This document summarizes several dental procedures including root canal retreatments and treatments. It describes a root canal retreatment on tooth #11 that was underfilled previously. It also details a difficult root canal treatment on tooth #10 that had excessive calcification and almost resulted in a perforation due to errors in the previous attempt. A root canal was also completed on tooth #19 where a fracture line led to irreversible pulpitis.
2. RCT of calcified #10 Pre-op. view of #10: unsuccessful RCT attempt by previous DDS. Excessive calcification in pulp chamber and procedural errors during access cavity almost led to perforation on M Root canal orifice located and RCT completed in our office Incorrect bur positioning during access cavity (red line) and failure to follow the long axis of the tooth (green line) caused excessive loss of tooth structure and almost a perforation
3. #19 RCT Fracture line led to symptoms of irreversible pulpitis (with normal periapex) on #19
4. #9-RC Retreatment (presence of lateral canal) Lateral position of radiolucency (green) suggests the presence of possible lateral canal (red line) Lateral canal filled during obturation procedures Pre-op. view