Encourage Empower product/service. Call centre, billing capabilities, technicians, equipment, etc. Create need an unexpected breakdown could cost you $100s or even $1,000s Professional and highly skilled technicians in uniform at your home 24/7/365 12
  • 13. From Ill fix the furnace when it breaks to a multi-year service contract Invoice Enable Low monthly fee vs. high unexpected repair bills $20 Leverage print materials, web and call x36 mo. centre staff to educate customers = $720 Create multi-year service contract Encourage Empower product/service. Value Call centre, billing capabilities, technicians, equipment, etc. Create need an unexpected breakdown could cost you $100s or even $1,000s Invoice Professional and highly skilled technicians in uniform at your home 24/7/365 $350 Price 13
  • 14. Breakout Discussion: Which of the 3Es does your business do best? Gaps? Enable Empower Value Encourage Price 14
  • 15. Who do you need to Encourage, Empower and Enable? 15
  • 16. Example: Product differentiated by service Consumer Retailer Signaled to the consumer that They were able to demonstrate Enable this is a special product by a process that would ensure merchandising it in the bakery freshness would be consistent Empower Small portion sizes make it easy Unique packaging made it for people to have a small, guilt- possible for the product to free indulgence belong in the bakery section Pizza Pizza deal Demonstrated strong consumer Encourage School pizza lunches demand from the promotional opportunities 16
  • 17. Example: Multi-stakeholder service Economic Buyer Direct Indirect Influencers Influencers Enable Head of Portfolio Clients Empower Operations Managers Regulators Owner/CEO Compliance Admin staff Encourag e 17
  • 18. Breakout Discussion: Stakeholder Identification Decision-makers up the Influences outside Functions hierarchy Lines of business Users down the hierarchy the organization Economic Buyer Direct Influencers Indirect Influencers 18
  • 19. Unconventional tactics for identifying what will encourage, empower and enable your customers LinkedIn profiles and discussion threads What Investor materials they say Surveys of stakeholders other than the economic buyer Mystery shopping and talking to call centre reps What Who theyre hiring and for what they do Marketing campaigns Comprehensive win/loss analysis LinkedIn discussions What Talking to your customers customers others say Investor presentations of their customers and about them competitors 19
  • 20. Taking Action Commit to doing whats necessary: I will do the following in the next 30 days to enhance the value of the experience my organization delivers to its customers: 1. __________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ _______________________ ____________________ Signed Date 20
  • 21. Focus on whats necessary to identify what a great experience looks like for your customers Who? Economic Direct Indirect Buyer Influencers Influencers Encourage Insight ??? Insight ??? Insight ??? What? Empower Insight ??? Insight ??? Insight ??? Enable Insight ??? Insight ??? Insight ??? 21