Greencubator initiative aims to change the energy patterns of Ukraine by promotion energy efficiency, building energy awareness and fostering innovations.
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University Library Svetozar Markovic from Belgrade, Serbia, and partnering institutions organized Open Access Week at the University of Belgrade from October 22 to 28, 2012.
"University Library in Belgrade OA experiences" was presented by Sanja Antonic from University Library in Belgrade.
University Library Svetozar Markovic from Belgrade, Serbia, and partnering institutions organized Open Access Week at the University of Belgrade from October 22 to 28, 2012.
"Yahoo Pipes and Walden's Paths" was presented by Gordana Nedeljkov from University Library of Belgrade.
University Library Svetozar Markovic from Belgrade, Serbia, and partnering institutions organized Open Access Week at the University of Belgrade from October 22 to 28, 2012.
"Open Access and the World Bank" was presented by Mirjana Popovic from the World Bank, Belgrade, Serbia.
Open Access Week celebrations in EIFL partner countriesIryna Kuchma
Open Access Week celebrations were held in over 60 developing countries through EIFL partnerships. Over the past year, there has been significant growth in open access repositories and journals in these countries. Advocacy efforts have led to new open access policies at 33 institutions. Events and workshops educated over 11,000 people, and new collaborations have been formed. Challenges remain in planning advocacy projects, but results show increased open access outputs and momentum toward national policy discussions.
Presentation given to the Romanian FP7 involved stakeholders gathered with the occasion of the launch of a substantial 7 billion boost for research and innovation will create jobs and growth.
For more details about this event:
Libraries Advocating for Open Access: Best Practices and Lessons LearntIryna Kuchma
This document summarizes Iryna Kuchma's presentation on libraries advocating for open access at the Fifth Belgrade International Open Access Conference in 2012. The presentation discusses best practices and lessons learned from advocating for open access in libraries. It highlights that high-level stakeholders and influential researchers are important allies for advocacy campaigns. The presentation also provides tactics that have proven effective, such as identifying champions, engaging young researchers, and presenting case studies of open access repositories and journals. Challenges discussed include the importance of timing advocacy efforts strategically and having a trained team to develop open access infrastructure. Some results of advocacy campaigns included new open access policies and repositories being established.
Live Kommunikation: Social Media an Grossveranstaltungen - GurtenfestivalMarkus Maurer
am Beispiel vom Gurtenfestival Bern
Promoting rational consumption in the residential sector in Ukraine - is a project that enables homeowners to evaluate online their consumption of electricity, water, gas, heating compared to the other customers and get recommendations how to save money and reduce environmental impact.
University Library Svetozar Markovic from Belgrade, Serbia, and partnering institutions organized Open Access Week at the University of Belgrade from October 22 to 28, 2012.
"Open Access and the World Bank" was presented by Mirjana Popovic from the World Bank, Belgrade, Serbia.
Open Access Week celebrations in EIFL partner countriesIryna Kuchma
Open Access Week celebrations were held in over 60 developing countries through EIFL partnerships. Over the past year, there has been significant growth in open access repositories and journals in these countries. Advocacy efforts have led to new open access policies at 33 institutions. Events and workshops educated over 11,000 people, and new collaborations have been formed. Challenges remain in planning advocacy projects, but results show increased open access outputs and momentum toward national policy discussions.
Presentation given to the Romanian FP7 involved stakeholders gathered with the occasion of the launch of a substantial 7 billion boost for research and innovation will create jobs and growth.
For more details about this event:
Libraries Advocating for Open Access: Best Practices and Lessons LearntIryna Kuchma
This document summarizes Iryna Kuchma's presentation on libraries advocating for open access at the Fifth Belgrade International Open Access Conference in 2012. The presentation discusses best practices and lessons learned from advocating for open access in libraries. It highlights that high-level stakeholders and influential researchers are important allies for advocacy campaigns. The presentation also provides tactics that have proven effective, such as identifying champions, engaging young researchers, and presenting case studies of open access repositories and journals. Challenges discussed include the importance of timing advocacy efforts strategically and having a trained team to develop open access infrastructure. Some results of advocacy campaigns included new open access policies and repositories being established.
Live Kommunikation: Social Media an Grossveranstaltungen - GurtenfestivalMarkus Maurer
am Beispiel vom Gurtenfestival Bern
Promoting rational consumption in the residential sector in Ukraine - is a project that enables homeowners to evaluate online their consumption of electricity, water, gas, heating compared to the other customers and get recommendations how to save money and reduce environmental impact.
This document discusses Greencubator, an organization that promotes sustainable energy innovations and entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Greencubator connects energy professionals through events like TeslaCamps and supports green startups. It works on initiatives to develop energy-efficient universities, communities, and media while advocating for behavioral changes to reduce energy use and waste. Greencubator's goal is to empower people to become advocates, investors, and drivers of the energy revolution.
Energy Policy 2.0:Designing sustainable behavior for energy efficiencyRoman Zinchenko
People hate saving energy, but they love saving money. Greencubator's Roman Zinchenko shares how designing behavioral changes, peer pressure, psychological hacks, collaborative consumption and standing up agains the energy monopolies help combatting climate change and allow energy saving.
This document provides information about CODE_n, an international initiative that promotes business ideas and startups through contests and events. It summarizes the CODE_n13 contest, which has the motto "Smart Solutions for Global Challenges" and will select 50 finalists to present at CeBIT 2013. Finalists will receive free exhibition space and a chance to connect with investors. The contest focuses on ideas in areas like smart grids, cleantech, and e-mobility. Applications are open until November 30th, with finalists announced on December 15th.
Greencubator is a Ukrainian nonprofit that aims to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in Ukraine. It does this through educational conferences for universities, public awareness campaigns like energy camps for youth, and events supporting green startups. Greencubator also works with media and the business community on publishing articles and conferences about opportunities in low-carbon growth. The organization was founded due to Ukraine's high energy costs and lack of energy efficiency culture, which costs the country billions annually. Greencubator hopes to build a culture of sustainable energy consumption through partnerships, media outreach, and community programs.
This document discusses corporate and financial communications and public relations. It states that PR helps build understanding between parties and outlines its approach of opening new opportunities for businesses through transformational communications. The company focuses on investment and financial PR, territorial marketing, innovation support, and energy efficiency promotion. It provides tools like media relations campaigns and training to help achieve results. The basis is strategic planning including audience analysis and message development. Example completed projects are listed including investment conferences and media support for IPOs and M&A deals. Training programs and media campaigns are also highlighted.
This document discusses energy patterns and opportunities in Ukraine. It notes Ukraine has deposits of oil, gas, coal and potential for alternative energy. However, Ukraine also faces challenges of overconsumption of fossil fuels and energy inefficiency. The document proposes a service grant program called GreenCubator to help energy startups and innovators overcome communication barriers and connect with customers and investors to help commercialize new technologies and solutions that can help Ukraine transition to more sustainable energy sources and practices. GreenCubator will provide communication support and training to eligible small businesses and startups working in areas like energy savings, alternative energy and energy management.
The document discusses various aspects of financial public relations (PR), including creating corporate value, communicating value to stakeholders, and raising capital. Key terms discussed include venture capital, shareholders, IPOs, debt financing, and maintaining positive stakeholder perceptions of a company's value and management.