The document contains reflections from participants of the Communities for Learning Summer Institute 2010. It includes 14 reflections in which participants discuss topics like finding clarity and direction in their work, feeling supported by the community, and gaining new insights that will influence their professional journeys. They selected images that represented themes of growth, collaboration, overcoming challenges with help from others, and embracing new opportunities for learning.
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End Of Week Reflections
1. End of Week Reflections Communities for Learning Summer Institute 2010
2. This image chose me... So many little moments this week, little splashes of opportunities conversations, knowledge, people, experiences; have all combined to make the stuff of this work finally come together to form the larger whole. - Wanda
3. This year the ARCS Frameworks have been my lighthouse , a guiding light to illuminate my purpose and goals. It has been present in my classroom and even more noticeably in my professional development work. Most illuminating for me is the thought that culture can be changed and that I am an agent of that change My dream is to leave a legacy, a gift to my district, and ARCS is my lighthouse. Nancy
4. I chose this picture because for the first time I understood what it meant to be a part of this community. With the help of other fellows I was finally able to tap into the expertise available to me and begin to see how this framework has and will continue to influence not only my work, but my life For the first time, I am able to see the path I want to take and have an understanding of how to use the framework to help me on my journey. Julie A
5. When I came, I was alone in my mental journey toward my goal. I wasn't clear about the path to take, and was paddling without conviction. The reflection of the peaks just reflected my own confusion. What was real about my work, whats an illusion? How did my thoughts create this confusion? What do my reflections, or lack of reflection, say about my work and commitment? Talking to Fellows, sharing ideas, listening to others'experienceand peer review has lifted my spirits, has illuminated my path, and has inspired me to a renewed burst of effort. The peaks no longer loom threateningly around me. Instead, their heights inspire me to greater clarity and renewed purpose. My own reflections have become more clear. I can see how they are propelling me towards my goals. I cannavigate to my goal! I have found a way! Peace...namaste. - Jane
6. This week I had the opportunity to meet individuals who are experts in various areas of education. Their expertise, experience and perspectives contributed to the thinking and development of my work at school. This colorful puzzle symbolizes the unique importance of each member of our community and our connectivity to the larger work at hand; which is, making learning meaningful for all. - Jamila
7. Every time I spoke with another fellow about the work I was doing, the work they were doing or during the plenaries, I felt very positive and uplifted. When I worked too long by myself I felt doubtful of the work I was doing and like I didnt belong. This image represents those times when I felt it was all downhill and then something would happenconversation with another fellow, reading just the right quote or proverb, or it was time to eatthat made me realize it was all going to be okay. It was okay that I was uncomfortable because everyone is in the beginning. Its okay that Im struggling because that means Im really learning. Its okay that its not perfect and complete NOW because it takes time and if we plan for sustainability the work will have a better chance of continuing. Sheri
8. Working as a fellow this week has been like my canoe ride on the Housatonic River. I began the week a little unsteady much like getting into my canoe, but with a sense of determination. With the support of my canoe partner, I began to develop a rhythm and got into a groove sensing the ever changing current. With the support of the community, I developed a rhythm as well. Like the tributaries along the river that lead nowhere, so existed distractions that led me away from my train of thought. Although those distractions were tempting, I needed to stay the course. I realized that the journey is not the same for everyone. No one person travels the same path along the river just as no one person experiences the same professional journey. I realized that it was the journey itself that was the most meaningful and beautiful- not the finish line (although I was mighty happy to see those buoys appear around the last bend!) Lisa M.
9. Throughout my reflection process this week, I realized how deeply connected I have become to my organization and the work within it. My needs and goals as a learner have been directly related to the needs and goals of my school. As I work on my action plan for the coming year, I am left with questions about what I, as an individual learner, want to learn more about, connected but separated, from my organization. What are my passions? How can I foster them? What expertise do I want to develop? What experiences do I want to have? - Allison
10. As this week comes to a close, I saw a number of images that captured my experiences this week. However, the one that best describes my life at this point in time is the sign of the crossroads as I have left classroom teaching to take on the role of a teacher on special assignment, district wide. The assignment will provide me with many exciting challenges, but as the position is new to the district it has also left me with many unanswered questions. As my Asst. Supt. indicated, the job can be whatever I want it to be. Although the fellowship has been an incredible learning experience over the past year as it applied to my building responsibilities, I think I am going to need guidance and assistance more than ever before. I have to admit that while I am certain that this position will be challenging, I am equally certain that the support of the Communities for Learning will be able to assist me throughout this process. - Kathy D.
11. I selected this image because I saw within it the concepts and ideas of actively building a structure, (ARCS) working collegially and collaboratively (definitely evident in our time together this week) and the idea that improvement, change and progress sometimes happens piece by piece. What also resonates here for me is my place and my being part of the process and the picture of this summer institute with the other fellows, especially since this was my first summer. I am also drawn to the color blue (my Favorite) but which is also a symbol to me of water and fluidity. I hope that my work becomes fluid and transparent to those that I work and engage with. - Beth
12. The essence of continuous growth, change and renewal The idea of nurturing and being fed (in order to grow and prosper mind and body) The hand that starts as the base point, but that also can lead, guide, replicate and flex All of the dispositions actually The contrasts of colors (as we contrasts with fellows) but yet still both on the soft, warm side of the color wheel and compliment each other (just like the fellow) - Beth (again!)
13. One of my challenges was attempting to find a way to connect my work with my passion (helping all students gain access and opportunity to the types of learning experiences theyll need to become agents of change in their communities and the world). Because of the wonderful conversations I had this week with other members of the community, I reframed what I saw as a challenge. Instead of trying to jump from where my district is in relation to the vision we have for student learning by the end of the 2011 school year, I have learned this week to narrow my focus . Every small step I take toward my vision will get me closer to our overarching goal. - Carol
14. Although I should know better, I tend to bite off more than I can chew when I plan for this week. While I use the strategic planner faithfully, life and passion and interest always seem to intervene. Long about Wednesday when all the salad and all the stress catches up with me things start to even out and I can breathe. All the tasks get done and everything fits better in the bowl. -Theresa
15. This image is rich in line, shape, form, and color it is both balanced and asymmetrical (Thank you, Kathy.). Kandinsky calls it Improvisation (It is one of many with this title). I chose this image because it conjures up images of great genius for me and I believe that, as a collective, this community is genius, brilliantnot in the know-it-all sort of way, but in spirit, character, inspiration, humility. Your work takes different shapes and forms, you walk different paths, intersecting, meeting and overlapping as the lines and shapes do in this piece. These intersections and meetings are not always planned but they are not accidents. They come from your shared vision and collective commitment to lifting all children to meet their potential. The music you create inspiresyou inspire every summerand I am thankful to be touched by your genius. - Diane
16. I seek understanding now as I stand among experts I admire and who inspire me through their commitment to their understanding and collaborative learning. The garden that once bloomed and caught my attention is completely under construction once again. I have cleared the area and added new mulch and just a few simple plants (those the deer wont eat!) And I simply ponder, forcing myself to consider something new while I study the light, the shade, and what is possible. I seek simplicity and functionality, knowing that this too produces beauty and the possibility of bounty. I have decided to wait to plant my new beds. I am waiting until the fall when I can split plant that I have and start new areas, using what is available while clearing pathways in the more established gardens. This will open my eyes to new possibilities by creating space and spreading the beauty I know thrives under all kinds of conditions. - Anne
17. Refueled and energized Ready to take on the world of educational reform Having the nourishment I need for my journey, I am ready to embrace the future!!! I selected these images because they represent rebirth and newfound strength. Out of the old comes new growth, new bursts of energy; new ways of looking and thinking. I came here with very particular goals. What I have worked on throughout this week are new ways to think about my work. It has been exhilarating, energetic and uplifting!!! My passion for what I do has come back full circle to that of : teacher of children, future teachers and colleagues!!! I am eager to embrace SCARFI see its possibilities. I feel rested, revived, confident, and ready to take on new challenges. The old has been my rock, my foundation, my core. It will continue to be the essence of who I am and it will help shape where I will go. - Alex
18. I selected this image because when I arrived here I thought I had a plan in place as to what I wished to work on and how I was going to accomplish those goals. Then I went to the first plenary session and came out feeling trapped. Miracles happened. I was able to write a vision. I know this is just the beginning. Using the reflective process even this vision might change. But I was happy that as of now, I know there is light at the as the process of my learning takes place. Kathy P.
19. I selected this image because this week provided opportunities that expanded and refined my vision. mostly because others were willing to lend me their eyes. Angela
21. So many Little Flowers Many areas of need, desire, visions connecting and colliding My head, heart, and direction My internal compass Once a solid flower with defined petals and clear identity
22. Now again begins to fray and spread. I search for grounding, for stability within my own mind. I fear I may really be over my head; How is this a mind of a leader? Slowly, in tiny steps, supported by objective minds and hearts I am guided Eyes and hands work to help me see the pieces to collect
23. Allowing me once again to find the path I have created Find the place to continue on Order and chaos The ebb and flow of progress.