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October 3rd - 7th, 2011
Cambridge, Massachusetts - U.S.A.
We live in a world lled with continuous evolution and rising new opportunities. To achieve
results and to perform in an ef cient and effective manner, it is essential that leaders of
the private and public sectors gain the expertise, insights, andcompetencies required to
positively in uence any outcome.

As a result, Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC) - a negotiation, strategic
communications, and leadership rm with headquarters in Caracas - created a partnership
with MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program (PDP) and the Consensus Building Institute
(CBI) to develop a negotiation and persuasion workshop exclusively for professionals in
Latin America. Going on its sixth year, this program has successfully trained over 600 Latin
American entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders and it is now expanding its services to
include participants living in the United States.
This hands-on workshop provides you with a step-by-step guide to effectively persuade others during
a negotiation. Maximize your ability to in uence, resolve con icts, and generate solutions that bene t
both parties in a strategic way.

Bene鍖ts of attending
  Master effective persuading techniques to communicate con dently during a negotiation.
  Develop powerful agreements that add value and generate the best solutions that bene t both sides.
  Apply proven techniques for analyzing, preparing for, and conducting negotiations.
  Become more effective during extensive hands-on negotiation practice and personalized case studies.
  Unprecedented business networking opportunities with leaders and entrepreneurs from Latin

Who should attend
Entrepreneurs, leaders, professionals, and individuals who face the challenge of resolving con icts
and are seeking to drive breakthrough performance improvements

Topics covered
  Negotiation Based on Interests
  Principles of Persuasion
  Non-Verbal Communication During Negotiations
  Handling Dif cult Conversations
  Managing Differences During Complex Negotiations
  Negotiations and Emotions

  Time               Monday 3                       Tuesday 4             Wednesday 5                 Thursday 6                  Friday 7

          Credentials and Materials

  9:00    Welcome  Introduction          Prof. Gary Orren      Prof. James Coan            Prof. Hal Movius
                                                                                                                      Prof. Dan Shapiro
                                          Persuasion            No verbal comunication in   Managing differences
                                                                                                                      Negotiation and emotions
                                                                Negotiation                 in complex negotiations

  9:30    Exercise

          Lunch                           Lunch                 Lunch                       Lunch
 - 1:00
                                                                                                                      Delivered of Certi鍖cates
          Guhan Subramanian
                                                                                            Prof. Hal Movius
  1:00                                    Prof. Gary Orren      Prof. John Richardson
                                                                                            Managing differences
 - 5:00   Negotiating based in interest   Persuasion            Dif鍖cult conversation
                                                                                            in complex negotiations

5:00      Closing                         Closing               Closing                     Closing
               Gary Orren                                 James Coan                                  John Richardson
                 Gary Orren is the Roy                      He is one of the best                      John is a senior
                 E. Larsen Professor                        Faculty Member of the                      consultant for Triad
                 of Public Policy and                       Neuroscience Graduate                      Consulting. He has
                 Management at Harvard                      Program, University of                     co-authored two
University. He has taught at Harvard       Virginia. Post-doctoral Fellow, Waisman     books in the eld, and was for several
for over 30 years, and is on the faculty   Laboratory for Brain Imaging and            years an Associate of at the Harvard
of the John F. Kennedy School of           Behavior, University of Wisconsin-          Negotiation Project and a Lecturer on
Government. He serves as a consultant      Madison. Consulting editor, Journal         Law at Harvard Law School, where
on strategy and communications to          of Personality and Social Psychology.       he taught Negotiation and Multi-Party
corporations, government agencies,         Nominee, Early Career Award, Society        Negotiation. He has recently worked
and non-pro t organizations. Over          for Psychophysiological Research,           with Palestinians in the West Bank,
the years, Professor Orren also has        2008. Tursky Award, Society for             and business leaders in Brazil. He is
conducted and analyzed opinion             Psychophysiological Research, 1999.         currently working on a year-long project
polls for many clients, including          Nominee, Early Career Award, Society        training hostage negotiators in Abu
the Washington Post, the Boston            for Psychophysiological Research, 2007.     Dhabi. John is the only person to have
Globe, and the New York Times.             He is interest in Social Baseline Theory,   co-authored negotiation books with
The popularity of the Gary Orren is a      Neural bases of emotion and emotion         both Roger Fisher and Howard Raiffa.
result of the validity and relevancy of    regulation, Couple and family interaction   He wrote Getting It Done with Roger
his prescripts in diverse social and       in the social regulation of emotion,        Fisher and Alan Sharpe. With Howard
economic contexts.                         Personality and individual differences.     Raiffa of the Harvard Business School,
                                                                                       he wrote Negotiation Analysis. John
                                                                                       graduated from Wesleyan University
                                                                                       and Harvard Law School.
               Dan Shapiro                                Hal Movius                                     Guhan
                 Director of the                             JHal Movius holds a Ph.D.                   Subramanian
                 Harvard International                       in Clinical Psychology                       Joseph Flom Professor
                 Negotiation Initiative                      from the University of                       of Law and Business at
                 and Associate                               Arizona, he also holds a                     the Harvard Law School
Director of the Harvard Negotiation       B.A. in History from Harvard College. He       and the H. Douglas Weaver Professor of
Project at Harvard Law School. He is      is a Principal at the Consensus Building       Business Law at the Harvard Business
Assistant Professor in the department     Institute and directs its Assessment,          School. He is the rst person in the
of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical          Coaching and Training services. He has         history of Harvard University to hold
School/McLean Hospital and is on          trained more than a thousand executives        tenured appointments at both HLS
the faculty at the PON. Shapiros         and advised organizations of all sizes.        and HBS. At HLS he teaches courses
research focuses on the psychology of     With Professor Lawrence Susskind, he           in negotiations and corporate law. At
con ict. He has contributed to popular    is co-author of Built to Win: Creating A       HBS he teaches in several executive
publications and co-authored (with        World-Class Negotiating Organization. He       education programs, such as Strategic
Roger Fisher) the bestseller Beyond       has also authored and co-authored more         Negotiations, Changing the Game,
Reason: Using Emotions as You             than a dozen negotiation articles, cases,      Managing Negotiators and the Deal
Negotiate. He is now pioneering a new     and simulations that focus on negotiation,     Process, and Making Corporate Boards
research programme on the emotional       communication, and leadership. He has          More Effective. He is the faculty chair
and identity-based dimensions of          been a featured speaker at the Global          for the JD/MBA program at Harvard
international con ict resolution. He      Institute for Leadership Development and       University and the Vice Chair for
is the recipient of numerous awards,      the Women in Leadership Summit. Hal            Research at the Harvard Program on
including the American Psychological      also teaches The Program on Technology         Negotiation. Prior to joining the Harvard
Associations Early Career Award and      Negotiation, an executive seminar offered      faculty he spent three years at McKinsey
the prestigious Peacemaker of the        through the Program on Negotiation at          & Company in their New York, Boston.
Year award.                              Harvard Law School.

Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC) is an international organization
specializing in the use of strategic in uence to achieve success. Our consulting services
are concentrated in four areas: Negotiation, Strategic Communication, Leadership, and
Persuasiveness; which are the most ef cient tools to exercise in uence and to drive
unprecedented change and growth.

CIC seeks to offer the intensive 5-day intensive negotiation and persuasion workshop to
individuals who want to improve their skills in in uencing and negotiating the best possible
outcome to bene ts both sides. The workshop, held at Harvard University in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, is taught by professors of the Harvard Law School, Harvard Business
School, and John F. Kennedy School of Government among others. CIC expert negotiators
guide you through dynamic, hands-on simulations of actual negotiations from small to large,
personal to professional, and common to complex.

Leave Harvard University with practical and transformative tools to help you master
planning, persuading, and effectively communicating during all your negotiations.

Register by September 16 and pay                          $ 3,750

Register after September 17 and pay                       $ 4,000

  Course materials, daily continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, and several social events. Details will be
  provided in the registration packet on your arrival
  Simultaneous translation
  Certi cate issued by Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC).

  Tuition fee does not include: air ights, hotel, and other travel expenses.

Bank Name: Commercebank
Bank Address: 220 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables, Fl 33134
Bank ABA #: 067010509
Bank Swift #: MNBMUS33
Customer Account #: 8302943112

Contact cambridge@persuadir.net for credit card payment processing.
  Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC) is not responsible in the event of any cancellation by
  Certi cate of completion is subject to the punctuality and full assistance by the participant to the 40 hour
  The participant who cancels within twenty (20) working days prior to the workshop, will receive a 70%
  refund of the tuition fee.
  The participant who cancels within ten (10) working days prior to the workshop, will receive a 50%
  refund of the tuition fee.
  The participant who fails to attend will be liable for the entire tuition fee.
  CIC is not responsible for cancellations due to natural disasters and other acts of God, in these cases
  CIC will not refund payments received.

At CIC we realize that this is a valuable investment for you and your organization and we would like
to accommodate your needs as best we can. Therefore, please contact us directly at cambridge@
persuadir.net with any cancellation questions.
October 3rd - 7th 2011
Cambridge, Massachusetts - U.S.A.


                                           RIF. J-31427609-3
Sharinna R. Sarmiento
Phone: 240 367 0719

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  • 2. NEGOTIATION AND PERSUASION We live in a world lled with continuous evolution and rising new opportunities. To achieve results and to perform in an ef cient and effective manner, it is essential that leaders of the private and public sectors gain the expertise, insights, andcompetencies required to positively in uence any outcome. As a result, Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC) - a negotiation, strategic communications, and leadership rm with headquarters in Caracas - created a partnership with MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program (PDP) and the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) to develop a negotiation and persuasion workshop exclusively for professionals in Latin America. Going on its sixth year, this program has successfully trained over 600 Latin American entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders and it is now expanding its services to include participants living in the United States.
  • 3. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES This hands-on workshop provides you with a step-by-step guide to effectively persuade others during a negotiation. Maximize your ability to in uence, resolve con icts, and generate solutions that bene t both parties in a strategic way. Bene鍖ts of attending Master effective persuading techniques to communicate con dently during a negotiation. Develop powerful agreements that add value and generate the best solutions that bene t both sides. Apply proven techniques for analyzing, preparing for, and conducting negotiations. Become more effective during extensive hands-on negotiation practice and personalized case studies. Unprecedented business networking opportunities with leaders and entrepreneurs from Latin America. Who should attend Entrepreneurs, leaders, professionals, and individuals who face the challenge of resolving con icts and are seeking to drive breakthrough performance improvements Topics covered Negotiation Based on Interests Principles of Persuasion Non-Verbal Communication During Negotiations Handling Dif cult Conversations Managing Differences During Complex Negotiations Negotiations and Emotions
  • 4. SCHEDULE Time Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Credentials and Materials 8:00 Delivery 9:00 Welcome Introduction Prof. Gary Orren Prof. James Coan Prof. Hal Movius Prof. Dan Shapiro Persuasion No verbal comunication in Managing differences Negotiation and emotions Negotiation in complex negotiations 9:30 Exercise 12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch - 1:00 Lunch Delivered of Certi鍖cates Guhan Subramanian Prof. Hal Movius 1:00 Prof. Gary Orren Prof. John Richardson Managing differences - 5:00 Negotiating based in interest Persuasion Dif鍖cult conversation in complex negotiations 5:00 Closing Closing Closing Closing
  • 5. ATTENDING PROFESSORS Gary Orren James Coan John Richardson Gary Orren is the Roy He is one of the best John is a senior E. Larsen Professor Faculty Member of the consultant for Triad of Public Policy and Neuroscience Graduate Consulting. He has Management at Harvard Program, University of co-authored two University. He has taught at Harvard Virginia. Post-doctoral Fellow, Waisman books in the eld, and was for several for over 30 years, and is on the faculty Laboratory for Brain Imaging and years an Associate of at the Harvard of the John F. Kennedy School of Behavior, University of Wisconsin- Negotiation Project and a Lecturer on Government. He serves as a consultant Madison. Consulting editor, Journal Law at Harvard Law School, where on strategy and communications to of Personality and Social Psychology. he taught Negotiation and Multi-Party corporations, government agencies, Nominee, Early Career Award, Society Negotiation. He has recently worked and non-pro t organizations. Over for Psychophysiological Research, with Palestinians in the West Bank, the years, Professor Orren also has 2008. Tursky Award, Society for and business leaders in Brazil. He is conducted and analyzed opinion Psychophysiological Research, 1999. currently working on a year-long project polls for many clients, including Nominee, Early Career Award, Society training hostage negotiators in Abu the Washington Post, the Boston for Psychophysiological Research, 2007. Dhabi. John is the only person to have Globe, and the New York Times. He is interest in Social Baseline Theory, co-authored negotiation books with The popularity of the Gary Orren is a Neural bases of emotion and emotion both Roger Fisher and Howard Raiffa. result of the validity and relevancy of regulation, Couple and family interaction He wrote Getting It Done with Roger his prescripts in diverse social and in the social regulation of emotion, Fisher and Alan Sharpe. With Howard economic contexts. Personality and individual differences. Raiffa of the Harvard Business School, he wrote Negotiation Analysis. John graduated from Wesleyan University and Harvard Law School.
  • 6. ATTENDING PROFESSORS Dan Shapiro Hal Movius Guhan Director of the JHal Movius holds a Ph.D. Subramanian Harvard International in Clinical Psychology Joseph Flom Professor Negotiation Initiative from the University of of Law and Business at and Associate Arizona, he also holds a the Harvard Law School Director of the Harvard Negotiation B.A. in History from Harvard College. He and the H. Douglas Weaver Professor of Project at Harvard Law School. He is is a Principal at the Consensus Building Business Law at the Harvard Business Assistant Professor in the department Institute and directs its Assessment, School. He is the rst person in the of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical Coaching and Training services. He has history of Harvard University to hold School/McLean Hospital and is on trained more than a thousand executives tenured appointments at both HLS the faculty at the PON. Shapiros and advised organizations of all sizes. and HBS. At HLS he teaches courses research focuses on the psychology of With Professor Lawrence Susskind, he in negotiations and corporate law. At con ict. He has contributed to popular is co-author of Built to Win: Creating A HBS he teaches in several executive publications and co-authored (with World-Class Negotiating Organization. He education programs, such as Strategic Roger Fisher) the bestseller Beyond has also authored and co-authored more Negotiations, Changing the Game, Reason: Using Emotions as You than a dozen negotiation articles, cases, Managing Negotiators and the Deal Negotiate. He is now pioneering a new and simulations that focus on negotiation, Process, and Making Corporate Boards research programme on the emotional communication, and leadership. He has More Effective. He is the faculty chair and identity-based dimensions of been a featured speaker at the Global for the JD/MBA program at Harvard international con ict resolution. He Institute for Leadership Development and University and the Vice Chair for is the recipient of numerous awards, the Women in Leadership Summit. Hal Research at the Harvard Program on including the American Psychological also teaches The Program on Technology Negotiation. Prior to joining the Harvard Associations Early Career Award and Negotiation, an executive seminar offered faculty he spent three years at McKinsey the prestigious Peacemaker of the through the Program on Negotiation at & Company in their New York, Boston. Year award. Harvard Law School.
  • 7. SPONSOR Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC) is an international organization specializing in the use of strategic in uence to achieve success. Our consulting services are concentrated in four areas: Negotiation, Strategic Communication, Leadership, and Persuasiveness; which are the most ef cient tools to exercise in uence and to drive unprecedented change and growth. CIC seeks to offer the intensive 5-day intensive negotiation and persuasion workshop to individuals who want to improve their skills in in uencing and negotiating the best possible outcome to bene ts both sides. The workshop, held at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is taught by professors of the Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School, and John F. Kennedy School of Government among others. CIC expert negotiators guide you through dynamic, hands-on simulations of actual negotiations from small to large, personal to professional, and common to complex. Leave Harvard University with practical and transformative tools to help you master planning, persuading, and effectively communicating during all your negotiations.
  • 8. TUITION FEE Register by September 16 and pay $ 3,750 Register after September 17 and pay $ 4,000 TUITION INCLUDES Course materials, daily continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, and several social events. Details will be provided in the registration packet on your arrival Simultaneous translation Certi cate issued by Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC). Tuition fee does not include: air ights, hotel, and other travel expenses. PAYMENT METHODS BANK WIRE Bank Name: Commercebank Bank Address: 220 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables, Fl 33134 Bank ABA #: 067010509 Bank Swift #: MNBMUS33 Customer Name: CIC CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING Customer Account #: 8302943112 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT Contact cambridge@persuadir.net for credit card payment processing.
  • 9. CANCELLATION POLICY Cambridge International Consulting, LLC (CIC) is not responsible in the event of any cancellation by participants. Certi cate of completion is subject to the punctuality and full assistance by the participant to the 40 hour workshop. The participant who cancels within twenty (20) working days prior to the workshop, will receive a 70% refund of the tuition fee. The participant who cancels within ten (10) working days prior to the workshop, will receive a 50% refund of the tuition fee. The participant who fails to attend will be liable for the entire tuition fee. CIC is not responsible for cancellations due to natural disasters and other acts of God, in these cases CIC will not refund payments received. At CIC we realize that this is a valuable investment for you and your organization and we would like to accommodate your needs as best we can. Therefore, please contact us directly at cambridge@ persuadir.net with any cancellation questions.
  • 10. NEGOTIATION AND PERSUASION WORKSHOP October 3rd - 7th 2011 Cambridge, Massachusetts - U.S.A. TO BE GIVEN AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMPUS WASHINGTON D.C., U.S.A. RIF. J-31427609-3 Sharinna R. Sarmiento Phone: 240 367 0719 ssarmiento@persuadir.net