Endnote is a reference management software that allows users to import references from databases like PubMed and Web of Science, manually add references, insert citations into a Word document, and automatically generate bibliographies in various formats. Key features include storing references in a searchable database, eliminating errors by recognizing duplicate references, and formatting citations and bibliographies with just a few clicks. The tutorial covered how to install Endnote, import references from various sources, add references manually, insert citations into a Word doc, and format the bibliography.
2. Click to the icon to the left to advance to that topic. (in 際際滷 Show view only)
Installing Endnote
Opening Endnote for the First Time
Uploading References from PubMed
Importing References from Web of Science
Adding a New Reference
Inserting one or more references in a Word Document
Formatting Bibliography
Editing format of Bibliography
Things to take note of
3. Click to go to index from all slides Introduction
Endnote is a program that maintains references and creates your bibliography.
References just need to be entered once
References can be imported from search engine to eliminate typographical errors
References are stored in a data base and can be sorted on any of the features of
the database, e.g. year, author, title.
Journals have been pre-formatted, so once the citation is made in the text, all the
formatting is done for you and can be changed easily for re-submitted to another
Endnote works with Word or Outlook.
This tutorial is for the PC version of Endnote. The Mac version, would be very
similar, but not identical.
4. Installing Endnote
For new versions of Endnote (8.0 or greater) the installation process should be as
simple as running the executable file on CD and entering in the correct code.
Earlier versions might require file re-location.
After installing Endnote, any version, go to Word and check the toolbars to make
sure the Endnote tool bar is available. If so add it to your toolbars.
Added toolbar
View>Toolbars>Endnote X
If using older version advance here
5. Installing Endnote
If toolbar does not appear
1. Go to Word: Tools>Options Tab:File Locations
1. Highlight User Templates and hit Modify. It should open a Modify Locations
2. In older versions two files should be there: ENXCWYW (Word Template
where X is the version number) and ENXCwyw (Word.Addin.X) or
EN(Cwyw.WordXP) for XP users.
3. If they are not there, copy them from the Endnote Program file C:/Program
The location of where the template files should go is in the Modify
Locations Open box that came up when you hit Modify under User
Templates. It is usually something like: C:/Documents and
Settings/Owner/Application Data/Microsoft/Templates
The later versions of Endnote just have a shortcut to the C:/Program
Files/Endnote X directory. I dont know if this works in the earlier versions.
6. Opening Endnote
The opening screen will ask you to
Create, See Whats New in Endnote
9, or Open a Existing Library.
Initially, you will want to create a new
In the future, you
can use the browse
or pull-down
features to open
and existing
7. Opening Endnote
You will be prompted to save the new database. You can browse, just like saving
any other PC file, to save the file where you want.
You can also title the database anything you want.
Endnote files will have the Endnote icon to denote them
Endnote File
8. Opening Endnote
This is what the opening screen will look like
Exporting Bibliography type (discussed later)
Headers or Database Fields
Viewing Pane (might not be available in older versions)
10. Uploading References from PubMed
First you want to connect to the PubMed resource. After initially connecting, it will be
Initially select Connect, no other options
will be available
Short cut available after initial connection
11. Uploading References from PubMed
Scroll down to PubMed (NLM) and hit connect (NLM=National Library of Medicine)
12. Uploading References from PubMed
A search engine should come up
On older versions, if you click off this
window onto say your database window,
this will change to only search your
database. Additionally, if you want to
search your database, and the window is up
behind this one, you can select it here to
search it.
13. Uploading References from PubMed
You can Search a variety of different fields. Additionally AND, OR or NOT can be
use to search on more then one felid
AND, OR or NOT pull down
14. Uploading References from PubMed
A conformation box will appear. At this point you can cancel if you have too many
references to search through, and you will be allowed to add more search criteria.
15. Uploading References from PubMed
After hitting ok and a short pause, you should get a list comparable to what you
would get if you searched in the web-based engine. NOTE: some Materials and
Engineering journals are not searched in PubMed.
16. Uploading References from PubMed
The fields can be expanded, like Excel, and sorted by selecting the Field.
To copy to your new database, highlight the reference or references (with ctrl or shift)
Select Copy X References To at the right.
Select your new data base
17. Uploading References from PubMed
Your screen should look something like this. If you double click on the reference you
will get the next screen.
20. Uploading References from PubMed
References found on Pub Med can be easily through Endnote by using PMID. This
only works for Pub Med Files
21. Uploading References from PubMed
PubMed references can also be sent to Endnote by pulling down the File option.
This method will create a file to be saved to your computer and then imported in
23. Importing References from Web of Science
Search as you would normally. Remember Review can be selected from the box at
the bottom if needed.
24. Importing References from Web of Science
By selecting and clicking Add to Marked List, one can start the process to importing
the references.
Select here
(also available
when viewing
abstract) Click here to
add to marked
25. Importing References from Web of Science
To take the next
step to export,
click here, to
view your
marked list.
Marked items
will look like
26. Importing References from Web of Science
Here you can unselect reference below if needed
Hit Export to Reference Software to export, Endnote Web is an advanced feature
Export button
27. Importing References from Web of Science
After a pause, you should get something like this. If not, hit Export.
Export button
28. Importing References from Web of Science
After downloading, with similar steps to any web download one performs, a prompt
should come up to select your newly created database file
29. Importing References from Web of Science
Your files should be imported.
For some reason when you import from W of S it just presents the newly added files,
which is fine if you want to site them right away. Dont worry your other references
are still there! The only way I have found to go back to them is to close out the
database and go File>Open and select your file from the recently viewed ones.
Close database
not program
30. Importing References from Web of Science
Your database should look like this.
You can delete copies of files by highlighting the file, right clicking and selecting
Delete Reference. It will ask you to confirm.
31. Adding a New Reference
To add a new reference, go References>New References (ctrl-N) in Endnote
32. Adding a New Reference
Select the Reference Type and enter the information. Endnote will recognize already
entered Authors and journals to minimize errors.
All fields do not need to be completed
33. Adding a New Reference
Example of In Press Article
Close it out to save
Recognized Author
Unrecognized Entry
34. Adding a New Reference
Example of Wikipedia Reference
36. Inserting one or more references in a Word Document
Go to Word. With the Endnote Toolbar present, also open Endnote.
Highlight the reference, or references (with ctrl), in Endnote
In Word hit the insert icon
Insert Here
37. Inserting one or more references in a Word Document
If cite while you write is
active, you will get an
inserted reference,
perhaps like this.
If you dont have cite while
you write active, it will look
Unless you computer is something like this
really fast, I wouldnt suggest
using Track Changes AND
Cite While your Write
38. Inserting one or more references in a Word Document
To delete references you need to be in the expanded (none-formatted, or non-CWYR
mode). This can be accomplished by Un-formatting the references.
Then delete reference from the end of semi-colon to past. As highlighted.
Un-format references here
39. Inserting one or more references in a Word Document
To insert an additional reference, insert cursor into reference and insert as before,
after highlighting in Endnote. Then delete the extra brackets.
This can also be accomplished by deleting the references in the text, highlighting all
the references in Endnote, including the new one and hitting the insert button.
Insert Here
41. Formatting Bibliography
Here you can select what Journal Format Output you would like (e.g. JACS) and also
turn off CWYR
The default Output style is usually something like Numbered, or Show All
To turn off
Insert Here
42. Formatting Bibliography
If one hits Browse, they will get a list formats. If that particular journal is not listed
often the publisher will list the Endnote Reference (e.g. Biomaterials = Vancouver) or
you can download it on the Endnote Webpage.
Additionally, you can make your own reference format, which is covered later.
43. Formatting Bibliography
To create bib, go back to Word and select desired output style and hit ok.
The bib will be created at the end of the text. It can be moved and edited as need.
45. Editing format of Bibliography
Go Edit>Output Styles >desired base output style
46. Editing format of Bibliography
If you are changing an established format, one might want to consider save as
before any changes are made.
47. Editing format of Bibliography
A majority of your edits will take place in this screen. Here Endnote has standardized
the text that represents the field. This language can be accessed under Insert Field
Formats how
displayed in Endnote
Insert Field
Formats how Button
displayed in Bib
48. Things to take note of
Endnote will not see references in a text boxes in Word. Consider using tables to
place boxes.
If you enter a references twice and cite both in the text, you might have two
references in the bibliography.
Endnote saves after every change to the database, automatically.
If you have imported references from say PubMed, it will ask you to delete the extra,
non-transferred references that were imported. If you imported the relevant
references to the database, the reference of need will not be deleted.
You can drag one reference from one library to another
A traveling library can be created from the tool bar in Word which will just contain
the used references.
Multiple library can be referenced and open at the same time
If Endnote cant locate the reference, a window will come up and ask you to indicate
it or locate it.