This document discusses enhancing engineering intuition through problem-based learning. It argues that engineering intuition can be strengthened by complementing deductive reasoning with practical skills like experimentation and prototyping. The ideal learning environment would use problems to simulate real-world engineering innovation and motivate students to apply theory, test ideas experimentally, and critically evaluate gaps between the two. Several historical success stories in engineering highlight how both analysis and intuition contributed to innovations. The conclusion advocates giving students problems that combine theoretical analysis, experimentation, and evaluation of results to allow intuition to drive iterative learning.
The survey of 84 Powhatan County commuters found:
1) Most (96%) drive alone to work with destinations including Powhatan County (36%), Richmond (13%), and Henrico County (12%).
2) Flexibility in work hours is the primary reason cited for not carpooling (56%), though emergency ride home services could motivate some (52%).
3) Respondents would be willing to travel 1-4 miles for a carpool generally, and free assistance finding options and emergency rides home are the biggest motivators to switch from driving alone.
Saif Adeeb Ababseh is seeking a challenging position utilizing his knowledge and skills. He has over 6 years of experience in network and system administration, technical support, hardware and software troubleshooting. He is proficient in both wired and wireless networks, servers, printers, and various operating systems. His education includes a Bachelor's degree in computer engineering and several Cisco certification courses and certificates.
This document contains notes from a JavaScript fundamentals training covering topics like data types, variables, operators, control structures, objects, and functions. It includes examples of JavaScript code and short programming challenges or "labs" for students to complete, like writing a function to return the minimum of two numbers.
This report examines potential solutions to reduce single-occupancy vehicle commuting in the Richmond, Virginia region. It analyzes case studies of cash incentive programs for carpooling in Atlanta, Seattle, and Washington D.C. that provided financial compensation of $1-3 per trip. The report recommends that RideFinders apply for a grant to implement a two-to-three month pilot program in Richmond offering cash rewards of up to $50-75 per month for carpooling, modeled after successful programs that increased carpooling rates and ridership retention. Outreach to employers would promote the temporary incentive program aimed at encouraging more commuters to carpool instead of driving alone.
Este documento presenta tres cuestionarios (para profesores, padres y hogar) para evaluar la conducta y s鱈ntomas de d辿ficit de atenci坦n e hiperactividad en ni単os. Cada cuestionario contiene una lista de descriptores de conducta que los evaluadores califican de 0 a 3 puntos, y una puntuaci坦n total superior a ciertos umbrales sugiere la presencia de d辿ficit de atenci坦n e hiperactividad. Los cuestionarios buscan recopilar informaci坦n sobre la conducta del ni単o para su diagn坦stico.
Attrition Rate in Organization Yesh Lami Print Pvt LtdNeha Jain
Optical networks are high-capacity telecommunications networks that use optical technologies and components to route, groom, and restore traffic at the wavelength level. They provide wavelength-based services and use fiber optic cables that can carry more information over longer distances than electrical or wireless signals. Optical networks are driven by increasing fiber capacity needs, restoration capabilities, cost reductions, and wavelength services. The main types are active and passive optical networks, and they are used in long haul, metro, and business access applications.
Vincent Walsh received statements of examination results for three different academic years and programs:
1) 2006-2007: He passed a Higher Certificate in Science program with an overall result of 75.1%.
2) 2007-2008: He passed the second year of the program with distinction, achieving an overall result of 74.2%.
3) 2008-2009: He passed a Bachelor of Science in Toxicology program with merit, achieving an overall result of 66%.
Safari Group is a diversified company operating in Saudi Arabia that was established in 1984. It operates in several sectors including contracting, operation and maintenance, construction, retail, motors, telecom, travel, and healthcare. The company has grown significantly over the past 25 years, executing over 120 government contracts. It has expanded into new business lines and aims to continue growing its market share in the Kingdom. The chairman expresses confidence that the company's strategy and focus on innovation will allow it to thrive despite current economic challenges.
The survey of 63 employees of the Office of the Attorney General found that most commute from the Richmond area and drive alone. Two-thirds said they would be more likely to carpool if an emergency ride home program was available. Respondents were willing to drive up to four miles to join a carpool or vanpool and cited lack of flexibility as the primary reason for not currently using alternatives to driving alone. The emergency ride home program was seen as the largest motivating factor for switching to an alternative commute mode.
The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer 7.5nm thick that envelops the cell. It is composed of phospholipids, cholesterol, and integral and peripheral proteins arranged in a fluid mosaic structure. The cell membrane is selectively permeable and uses three mechanisms for transport - passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, and vesicular transport. Vesicular transport involves endocytosis which brings contents into the cell, and exocytosis which releases contents from the cell.
The document summarizes a value engineering workshop held in November 2007 to examine the power and cooling system requirements and design solutions for the International Linear Collider (ILC) Main Linac. The workshop was facilitated by the US Army Corps of Engineers and included participants from various ILC collaborating institutions. The workshop followed the standard value engineering process, beginning with information gathering and functional analysis of the current design. Participants then engaged in speculation, evaluation and development of alternative solutions over the course of the three-day workshop before presenting recommendations. The document reviews the value engineering methodology and explains how applying it systematically can help optimize resources and reduce costs while maintaining performance for large projects like the ILC.
Developing and PublishingAcademic ProductsSanjay Goel
These lecture slides were used in two lectures delivered on 25th June 2014 at a 3 day workshop organised under the TEQIP (Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ) scheme by Equate India for the faculty participants from few NITs, Aligarh Muslim University, and Sardar Patel College of Engineering.
Towards a better measure of business proximity: Topic modeling for industry i...Gene Moo Lee
The document presents a new approach for measuring business proximity between firms using topic modeling. It aims to overcome limitations of existing approaches by developing a data-driven, scalable method that provides finer-grained analysis with limited data requirements. The approach applies latent Dirichlet allocation to uncover topics from company descriptions in the CrunchBase dataset. Business proximity is then measured as the cosine similarity between the topic distributions of firm pairs. The method is shown to outperform a baseline of using common industry membership and provides a validated measure of firms' technological and business relatedness.
This document discusses European initiatives that bring together academia and industry. It describes two EU projects coordinated by the author - EvoTest from 2006-2009 and FITTEST from 2010-2013. EvoTest applied evolutionary testing techniques to complex real-world systems from industry partners. FITTEST focuses on testing future internet applications, which require continuous and adaptive testing. The coordinator's responsibilities include understanding the project goals, managing tasks and deliverables, and ensuring partners contribute as required. Projects have a structure of work packages and tasks leading to deliverables. Evaluation of results involves empirical studies using real testing processes, systems, environments, faults and people to validate testing tools in industry.
The document provides an introduction to research topics in railway engineering. It discusses three main research areas in railway:
1) Railway engineering, which focuses on design, construction, operation and maintenance of railway systems.
2) Railway operations and planning, which deals with optimization of railway services like timetabling and scheduling.
3) Railway infrastructure system design and management, which covers development of methods for assessment and improvement of railway infrastructure assets. The document aims to outline potential areas for research to improve performance, reliability, safety and sustainability of railway transport.
TAROT2013 Testing School - Tanja Vos presentationHenry Muccini
TAROT 2013 9th International Summer School on Training And Research On Testing, Volterra, Italy, 9-13 July, 2013
These slides summarize Tanja Vos presentation about "Mayor European initiatives in search based testing where academia and industry get together."
GRD753 Project Presentation of the working model.pptxNavneelRam2
The document summarizes a student project to design a bedside light source powered by kinetic energy. A team of 3 students - Shivnesh Kumar, Navneel Rohit Ram, and Livai Valaibulu - are developing the project over 12 weeks. They conducted research, collected materials, developed solutions, documented the process, and created AutoCAD drawings and a prototype. They presented their final prototype and summarized their learnings. The project aimed to address power outages experienced by students in their university hostel.
03 The scientific method in research.pptxssusere05ec21
The document discusses the scientific method in research. It states that the scientific method improves research by eliminating human biases and helping researchers develop systematic plans, raise accuracy, and properly analyze data. The scientific method consists of four major steps: observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and induction. Observation involves critically questioning phenomena while hypothesis is a proposed explanation that requires testing. Experimentation systematically tests hypotheses and induction generalizes results into theories. The scientific method has developed since the 18th century to become a core part of research methodology.
The presentation gives an overview of how the HOTEL (Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning) project intends to develop and test an Innovation Support Model which will help research projects in TEL/e-learning reach sustainability / commercialisation.
This document provides information on the GE117 Composition I course, including:
- The course is worth 4 credit hours and requires 40 contact hours of instruction.
- Prerequisites include taking strategies courses or having equivalent experience.
- The course covers various aspects of the writing process and teaches writing skills.
- Students will be evaluated on assignments, participation, and completing a research paper.
- The course is outlined in 11 units that progressively build writing skills and knowledge.
This presentation discusses MIT's Strategic Education Initiatives office and its work on innovative educational technology and infrastructure. The office works on projects to advance digital learning through partnerships with universities, foundations, and other organizations. It is developing an educational infrastructure called "Backstage" to support content reuse across MIT courses on edX, OpenCourseWare, and other platforms. The presentation also provides examples of MIT's approach to educational technology, including automated exercises in chemistry and virtual laboratories, as well as residential experiments using MITx courses for online assessments.
FITT Toolbox: Quick Assessment Tool for Business IdeaFITT
The document introduces the NABC framework for quickly assessing business ideas. It consists of analyzing the customer Need, the proposed Approach to address that need, the Benefits that result, and how the approach compares to the Competition. The document provides examples of using NABC to analyze ideas and discusses lessons learned from testing NABC at different organizations. It found NABC effective for initial screening but suggested expanding the analysis later to include more market dynamics and the team aspect.
Knowledge Extraction for the Web of Things (KE4WoT) Challenge: Co-located wit...Am辿lie Gyrard
Knowledge Extraction for the Web of Things (KE4WoT) Challenge: Co-located with The Web Conference 2018 (WWW 2018)
New release to upload the latest slides: 2 May
Previous slides have been seen 45 times.
The document discusses the PokJa Evaluasi TIK - DeTIKNas group, which evaluates information and communication technology in government agencies. The group provides improvement recommendations to evaluated agencies through the National ICT Council and reports to the Minister of Communication and Informatics. It presents frameworks and guidelines for IT evaluation, assurance, value creation, and project management that the group refers to in its work. These include recommendations from the Swiss Federal Audit Office and standards from ISACA. The presentation encourages open information and discussion on the group's evaluation activities.
Optical networks are high-capacity telecommunications networks that use optical technologies and components to route, groom, and restore traffic at the wavelength level. They provide wavelength-based services and use fiber optic cables that can carry more information over longer distances than electrical or wireless signals. Optical networks are driven by increasing fiber capacity needs, restoration capabilities, cost reductions, and wavelength services. The main types are active and passive optical networks, and they are used in long haul, metro, and business access applications.
Vincent Walsh received statements of examination results for three different academic years and programs:
1) 2006-2007: He passed a Higher Certificate in Science program with an overall result of 75.1%.
2) 2007-2008: He passed the second year of the program with distinction, achieving an overall result of 74.2%.
3) 2008-2009: He passed a Bachelor of Science in Toxicology program with merit, achieving an overall result of 66%.
Safari Group is a diversified company operating in Saudi Arabia that was established in 1984. It operates in several sectors including contracting, operation and maintenance, construction, retail, motors, telecom, travel, and healthcare. The company has grown significantly over the past 25 years, executing over 120 government contracts. It has expanded into new business lines and aims to continue growing its market share in the Kingdom. The chairman expresses confidence that the company's strategy and focus on innovation will allow it to thrive despite current economic challenges.
The survey of 63 employees of the Office of the Attorney General found that most commute from the Richmond area and drive alone. Two-thirds said they would be more likely to carpool if an emergency ride home program was available. Respondents were willing to drive up to four miles to join a carpool or vanpool and cited lack of flexibility as the primary reason for not currently using alternatives to driving alone. The emergency ride home program was seen as the largest motivating factor for switching to an alternative commute mode.
The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer 7.5nm thick that envelops the cell. It is composed of phospholipids, cholesterol, and integral and peripheral proteins arranged in a fluid mosaic structure. The cell membrane is selectively permeable and uses three mechanisms for transport - passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, and vesicular transport. Vesicular transport involves endocytosis which brings contents into the cell, and exocytosis which releases contents from the cell.
The document summarizes a value engineering workshop held in November 2007 to examine the power and cooling system requirements and design solutions for the International Linear Collider (ILC) Main Linac. The workshop was facilitated by the US Army Corps of Engineers and included participants from various ILC collaborating institutions. The workshop followed the standard value engineering process, beginning with information gathering and functional analysis of the current design. Participants then engaged in speculation, evaluation and development of alternative solutions over the course of the three-day workshop before presenting recommendations. The document reviews the value engineering methodology and explains how applying it systematically can help optimize resources and reduce costs while maintaining performance for large projects like the ILC.
Developing and PublishingAcademic ProductsSanjay Goel
These lecture slides were used in two lectures delivered on 25th June 2014 at a 3 day workshop organised under the TEQIP (Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme ) scheme by Equate India for the faculty participants from few NITs, Aligarh Muslim University, and Sardar Patel College of Engineering.
Towards a better measure of business proximity: Topic modeling for industry i...Gene Moo Lee
The document presents a new approach for measuring business proximity between firms using topic modeling. It aims to overcome limitations of existing approaches by developing a data-driven, scalable method that provides finer-grained analysis with limited data requirements. The approach applies latent Dirichlet allocation to uncover topics from company descriptions in the CrunchBase dataset. Business proximity is then measured as the cosine similarity between the topic distributions of firm pairs. The method is shown to outperform a baseline of using common industry membership and provides a validated measure of firms' technological and business relatedness.
This document discusses European initiatives that bring together academia and industry. It describes two EU projects coordinated by the author - EvoTest from 2006-2009 and FITTEST from 2010-2013. EvoTest applied evolutionary testing techniques to complex real-world systems from industry partners. FITTEST focuses on testing future internet applications, which require continuous and adaptive testing. The coordinator's responsibilities include understanding the project goals, managing tasks and deliverables, and ensuring partners contribute as required. Projects have a structure of work packages and tasks leading to deliverables. Evaluation of results involves empirical studies using real testing processes, systems, environments, faults and people to validate testing tools in industry.
The document provides an introduction to research topics in railway engineering. It discusses three main research areas in railway:
1) Railway engineering, which focuses on design, construction, operation and maintenance of railway systems.
2) Railway operations and planning, which deals with optimization of railway services like timetabling and scheduling.
3) Railway infrastructure system design and management, which covers development of methods for assessment and improvement of railway infrastructure assets. The document aims to outline potential areas for research to improve performance, reliability, safety and sustainability of railway transport.
TAROT2013 Testing School - Tanja Vos presentationHenry Muccini
TAROT 2013 9th International Summer School on Training And Research On Testing, Volterra, Italy, 9-13 July, 2013
These slides summarize Tanja Vos presentation about "Mayor European initiatives in search based testing where academia and industry get together."
GRD753 Project Presentation of the working model.pptxNavneelRam2
The document summarizes a student project to design a bedside light source powered by kinetic energy. A team of 3 students - Shivnesh Kumar, Navneel Rohit Ram, and Livai Valaibulu - are developing the project over 12 weeks. They conducted research, collected materials, developed solutions, documented the process, and created AutoCAD drawings and a prototype. They presented their final prototype and summarized their learnings. The project aimed to address power outages experienced by students in their university hostel.
03 The scientific method in research.pptxssusere05ec21
The document discusses the scientific method in research. It states that the scientific method improves research by eliminating human biases and helping researchers develop systematic plans, raise accuracy, and properly analyze data. The scientific method consists of four major steps: observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and induction. Observation involves critically questioning phenomena while hypothesis is a proposed explanation that requires testing. Experimentation systematically tests hypotheses and induction generalizes results into theories. The scientific method has developed since the 18th century to become a core part of research methodology.
The presentation gives an overview of how the HOTEL (Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning) project intends to develop and test an Innovation Support Model which will help research projects in TEL/e-learning reach sustainability / commercialisation.
This document provides information on the GE117 Composition I course, including:
- The course is worth 4 credit hours and requires 40 contact hours of instruction.
- Prerequisites include taking strategies courses or having equivalent experience.
- The course covers various aspects of the writing process and teaches writing skills.
- Students will be evaluated on assignments, participation, and completing a research paper.
- The course is outlined in 11 units that progressively build writing skills and knowledge.
This presentation discusses MIT's Strategic Education Initiatives office and its work on innovative educational technology and infrastructure. The office works on projects to advance digital learning through partnerships with universities, foundations, and other organizations. It is developing an educational infrastructure called "Backstage" to support content reuse across MIT courses on edX, OpenCourseWare, and other platforms. The presentation also provides examples of MIT's approach to educational technology, including automated exercises in chemistry and virtual laboratories, as well as residential experiments using MITx courses for online assessments.
FITT Toolbox: Quick Assessment Tool for Business IdeaFITT
The document introduces the NABC framework for quickly assessing business ideas. It consists of analyzing the customer Need, the proposed Approach to address that need, the Benefits that result, and how the approach compares to the Competition. The document provides examples of using NABC to analyze ideas and discusses lessons learned from testing NABC at different organizations. It found NABC effective for initial screening but suggested expanding the analysis later to include more market dynamics and the team aspect.
Knowledge Extraction for the Web of Things (KE4WoT) Challenge: Co-located wit...Am辿lie Gyrard
Knowledge Extraction for the Web of Things (KE4WoT) Challenge: Co-located with The Web Conference 2018 (WWW 2018)
New release to upload the latest slides: 2 May
Previous slides have been seen 45 times.
The document discusses the PokJa Evaluasi TIK - DeTIKNas group, which evaluates information and communication technology in government agencies. The group provides improvement recommendations to evaluated agencies through the National ICT Council and reports to the Minister of Communication and Informatics. It presents frameworks and guidelines for IT evaluation, assurance, value creation, and project management that the group refers to in its work. These include recommendations from the Swiss Federal Audit Office and standards from ISACA. The presentation encourages open information and discussion on the group's evaluation activities.
The Learning Technologies Incubator (LTI) is led by Michael Flower and involves collaborators from various PSU departments. The LTI team, comprised of educational technologists, designers, librarians, and others, identifies and pilots new learning technologies. They provide a showcase of pilot work and aim to seamlessly integrate technologies. For example, the LTI discovered and helped implement the commenting platform Branch within 10 weeks, whereas wider adoption may have taken much longer without the Incubator. The LTI aims to build a knowledge base of effective technologies and practices to guide future pilots and ensure supported technologies are sustained.
The International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, and Education is a rapidly growing, open research network designed to connect and mentor experts and novices across the world in answering important questions on pediatric care through the use of simulation.
The document provides an introduction to user-centered design (UCD). It discusses the key phases of the UCD process: research, ideation, prototyping, evaluation, and launch. Research involves understanding user needs and goals. Ideation focuses on generating ideas to solve user problems. Prototyping creates tangible designs to test. Evaluation assesses prototype usability and performance. Launch involves building the final product and measuring real-world usage through analytics and testing. The overall process emphasizes iterative design where learnings are used to continuously refine solutions based on user feedback.
This document discusses using wikis in a high school classroom to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among students. It provides examples of how wikis can be used for lab write-ups, peer reviews of presentations, idea brainstorming, and test preparation. Students are encouraged to contribute to develop a collective knowledge base. Setting roles like reviewer encourages constructive feedback. Wikis tap into the knowledge of many students rather than just one. They allow students to see and learn from each other's work.
This document outlines an assessment for a unit on using, evaluating, and extending one's own information literacy skills. The unit focuses on researching, analyzing, and communicating information at a complex level, as well as evaluating and improving one's skills. Students will be assessed through assignments, classwork, demonstrations, discussions, journals, observations, exercises, projects, presentations, tests, and work samples. Students must research and analyze information, communicate ideas and concepts, evaluate their own work, extend their skills, and research emerging technologies like blogs, Flickr, RSS feeds, online image generators, and more. They must also critically evaluate perspectives on topics like Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 and present on an emerging technology for meeting library customer
The report summarizes the progress of Innovation Garage at NIT Warangal in association with The Lakshya Foundation. It outlines events conducted from January to May including weekends focused on electronics, gaming, an all girls meetup, and an Appathon. It highlights key student projects in areas like augmented reality, solar tracking, and self-balancing bots. It also discusses the support received from administration, faculty advisors, and alumni. The outcomes include new skills developed and testimonials praising the initiative. Contact details are provided at the end.
4. Intuition vs Rational Reasoning
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 4
Merriam-Webster: `a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something
without any proof or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without
fully understanding why
The Free Dictionary: `knowledge or belief obtained neither by reason nor by perception,
instinctive knowledge or belief, a hunch or unjustified belief
Proof, inference
Intuition, Instinct,
Adversaries or Complementary Powers of Acquiring and Applying Knowledge?
5. Success stories: First Controlled Human Flight, 1903
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 5
U.S. patent, `invention of a system of aerodynamic control that manipulated a flying
machine's surfaces, Orville and Wilbur Wright.
Invention of three-axis control, which enabled the pilot to steer the aircraft effectively
and to maintain its equilibrium. (fundamental breakthrough, INNOVATION)
Using a small, homebuilt wind tunnel, the Wrights also collected more accurate data
than any before. (Aerodynamics experimentation and mathematical analysis)
Gained the mechanical skills essential for their success by working for years in their shop
with printing presses, bicycles, motors, and other machinery. (Practical manufacturing
Their work with bicycles in particular, influenced their belief that an unstable vehicle like
a flying machine could be controlled and balanced after continuous practice (BELIEF,
INTUITION creating their DRIVING FORCE for experimentation and further analysis)
6. Success stories: Fly-ball Governor, 1788
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 6
James Watt patented (INNOVATION) a form of governor in 1788 to control the speed of
his steam engine, and James Clerk Maxwell in 1868 described "component motions"
associated with these governors that lead to a decrease in a disturbance or the amplitude
of an oscillation. (Stability Analysis using Differential Equations, 80 years later)
`whose improvements to the Newcomen
steam engine were fundamental to the changes
brought by the Industrial Revolution in both his
native Great Britain and the rest of the world.
Watt began to experiment with steam,
though he had never seen an operating steam
engine. He tried constructing a model
`Understanding of the steam engine was in a
very primitive state, for the science
of thermodynamics would not be formalized for
nearly another 100 years.
INTUITION (coupled
and prototype
modeling) help?
7. Success stories: Negative feedback Amplifier, 1927
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 7
US Patent 2,102,671 "Wave Translation System", which was issued to Bell Laboratories in
1937, covering the negative feedback amplifier. (Harold Black)
`he got his inspiration to invent the negative
feedback amplifier when he was traveling
from New Jersey to New York City by taking a
ferry to cross the Hudson River in August 1927.
One reason for the delay (Patent) was that
the concept was so contrary to established
beliefs that the Patent Office initially did not
believe it would work.
`The Nyquist stability criterion developed
by Harry Nyquist (1932) of Bell Laboratories is
used to study the stability of feedback
amplifiers. (Mathematical Analysis lagging
Inspiration by 5 years)
INTUITION (fuelled by
imagination and
inspiration contrary to
established beliefs) help?
8. Learning and Doing Engineering Balance Reasoning and Intuition
Intuition can only be enhanced while complementing deductive
reasoning processes
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 8
Playing and
having fun
and creative
Modeling and
modeling and
9. Learning Environment for Engineering
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 9
Problem Based Learning: Simulate the Learning Environment of the numerous
success stories of theoretical and applied innovation in Engineering throughout the
Creation and adoption of Engineering Problems (Artificial and Natural) in Design,
Analysis, Experimentation, Simulation, Manufacturing, Prototyping to cover the
required Learning Outcomes within a field of Engineering.
Learning starts with the Formulation of an Engineering Problem (e.g. in Electronics):
Design a PID controller using operational amplifiers to control
Design a Low-Pass filter using to
Given the power electronics circuit, test it and measure its efficiency
Build a simulation model of a half-wave rectifier circuit using
Implement an algorithm using PLCs to control
Implement a control algorithm on an embedded platform to control
Implement a communications system to control remotely
10. Learning Basic Electronics
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 10
Problem: Design and test a passive RC filter (Design, Application of Electrical Laws,
Analogy between electrical and fluid systems to enhance intuition)
12. Learning Basic Electronics
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 12
Problem: Design and test a passive RC filter (Test and analyze the circuit, Critically
evaluate the theory-experiment gap)
13. Learning Basic Electronics
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 13
Problem: Build and test a half-wave rectifier circuit (Design and analyze the circuit)
15. Learning Basic Electronics
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 15
Problem: Build and test a half-wave rectifier circuit (Test and analyze the circuit,
Critically evaluate the theory-experiment gap)
16. Learning more advanced Electronics
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 16
Problem: Apply frequency response analysis for active filters (Bode diagram)
17. Learning more advanced Electronics
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 17
Problem: Implementing Control Algorithms on an Embedded Platform
18. Recipe for Enhancing Engineering Intuition
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 18
Step 1: Provide a problem to the student, such that the student can only use a limited
amount of analysis tools and a limited amount information. (Theoretical knowledge is
always an approximation to Reality)
Step 2: Motivate the student to acquire more information or evaluate the theory through
prototype modeling, software simulation and experimentation. (Application of Practical
Skills to enhance knowledge)
Step 3: Motivate the student to assess the gap between theoretical knowledge and
practical experience. (Critical Comparison between Theory and Experimental observations)
Step 4: Motivate the student to provide an explanation for the difference between the
theoretical analysis and the experimental results. (Intuition)
the student will naturally resort to
her/his INTUITION initially, rather than a
formal analytical reasoning.
Being on the edge of their theoretical
knowledge, they will allow
INTUITION to become the driving force
for further enhancement of knowledge.
19. Recipe for Enhancing Engineering Intuition
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 19
analysis and
Practical testing
Critical evaluation
of theory-
experiment gap
20. Conclusions
04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 20
Engineering Learning Problem: Create or Adopt a Problem, and combine the
activities of theoretical analysis, experimentation and critical evaluation of the theory-
experiment gap. Allow INTUITION to provide the driving and adhesive force for
implementing successive iterations in minimizing this gap.
21. 04/04/2015 NIDays 2015, Beirut, Lebanon 21
John Leek (Faculty, BP Electronics Major)
David Krause (Faculty, BP Electronics Major)
Conor Sheedy (Faculty, BP Electronics Major)