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仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 从舒从
     亳仆仄亠仆 仗仂于亠仆亳
   仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂亳 亟舒

Employee Engagement is key factor
         of productivity
            p          y

                Dmitry Liakhovets,
                Executive director at Academy
丐亠从舒 亳舒亳 于 仂亳亳 / Current situation in Russia
 亳亰从亳亶 仂于亠仆 弍亠亰舒弍仂亳 / Low rate of unemployment  5,9% 亟仂 / by 2015
亞仂亟舒 (仗仂亞仆仂亰 亅/ forecast of MED)
 弌仂从舒亠仆亳亠 亳仍亠仆仆仂亳 亟仂仗仂仂弍仆仂亞仂 仆舒亠仍亠仆亳 / Reduction of able-
bodied population 仆舒 / of 9%  / from 2011 仗仂 / to 2030 亞亞. (仗仂亞仆仂亰 亅/ forecast
of MED)
 亳亰从舒 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂 亟舒 (于 仂亰仆亳仆仂亶 仂亞仂于仍亠)  仆亳亢亠 仆舒 22%
亠仄 于 弌丿 (McKinsey) , 仂 2,1% 于 亞仂亟 (Eurostat) / Low productivity  lower by
22% th i th USA (M Ki
     than in the     (McKinsey). It grows b 2 1% per year (E
                                 )        by 2,1%             (Eurostat).
                                                                    t t)
束亰仂于 于亠仄亠仆亳損 / Challenges of the current time
 亠亳亳 从于舒仍亳亳亳仂于舒仆仆仂亞仂 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒  亠亟仆亳亶 仂从 亰舒从亳 于舒从舒仆亳亶 2
仄亠舒 / Lack of qualified staff - average life closing 2 months

 弌亳仍仆舒 亠从亠 从舒亟仂于  仂从仂仍仂 100% 于 亞仂亟 (于 亠亠 舒亰舒 于亠 亠仄 于
于仂仗亠) / High staff turnover - about 100% per year (four times higher than in Europe)

 仂 亰舒舒弍仂仆 仗仍舒 (~10% 于 亞仂亟, 于 于仂仗亠 3%) 亳 仗仂于亠仆亳亠 亠弍仂于舒仆亳 从
仍仂于亳礆 亳 束从舒亠于損 舒弍仂  仂 束舒仄仂仂亰仆舒仆亳晛 仂亟仆亳从仂于 / Wage
growth (~ 10% per year in Europe, 3%), and increased requirements for the
conditions of work

 仆舒亳仄亶 仂 仍仂亢仆仂亳 仗仂亠仂于 
仂 亠弍仂于舒仆亳亶 从 从舒亠于 从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳亶
亳 舒亳亠仆亳亠 舒仄仂从 亟仍 仗亳仆亳
舒仄仂仂亠仍仆 亠亠仆亳亶 - 弍仂仍亠亠 亠仄 200
弍亳亰仆亠-仗仂亠仂于 / The requirements for
communication skills and ability of making
decision grows because business-process
become more complex  more than 200
business process are relevant for shops
仆舒亠仆亳亠 于仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂亳 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 / Employee Engagement is
 仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 于亠仍亳亳于舒亠 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂 亟舒 / Involved
staff increases their productivity 仆舒 / by 30-70% (Accenture)

  仍ム亠于亠 舒从仂 于仍亳ム亠亠 仆舒 仂 于仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂 仂亟仆亳从仂于 / Key factors
                                                                      K f t
influencing the growth of the involvement of employees -
      仍亳亟亠于仂 / leadership  于亠亠仆仆仂 于 弍亟亠仄 仄亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆舒 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳,
     仆亠舒于仆仂亟亳亠 亳 舒亰亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 舒亠亞亳亳 / based on the sharing strategy and
     belief in the company
      亠从亳于仆亠 从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳亳  亳仆仂仄亳仂于舒仆仆仂 亳 舒亳亠 于 仗仂亠从舒 /
     awareness and taking part in projects of company
      亟亠仍亠亞亳仂于舒仆亳亠 / delegation
      亟仂于亠亳亠  束从舒亰舒仍-亟亠仍舒仍損,
     仂亠仆从舒 亳 仗亳仆亳亠 亳从仂于
     仄亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆仂仄 / trust  you should
     do what you say you will do and
     willing to be ready to take risks
      于从仍舒亟 于 仂亟仆亳从仂于 
     仆舒舒于仆亳亠于仂 亳 亠仆亳仆亞亳
      舒亳亠仄 仄亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆舒 / Be a coach for your employees     The model by Aon Hewitt
丐 亠亠仆亳 / IT solutions
 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗仂亟亟亠亢从亳 从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳亳  仗仂舒仍  仂 1弌 亳亳从 亳
           亟     亟亟                                          
Word Press 亟仂 Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise 亳 SAP Enterprise Portal

 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗仂亟亟亠亢从亳 亟亳舒仆亳仂仆仆仂亞仂 仂弍亠仆亳  仂 WebTutor 仂
Websoft , Techbase 亟仂 GoMeeting 仂 Citrix

 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 舒仍舒仆舒仄亳  仂 1弌 亳 8.0  亟仂 SAP
    Human C it l M
           Capital Management

 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 亳从舒仄亳  仂 Excel 亟仂 SAP Risk Management

 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳亳 弍舒亰 亰仆舒仆亳亶  仂 1C 亳亳从, SharePoint
Foundation 亟仂 Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise 亳 SAP EP&Solution Manager
           亟                            p                           g
仂仗仂 / Questions

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Engagement staff as the need

  • 1. 仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 从舒从 亳仆仄亠仆 仗仂于亠仆亳 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂亳 亟舒 Employee Engagement is key factor of productivity p y Dmitry Liakhovets, Executive director at Academy
  • 2. 丐亠从舒 亳舒亳 于 仂亳亳 / Current situation in Russia 亳亰从亳亶 仂于亠仆 弍亠亰舒弍仂亳 / Low rate of unemployment 5,9% 亟仂 / by 2015 亞仂亟舒 (仗仂亞仆仂亰 亅/ forecast of MED) 弌仂从舒亠仆亳亠 亳仍亠仆仆仂亳 亟仂仗仂仂弍仆仂亞仂 仆舒亠仍亠仆亳 / Reduction of able- bodied population 仆舒 / of 9% / from 2011 仗仂 / to 2030 亞亞. (仗仂亞仆仂亰 亅/ forecast of MED) 亳亰从舒 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂 亟舒 (于 仂亰仆亳仆仂亶 仂亞仂于仍亠) 仆亳亢亠 仆舒 22% 亠仄 于 弌丿 (McKinsey) , 仂 2,1% 于 亞仂亟 (Eurostat) / Low productivity lower by 22% th i th USA (M Ki than in the (McKinsey). It grows b 2 1% per year (E ) by 2,1% (Eurostat). t t)
  • 3. 束亰仂于 于亠仄亠仆亳損 / Challenges of the current time 亠亳亳 从于舒仍亳亳亳仂于舒仆仆仂亞仂 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 亠亟仆亳亶 仂从 亰舒从亳 于舒从舒仆亳亶 2 亟 仄亠舒 / Lack of qualified staff - average life closing 2 months 弌亳仍仆舒 亠从亠 从舒亟仂于 仂从仂仍仂 100% 于 亞仂亟 (于 亠亠 舒亰舒 于亠 亠仄 于 ( 于仂仗亠) / High staff turnover - about 100% per year (four times higher than in Europe) 仂 亰舒舒弍仂仆 仗仍舒 (~10% 于 亞仂亟, 于 于仂仗亠 3%) 亳 仗仂于亠仆亳亠 亠弍仂于舒仆亳 从 仍仂于亳礆 亳 束从舒亠于損 舒弍仂 仂 束舒仄仂仂亰仆舒仆亳晛 仂亟仆亳从仂于 / Wage growth (~ 10% per year in Europe, 3%), and increased requirements for the conditions of work 仆舒亳仄亶 仂 仍仂亢仆仂亳 仗仂亠仂于 仂 亠弍仂于舒仆亳亶 从 从舒亠于 从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳亶 亳 舒亳亠仆亳亠 舒仄仂从 亟仍 仗亳仆亳 舒仄仂仂亠仍仆 亠亠仆亳亶 - 弍仂仍亠亠 亠仄 200 弍亳亰仆亠-仗仂亠仂于 / The requirements for communication skills and ability of making decision grows because business-process become more complex more than 200 business-process business process are relevant for shops
  • 4. 仆舒亠仆亳亠 于仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂亳 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 / Employee Engagement is important 仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂 仗亠仂仆舒仍舒 于亠仍亳亳于舒亠 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍仆仂 亟舒 / Involved staff increases their productivity 仆舒 / by 30-70% (Accenture) 仍ム亠于亠 舒从仂 于仍亳ム亠亠 仆舒 仂 于仂于仍亠亠仆仆仂 仂亟仆亳从仂于 / Key factors K f t influencing the growth of the involvement of employees - 仍亳亟亠于仂 / leadership 于亠亠仆仆仂 于 弍亟亠仄 仄亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆舒 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳, 仆亠舒于仆仂亟亳亠 亳 舒亰亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 舒亠亞亳亳 / based on the sharing strategy and belief in the company 亠从亳于仆亠 从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳亳 亳仆仂仄亳仂于舒仆仆仂 亳 舒亳亠 于 仗仂亠从舒 / awareness and taking part in projects of company 亟亠仍亠亞亳仂于舒仆亳亠 / delegation 亟仂于亠亳亠 束从舒亰舒仍-亟亠仍舒仍損, 仂于亠于亠仆仆仂, 仂于亠于亠仆仆仂 仂亠仆从舒 亳 仗亳仆亳亠 亳从仂于 仄亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆仂仄 / trust you should do what you say you will do and willing to be ready to take risks 于从仍舒亟 于 仂亟仆亳从仂于 仆舒舒于仆亳亠于仂 亳 亠仆亳仆亞亳 舒亳亠仄 仄亠仆亠亟亢仄亠仆舒 / Be a coach for your employees The model by Aon Hewitt
  • 5. 丐 亠亠仆亳 / IT solutions 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗仂亟亟亠亢从亳 从仂仄仄仆亳从舒亳亳 仗仂舒仍 仂 1弌 亳亳从 亳 亟 亟亟 Word Press 亟仂 Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise 亳 SAP Enterprise Portal 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗仂亟亟亠亢从亳 亟亳舒仆亳仂仆仆仂亞仂 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 WebTutor 仂 Websoft , Techbase 亟仂 GoMeeting 仂 Citrix 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 舒仍舒仆舒仄亳 仂 1弌 亳 8.0 亟仂 SAP ERP H Human C it l M Capital Management t 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 亳从舒仄亳 仂 Excel 亟仂 SAP Risk Management 亠亠仆亳 亟仍 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳亳 弍舒亰 亰仆舒仆亳亶 仂 1C 亳亳从, SharePoint Foundation 亟仂 Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise 亳 SAP EP&Solution Manager 亟 p g