This presentation provides details about how exactly to get the most from the data available from energy meters.
It is acknowledged by those working in the energy industry that it is rare for more than 50% of the savings potential available from metered data is used. This presentation points to where to find those "hidden" savings. Pleace contact me for more information.
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Energy Savings Through Metering
1. Andy Watson Director Sim Energy Ltd In partnership with BMSi Ltd Energy Savings Through Metering
2. Why meter? You cannot manage what you cannot measure But you can reduce energy consumption without metering.! You cannot know how efficient plant: Should be Could be Is
3. What benefit M&T Development & Interaction Returns Devolvement Install Raw data & quick wins Benchmarking & exception reports Driving factor and CUSUM analysis
8. Phase 3 Energy Management Strategy Improve granularity of data install more meters Group into asset types: HVAC Lighting Small power etc Analyse asset loads Identify quick wins
10. Quick wins Chilling fighting the heating Lighting and small power left on at night Building being conditioned at night/weekends 10 20% improvement possible
11. Benchmarking and exceptions Feature of most energy databases Requires historical or industry data to make benchmarks Dynamic benchmarking DRIVING FACTORS: By nature of business Property energy/m 2 Manufacturing energy/item made Commercial energy/turnover By nature of equipment Air conditioning energy/Degree day Escalators energy/m ascent leading to
12. Cumulative Sum Analysis (CUSUM) 1. Establish a record of driving factor against energy use 2. Plot a scatter graph and establish a trend
13. 3. Make predictions and record actual consumption 4. Calculate the variation between predicted and actual consumption
14. Identify: Stable performance Optimum performance Problems stabilising Effects of energy efficiency on stable operation 5. Cumulatively sum the variations
15. Example 3 storey common user office building chiller energy Stable operation Fault Fault stabilises Repair Energy efficiency installed
19. Typical savings 30 60% by implementation of a full PI strategy including: metering improved controls behavioural change devolved responsibility 40% saving in consumption through better control only!
22. The benefits Measured savings after programme (extrapolated to one year): 贈136k per annum 2.7 GWh 108 CO2 tonnes 13% saving on T4 total power Latest detailed HV reading: March 2005 27% below average monthly consumption 37% below March 2004 consumption 17% below March 2003 consumption Lowest monthly consumption in five years
27. Summary Smart metering solution SPB = 1-3 years Up to 60% improvement possible Other requirements: Behaviours Processes/Operations Work to get more out of the investment