Enfo Sweden AB provides security information and event management (SIEM) services to help organizations comply with data security regulations and detect cyber threats. SIEM allows analysis of security events in real-time to immediately react to threats while also supporting business intelligence through usage information. Enfo offers SIEM consulting, monitoring and analysis, and hosting services to help clients optimize infrastructure, consolidate servers, and realize business benefits from strengthened data security.
2. “Sony Makes it Official: PlayStation Network Hacked”
“Sony PlayStation network hacked again ...”
“New York Times hacked”
“New York Times hacked for Four Months Straight”
“Wall Street Journal says it has also been hacked”
“Google kills Iranian blog with 3 million hacked bank accounts”
“Försvaret, TT, SJ, Swedbank och SEB utsatta för ’denial of service”
”Praktikanten läste ex-pojkvännens journal”
Datainspektionen - Samtliga landsting bryter mot lagen!
40.000 anställda i (Stockholm) landsting har åtkomst till dina journaler
3. SIEM as a solution
Security information management:
“Analysis and reporting for compliance and forensic”
Security event management:
“Immediate reaction to threats detected by real-time tracking”
SIEM based business intelligence:
“Support business decision-making with usage information”
5. Then, HIPAA compliance in reality?
”Tidigare var det sekretess runt varje förvaltning i vården. Nu råder i stället
sekretess i hela landstinget. Tystnadsplikten mot allmänheten är fortfarande lika
sträng men internt har den öppnats upp. Med öppenheten följer också
konsekvenser för patientens integritet. Om en patient till exempel anförtrott
sexuella övergrepp till en doktor finns numera möjlighet för andra
landstingsanställda att ta del av anteckningar”
8. Top 5 security threats for 2013*
1. Cyber (in)security
2. Supply chain security
3. Big data
4. Data security in the cloud
5. Consumerization – securing consumer devices
* Source: The Information Security Forum
9. Is the ‘detection’ out-sourced??
Source: Verizon Risk Team, “2012 Data breach investigations report”