This document summarizes the Engineering Technology - Operations Concentration (B.S.E.T.) degree program at the University of Central Florida. The program requires 128 credit hours including general education courses, common program prerequisites, an engineering technology core, technical specialization courses, and a senior design project. Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, complete 32 credit hours of upper-level courses through the ENT department, and satisfy both foreign language and university graduation requirements. The tentative four-year course schedule provides an example plan of study to complete the degree.
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College of Engineering and Computer Science
Engineering Technology (ENT) Department
ENGR 207, 407-823-4742; Fax: 407-823-4746
Coordinator: Dr. Eduardo Divo, 407-823-4753,
Admission Requirements none
Degree Requirements
Students should check with their ENT advisor frequently to
insure that they are making proper progress toward the degree.
A grade of “C” (2.0) or better is required in all prerequisites and
upper level courses.
1. UCF General Education Program (36+2 hrs)
A. Communication Foundations 9 hrs
1. ENC 1101, & ENC 1102
2. Prefer SPC 1016
B. Cultural and Historical Foundations 9 hrs
C. Mathematical Foundations 6 hrs
1. Select MAC 1105
2. Select STA 2023
D. Social Foundations 6 hrs
E. Science Foundations 8 hrs
1. Select PHY 2053C
2. ANT 2511, BSC 1005, BSC 1050, GLY 1030,
GEO 1200 or MCB 1310
2. Common Program Prerequisites (CPP) (6/8 hrs)
(C (2.0) or better grades are required in all courses)
MAC 2253 Calculus I 3/4 hrs
or MAC 2311 Calculus w/Analytical Geometry I
MAC 2254 Applied Calculus II or equiv 3/4 hrs
or MAC 2312 Calculus w/Analytical Geometry II
PHY 2053C College Physics I/Lab GEP
or PHY 2048/L Physics for Engrs & Scientists I
See "Common Prerequisites" in the Transfer and Transitions Services section
(pg. 46) for more information.
3. Engineering Technology Core Requirements (21 hrs)
ANT 2511, BSC 1005, BSC 1050, GEO 1200,
GEO 2370, or GLY 1030 GEP
ENC 3241 Writing for the Technical Professional 3 hrs
MAC 1105 College Algebra GEP
MAC 1114 College Trigonometry 3 hrs
MAC 2253 Applied Calculus I CPP
or MAC 2311 Calculus w/Analytical Geometry I
MAP 3401 Problem Analysis CPP
or MAC 2312 Calculus w/Analytical Geometry II
PHY 2053C College Physics I CPP
ETG 3541 Applied Mechanics 3 hrs
ETI 4448 Applied Project Management 3 hrs
ETI 3671 Technical Economic Analysis 3 hrs
ETI 3116 Applied Engineering Quality Assurance 3 hrs
ETI 4635 Technology Administration 3 hrs
4. Technical Specialization (60 hrs)
(C (2.0) or better grades are required in all courses except the
lower level technical electives)
Lower Level Required and Elective Courses (25 hrs)
EST 3543C Programmable Logic Controllers 3 hrs
CHM 1032, 1032L General Chemistry, Lab 4 hrs
CET 2364 Systems Application in C 3 hrs
EET 3085C Electricity and Electronics 4 hrs
STA 2023 Statistical Methods I GEP
Approved Lower Level Technical Electives 11 hrs
Upper Level Required Courses (18 hrs)
ETI 4640 Operations Management 3 hrs
ETD 3350C Applied CADD 3 hrs
ETI 3690 Technical Sales 3 hrs
ETI 4186 Applied Reliability 3 hrs
ETI 4700 Occupational Safety 3 hrs
ETI 4205 Applied Logistics 3 hrs
Upper Level Technical Elective (Select 5) (17 hrs)
CET 3010 Introduction to Information Technology 3 hrs
EST 3222 Introduction to Photonics 3 hrs
ETC 4XXXC Digital Cartography 3 hrs
ETG 3533C Applied Engnrng Strength of Materials 4 hrs
ETI 3418C Computer Numerical Controls 3 hrs
ETI 3421 Materials & Processes 3 hrs
EST 4502C Metrology & Instrumentation 4 hrs
ETM 4220 Applied Energy Systems 4 hrs
ETM 4331C Applied Fluid Mechanics 4 hrs
GIS 3043C GIS for Environmental Studies 3 hrs
5. Departmental Graduation Requirement (3 hrs)
(C (2.0) or better grades are required in all courses)
ETG 4950C Senior Design Project 3 hrs
A grade of 2.0 or better is required for all prerequisites.
6. Foreign Language Requirements (0-8 hrs)
Admission: Two years of one foreign language in high school, or
one year of one foreign language in college (or equivalent proficien-
cy exam) prior to graduation.
Graduation: none
7. Approved Technical Electives
Students should consult with the ENT Department for a list of the
approved technical electives and the terms when specific courses of
this type are to be offered.
8. University Minimum Graduation Requirements
60 semester hours earned after any CLEP award
48 semester hours of upper division credit completed
30 of the last 36 hours of course work must be completed in res-
idency at UCF
25% of course work must be completed in residency at UCF
A maximum of 45 hours of extension, correspondence, CLEP,
Credit by Exam, and Armed Forces credits permitted
Complete the General Education Program, the Gordon Rule, the
CLAST, and nine semester hours of Summer credit (if
Total Semester Hours Required 128 hrs
Related Programs: Engineering Technology (Operations
Related Minors: Interdisciplinary Informatics Technology
Transfer Notes:
Students transferring from any Florida public institution with an
AA degree or with the general education program (GEP) require-
ments of that institution met have thereby satisfied UCF GEP
Students entering a UCF undergraduate program and having a
previously earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited insti-
tution have thereby satisfied UCF GEP requirements. (See also
the section on the GEP found elsewhere in this catalog.)
Courses taken from Community Colleges do not substitute for
Upper Division Courses.
Courses transferred must be formally evaluated for equivalency
credit. The student must provide all supporting information to the
ENT Department for this evaluation.
ENT Departmental Residency Requirements consist of at least
32 semester hours of regularly scheduled 3000- or 4000-level
courses taken from the UCF ENT Department.
PHY 2048/L and 2049/L substitute for PHY 2053C and PHY
2054C respectively.
Program Academic Learning Compacts
Program Academic Learning Compacts (student learning
outcomes) for undergraduate programs are located at:
Tentative Course Schedule for the Operations Concentration
The tentative course schedule listed below is a guide for those stu-
dents who plan on completing their engineering technology degree
requirements in four years. Many students choose to spread out
these requirements over a longer period of time. All engineering
technology students should meet with their faculty advisor to develop
and maintain an appropriate plan of study.
Freshman Year
Fall 13 hrs Spring 13 hrs
ENC 1101 Composition I 3 ENC 1102 Composition II 3
MAC 1105 College Algebra 3 CHM 1032 General Chemistry 4
Biological science 4 MAC 1114 Trigonometry 3
Cultural/Historical Foundation 3 Social Foundation 3
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA 2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
UCF Degree Programs
2. Sophomore Year
Fall 13/14 hrs Spring 12/13 hrs
SPC 1600 Oral Communications 3 Cultural/Historical Foundation 3
PHY 2053C College Physics I 4 STA 2023 Statistical Methods 3
Cultural/Historical Foundation 3 MAP 3401 Problem Analysis 3/4
MAC 2253 Applied Calc I 3/4 or MAC 2312 Calculus II 3
or MAC 2311 Calc w Anly Geo or MAC 2254 Applied Calc II
ETI 3671 Tech Econ Analysis
Summer 10 hrs
ETI 3116 App Eng Quality Assur 3
ENC 3241 Writing Tech Pros 3
Lower level elective 4
Junior Year
Fall 16 hrs Spring 16 hrs
EET 3085C Electricity and Electro 4 Upper level elective 3
Lower level elective 3 CET 2364 Sys Appl in C 3
Social Foundation 3 ETI 4635 Tech Admin 3
ETG 3541 Applied Mechanics 3 ETI 3690 Technical Sales 3
ETD 3350C Appl CAD 3 Lower level elective 4
Summer 6 hrs
ETI 4700 Occup Safety 3
ETI 4448 Applied Proj Mgmt 3
Senior Year
Fall 15 hrs Spring 14 hrs
ETI 4205 App Logistics 3 ETG 4950C Sr Design Proj 3
ETI 4640 Operations Mgmt 3 ETI 4186 Applied Reliability 3
EST 3543C Programmable Logic Cont 3 Upper level elective 4
Upper level elective 3 Upper level elective 4
Upper level elective 3
UCF Degree Programs