Water storage tanks are used for both domestic and commercial purposes, in areas such as rainwater collection and agriculture. Sometimes, connecting water tanks together may be the best option for those who want a lot of storage. This is because connecting tanks together can increase your water storage capacity without significant plumbing work having to be done. To learn how to connect 3 water tanks together, continue reading. Tank Linking Kits A water tank linking kit with camlock valves is a great way to connect multiple water storage tanks. These kits allow you to fill your tanks sequentially which adds capacity to your system. There is a range of water tank linking kits available. The kits consist of an overflow pipe or siphon tube which varies in length. They come with taps and hosetail fittings to secure the kit in place. Some tank linking kits come with camlock valves which are used to control flow. Linking Tanks From The Top If you are still unsure of how to connect multiple storage tanks, they can be linked from the top. When this happens, the water will fill up from the first tank and overflow into the hose that leads into the other tank. This opening should be the same size as the inlet to the other tank. The maximum water level of all tanks in your system will be limited depending on the height of the overflow pipe. Therefore, the first tank should be elevated the highest, with the other tanks each slightly lower. Linking Tanks From The Bottom Linking taps from the bottom is slightly less complicated than from the top. With this method, rainwater will flow into your first tank and when it reaches the height of the pipe link, it will flow into the other tank until it is at the same height. This will continue until both tanks are evenly full.