El documento describe el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, una estrategia educativa centrada en el estudiante donde peque単os grupos trabajan en la investigaci坦n y resoluci坦n de problemas reales con la gu鱈a de un tutor. Los proyectos son interdisciplinarios e involucran m炭ltiples 叩reas del conocimiento. El objetivo es desarrollar habilidades de investigaci坦n en los estudiantes y hacerlos responsables de su propio aprendizaje a trav辿s de la resoluci坦n colaborativa de problemas. La evaluaci坦n se basa en auto, co y heteroevaluaci坦n usando r
Exploring Our Ancient Irish Christian Heritage, Saint Patrick's day 2016Peter McIntyre
This document provides an overview of the history of Christianity in Ireland from its earliest arrival in the 3rd century CE through the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. It discusses how Christianity was introduced through missionaries and Celtic peoples, the establishment of the Scoto-Irish Church prior to St. Patrick's mission in the 5th century, Patrick's evangelization of Ireland, and the spread of monasticism through figures like Columba and Columbanus. It also addresses Ireland's conversion to Roman Catholicism beginning in the 7th century and the decline of the Celtic Church due to Viking invasions and Norman conquest.
The document summarizes the image manipulation steps taken to create a magazine cover featuring a model holding a guitar in front of a rock-themed house. The key steps included: 1) using the polygonal lasso tool to outline and crop the guitar and model from the background; 2) using the clone stamp tool to change the color of the background around the guitar; 3) applying a dark rock-styled wallpaper background; and 4) using the paintbrush tool to remove the white outline and neaten the overall image. The manipulations were intended to theme the cover around rock music and match the model and guitar colors.
Passos para trabalhar com fun巽探es.
Exerc鱈cio Resolvido.
Fun巽探es void.
Zorica Dini - Iskopaj bunar pre no 邸to postane邸 転edan - i ne vrati邸 pare, Co...Menad転ment Centar Beograd
Kompanije tra転e naina da naplate svoja potra転ivanja. Prodaja po sistemu zna邸 me, znam te, proizvodi situaciju u kojoj sa klijentom zapadnete u orsokak. Strategija za izlazak, odnosno otplatu odobrenog robnog kredita naje邸e glasi platie, rizik stvara kapital. Da, ali koji?
En el presente escrito, estoy resaltando puntos y caracter鱈sticas importantes relacionadas directamente, con el amplio estudio de la ecolog鱈a y lo que encierra sus inicios, sus principales conceptos, principios b叩sicos a seguir, al igual que sus principales representantes y fundadores, que a nivel mundial han trabajado en pro de esta ciencia, realizando inclusive peque単as rese単as de estos investigadores, mencionando as鱈 las tendencias o corrientes de estos autores. Adem叩s de un amplio concepto de ecosistema biol坦gicos naturales, como se establecen y como proteger o preservar su estabilidad, desarrollo y distribuci坦n de estos ecosistemas en las estructuras de tiempo y espacio determinados, explicando cu叩les son los factores externos que generan alteraciones y por ende perturban directamente los ecosistemas, el strees de estos mismos sistemas ecol坦gicos, mencionando algunos ecosistemas aut坦ctonos de nuestro pa鱈s, como lo son, los diferentes tipos de bosque, sabanas y relieves o terrenos; Bosque selva tropical megat辿rmica, Selva pluvial mesot辿rmica, Bosque trop坦filo, Bosque xer坦filo, Bosque hidr坦fito, Sabanas(sabana limpia, chaparral, morichal y sabana de tepuyes), P叩ramos, M辿danos o Dunas y relieves de Costa o Planicies saladas.
Taskredit is a platform for students and coworkers to collaborate, organize tasks, and share ideas. It aims to strengthen peer networks and connect people with common interests by providing tools for collaborative projects. The platform allows users to view and organize tasks and notes, see their contacts and associated projects/groups, and follow other projects. It also features an ideas section with videos, classes, a library, and a marketplace. A customer survey found that many people struggle sharing ideas and organizing tasks currently, and want to be compensated for contributions to other projects.
Taskr is a platform for students and coworkers to collaborate, organize tasks, and share ideas. It aims to connect people with common interests through collaborative projects and tools. The platform allows users to give and organize tasks, share ideas through videos and documents, and interact through projects, initiatives and discussions. A customer survey found that many users feel limited by current collaboration tools and have inconsistent ways to manage tasks, and over half would contribute to projects for monetary compensation or revenue sharing.
SharenTask is a platform for students and coworkers to collaborate, organize tasks, and share ideas. It aims to connect people with common interests through collaborative projects and tools. The platform allows users to give and organize tasks, share projects and ideas, learn from videos and classes, and rate other users' work. A survey found that while many currently use tools like Google Docs, people want a more flexible collaboration platform and would be willing to contribute to projects for money or a share of revenues.
The document proposes an umbrella sharing service that establishes partnerships with sponsors and companies. Users would be able to locate and reserve available umbrellas through a smartphone app, picking them up from and returning them to mapped stations. Umbrellas could be purchased for $5 from vending machines sponsored by partners and $4 returned for recycling unused umbrellas, aiming to offer a cheap solution for forgetting or not wanting to carry an umbrella while building a feeling of community.
The document proposes a smartphone app that maps locations of umbrella vending and recycling machines sponsored by companies. Users could purchase umbrellas for $5 from machines located in public places like subways and banks, and receive $4 back for recycling used umbrellas. The goal is to offer a cheap, convenient solution for forgetting or not wanting to carry an umbrella by building an umbrella-sharing community and reducing waste.
Taskredit is a platform for students and coworkers to collaborate, organize tasks, and share ideas. It aims to strengthen peer networks and connect people with common interests by providing tools for collaborative projects. The platform allows users to view and organize tasks and notes, see their contacts and associated projects/groups, and follow other projects. It also features an ideas section with videos, classes, a library, and a marketplace. A customer survey found that many people struggle sharing ideas and organizing tasks currently, and want to be compensated for contributions to other projects.
Taskr is a platform for students and coworkers to collaborate, organize tasks, and share ideas. It aims to connect people with common interests through collaborative projects and tools. The platform allows users to give and organize tasks, share ideas through videos and documents, and interact through projects, initiatives and discussions. A customer survey found that many users feel limited by current collaboration tools and have inconsistent ways to manage tasks, and over half would contribute to projects for monetary compensation or revenue sharing.
SharenTask is a platform for students and coworkers to collaborate, organize tasks, and share ideas. It aims to connect people with common interests through collaborative projects and tools. The platform allows users to give and organize tasks, share projects and ideas, learn from videos and classes, and rate other users' work. A survey found that while many currently use tools like Google Docs, people want a more flexible collaboration platform and would be willing to contribute to projects for money or a share of revenues.
The document proposes an umbrella sharing service that establishes partnerships with sponsors and companies. Users would be able to locate and reserve available umbrellas through a smartphone app, picking them up from and returning them to mapped stations. Umbrellas could be purchased for $5 from vending machines sponsored by partners and $4 returned for recycling unused umbrellas, aiming to offer a cheap solution for forgetting or not wanting to carry an umbrella while building a feeling of community.
The document proposes a smartphone app that maps locations of umbrella vending and recycling machines sponsored by companies. Users could purchase umbrellas for $5 from machines located in public places like subways and banks, and receive $4 back for recycling used umbrellas. The goal is to offer a cheap, convenient solution for forgetting or not wanting to carry an umbrella by building an umbrella-sharing community and reducing waste.