The document discusses using compressed sensing to efficiently compress shock data from avionics components. It describes how shock data is sparse in multiple domains and compressed sensing offers lower computational complexity than other compression methods while achieving similar compression efficiency. The document outlines the mathematics behind compressed sensing and recovery algorithms, and evaluates the performance of compressed sensing on shock data compared to discrete cosine transform and wavelet thresholding in terms of percentage root mean square difference, compression ratio, and execution time. Compressed sensing was able to compress shock data almost 1000 times faster than discrete wavelet transform while satisfying the constraints of low computational complexity and minimum error.
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Energy Efficient Compression of Shock Data using Compressed Sensing
1. Energy Ef鍖cient Compression of Shock Data
using Compressed Sensing
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel, Finitha K.C.,
September 2, 2016
3. Introduction
Avionics components encounter shock from several
Components should be tested for reliability
Shock data: acceleration v/s time plot
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 3
4. Problem
Compression of Shock Data
Computational complexity should be low
Error should be minimum
Why CS?
Shock data is sparse in multiple domains
Has lower computational complexity
Has almost equal compression ef鍖ciency
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 4
5. Shock Data (1/2)
Plot of magnitude of shock pulses v/s time
Rocket motor ignition
Staging events
Deployment events
Measured using accelerometers
1Tom Irvine. An Introduction to the Vibration Response Spectrum. In: Rev C,
Vibrationdata (2000).
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 5
6. Shock Data (2/2)
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 6
7. Shock Respose Spectra
Calculated from acceleration time history
For estimating damage potential
For estimating integrity of shock data
Figure: SRS
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 7
8. Shock Respose Spectra- Calculation (1/2)
Figure: SRS Model
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 8
9. Shock Respose Spectra- Calculation (2/2)
(a) Shock data and response to
SDOF systems
(b) Shock data and Shock Response
Spectra data
Figure: Shock data and SRS
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 9
10. Integrity from SRS
(a) SRS of a saturated shock data
(b) SRS of a good shock dataJerrin Thomas Panachakel 10
11. Compressed Sensing (CS)-Motivation
Why go to so much effort to acquire all the data when
most of what we get will be thrown away ?2
N samples acquired but only K are required
Basic requirement, sparsity
Figure: Comparison between sparse signal and compressible signal
2Jon Dattorro. Convex optimization and Euclidean distance geometry. Meboo
Publishing USA, 2005.
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 11
12. Mathematics behind CS (1/3)
x =
sii (2)
weighing coef鍖cients, si =< x, 率 >, x RN
or equivalently,
x = 率s (3)
y = 陸x (4)
using (3),
y = 陸率s = s (5)
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 12
13. Mathematics behind CS (2/3)
Recoverable if the four columns are LI
For M measurements, all M K sub-matrices are ideally
close to orthonormal basis
RIP: 1 ||陸v||2
1 +
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 13
14. Mathematics behind CS (3/3)
Design of RIP matrix is almost impossible
RIP matrices are around us!3
iid Gaussian
iid Bernoulli
M cKlog(N
K )
Figure: Gerhard Richer- 4096 Farben
3Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 14
15. Recovery (1/3)
Solution to 陸s = y lies in the translated null space of
2 recovery:
S = argmin||s ||2, such that S = y
Figure: 2 minimization
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 15
16. Recovery (2/3)
0 recovery:
S = argmin||s ||0, such that S = y
Computationally complex
1 recovery:
S = argmin||s ||1, such that S = y
Figure: 1 minimization
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 16
23. Time v/s CR
Figure: Execution Time v/s CR
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 23
24. Conclusion
Shock data compression performed using CS
CS inferior in terms of PRD for higher CR
CS is almost 1000 times faster than thresholding based
DWT compression
Implemented technique satis鍖es the requirements
Jerrin Thomas Panachakel 24