22. Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication
Estonian Institute for Population Studies
Institute of International Social Studies
Centre for Educational Technology
Centre for Innovation in Education
Institute of Ecology
Centre for Landscape and Culture
+ 5 centeres for excelence in. fields
48. Quality assessment
All institutions of higher education must request an education licence
from the Government of the Republic in order to obtain the right to
conduct studies in a specific study programme group and at a specific
level of education. The education license received for the study
programme group extends state recognition to all study programmes in
that group.
There is no accreditation of a single study programme; assessment
committees, comprised of international experts, give feedback to
the entire study programme group at least once every seven years.
Institutional accreditation, or an external evaluation of the functioning of
the organisation as a whole and its system of quality assurance, is going
to be the main instrument for quality assurance.
The purpose of an external evaluation of higher education is feedback,
not the application of sanctions.
28 study programme groups, including
Teacher training and educational sciencesE-S Sarv 2017 48
50. Self-evaluation of programme group
guide (http://ekka.archimedes.ee/wp-content/uploads/Self-Evaluation-
A. General, incl the realative position of the programme
group, programmes, developments, RDCreativity and
R&D, collaboration
1. Study Programme and Study Programme Developmen (consistency of
objectives and outcomes, coherence of parts, development based
on feedback .. ), strenghts, developments ahead
2. Resources (T-L environment),
3. Teaching and learning modern methods, flexibility,
transparency and objctivity of assessment of outcomes
4. Teaching staff (incl: student assessment of teaching skills, delf-
5. Students ..
The study programmes under evaluation, including their objectives and
learning outcomes at both the study programme and module levels. If there
are no content modules - study programme together with descriptions of the
objectives and learning outcomes of individual courses;
Detailed descriptions (course descriptions/syllabi) of at least five of the
most important courses from each study programme under evaluation, which
include the objectives and learning outcomes of the course; descriptions of
students independent work and its assessment, teaching methods,
assessment methods and criteria; and a required reading list;
A sample timetable (standard study plan) by semester, preferably with a
diagram describing the interrelationships of the courses;
A comparison of the learning outcomes of study programmes with the
learning outcomes of the Standard of Higher Education;
Information about members of the specialty-related teaching staff selected
by the higher education institution for this report: name an overview of
teaching, learning or research at foreign institutions of higher education over
the last five years; the most important publications and R&D projects of the
last five years that support teaching in the study programme group underE-S Sarv 2017 51
57. Estonia - qualifications frame
E-S Sarv 2017 57
Joonis 1. Eesti kvalifikatsiooniraamistik [21]. Kutse探ppe 探ppekavadega
[22] on paika pandud:
kutse-, eri ja ametialase 探ppe eesm辰rgid ja 端lesanded;
saavutatavad 探piv辰ljundid ning seosed EKR-iga;
探pingute alustamise ja l探petamise n探uded;
探ppekava moodulid ning nende maht koos 探piv辰ljundite ja
moodulite valiku v探imalused ja tingimused ning
mis m辰辰rab kvalifikatsioonitaseme (vt joonis 1).
Joonis 1. Eesti kvalifikatsiooniraamistik [21].
Teacher BA
Teacher MA
58. 仂仍亠亰仆亠 仄舒亠亳舒仍
European Qualifications Framework - Euroopa
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training (CEDEFOP)
European classification of Skills, Competences, Qualifications
and Occupations (ESCO)
EU Skills Panorama - Euroopa Liidu oskuste kataloog
Documents, printed materials:
Council Recommendation on the European Qualifications
Framework for Lifelong Learning 2016
Getting Skills Right: Assessing and Anticipating Changing
Skills Needs, OECD 2016
E-S Sarv 2017 58
Editor's Notes
#2: 際際滷s are mostly in Russian. Many have explanation in English in the comments-field.
#18: 1997 was developed (by The Estonian Forum of Education and Estonian Institute of Futures Studies) Scenarios Estonian Education 2015 where among 4 scenarios was only one sustainable The Learning Estonia. Here Estonian society was seen as learning, knowledge based society, where most organisations are learning organisations. (http://www.21learn.org/activities/events/estonias-education-scenarios-2015/ )
#21: Development of higher education > some reforms in last decade > integration of Institutes and other structural changes, new goals, change in economical model.
University of Tallinn (former Pedagogical Institute) main goal: to become promoter of an intelligent lifestyle in Estonia. Look: https://www.tlu.ee/en and http://www.tlu.ee/public/TLUarengukava/.
#23: For University structure look: http://www.tlu.ee/en/university/governance.
#28: Education and science/research are coordinated and developed by two main bodies/institutions ARCHIMEDES and INNOVE.
#29: ARCHIMEDES has special office for evaluation higher education (institutions and programmes).
#31: Some paragraphs from the Standard of Higher Education. Look (in English): https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/ee/VV/reg/524092014013/consolide
#37: Usually it is recommended to have 7-10 goals.
#38: Here and following slides some paragraphs (not fully) from The Standard. The English version link look slide 28.
#46: Quality of higher education, evaluation of higher education.
#51: Preparation for (outer) evaluation/assessmnet means compilation of self-evaluation(s). Here and in following slide are some references from Self-evaluation Guide prepared by Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency.
#54: Key competencies are the foundation of Professional standard ( are described there), and of building up study programme.
#55: Qualification system in Estonia. Teacher and other professional standards are based on competency-model.
#56: Qualofocation system- All materials are available in Estonian and in English.
#57: The occupational qualifications system is an interface between the labour market and the lifelong learning system enhancing the development, assessment and recognition of persons occupational competence. The system is developed and administered by the Estonian Qualifications Authority.
Look: https://www.kutsekoda.ee/en/index
#58: Teacher level 6 (BA, 3-4 years, not used any more as teacher are requred to have MA ), 7 (for most teachers), 8 (higher education and teacher-methodologist).