The document discusses the importance of the hybrid engineering supply chain. It distinguishes traditional supply chain management (SCM) from engineering supply chains, noting SCM overlooks engineering activities. There are two important cycles for products - the acquisition lifecycle and product lifecycle management. The hybrid engineering supply chain is important as it provides flexibility to connect facilities globally as needed. It also helps companies maintain innovation capabilities as outsourcing increases complexity. Pioneering companies like Apple are reengineering acquisition lifecycles through their supply networks.
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Enginerring Sc Interview With Dustin V1
1. A Human Centric Laboratory
Interview with
Dustin Mattison
3rd July, 2012
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
2. A Human Centric Laboratory
Engineering Supply Chain(ESC)
1. How do you distinguish between
traditional SCM and the engineering
supply chain?
2. What are the two important cycles before
a finished product appears to the
3. Can you talk about the importance of the
hybrid engineering supply chain?
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
3. A Human Centric Laboratory
1.How do you distinguish between
traditional SCM and the engineering
supply chain?
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
4. A Human Centric Laboratory
Traditional SCM
A Demand-Supply process of
Plan levels of aggregation and
information sources
Source locations and products
Make production sites and
Deliver channels, inventory
deployment and products
Return locations and methods
Biz transaction (activities)
Procurement, Logistics to
response to Sale
Source: Supply Chain Council
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
5. A Human Centric Laboratory
Traditional SCM Considers Engineering as
Corrective Action of Quality Return
Quality Return is only engineering level transaction in SCOR as reversed
PO in Biz transaction
Product/process integration between buyers and suppliers are off-the-book
operation till surface up to return process in SCOR
Engineering is buried behind quality, delinquency, cost, capacity etc.
Source: Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR速) model Overview - Version 10.0
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
6. A Human Centric Laboratory
Supply Chain Deep Behind SCOR
Sale Product Component Material
Design 100% 60% 80% 20%
Assembly 0 80% 20% 10%
Process 0 20% 80% 90%
industries blue-collar
| Asset-lite |
offshore or
Customer outsourcing
Sale /channel
| Current Supply Chain Management |
Figure 1: An illustration of three- phases outsourcing toward distributed organization
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
7. A Human Centric Laboratory
SCOR Over Simplified Complexity Involved
Production Chain
A finished goods (Product such as Mobile phone, PC, etc) to customer is
root of the chain network covering multiple industries
Component and material industries
Design, Assembly, Process industries
When the supply chain is going more fragmented, process inter-
dependence between the nodes is increasing
Problem behind Quality, delinquency, cost, and capacity
Out of Procurement, Supplier Relationship, IT capability to handle under SCOR
Turn strategic outsourcing a high risk activity due to over estimated the under layer risk of
distributed organization when crossing industries
Low degree of freedom of strategic outsourcing. It has very few natural partition in supply
chain. CEO either keep the entire biz, sell them all off, or move them out to somewhere can
justify the cost
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
8. A Human Centric Laboratory
2.What are the two important cycles
before a finished product appears
to the customer?
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
9. A Human Centric Laboratory
Cycles Before a Product
2 cycles: with technology & product only
Acquisition Lifecycle invokes full
technology cycle from early research to
Ref to Defense Acquisition System -
DoD 5000 Process Life Cycle - DAP
Best practice framework: DoD 4245.7-M
Product life Cycle Management (PLM)
over Matured Technology Platform
Wiki: entire lifecycle of a product from its
conception, through design and manufacture, to
service and disposal
Industrial Supply Chain is less
complicated to DoD
Acquisition lifecycle is rarely done over supply
chain, mostly in-house activities
Apple is 1st Enterprise executes Acquisition A generic lifecycle of products
cycle over supply chain rewriting history
All cases are different in activities level
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
10. A Human Centric Laboratory
Changing Paradigm to Supply Network
cycle are all in-
house activities
Last decade,
some companies
transformed into
supply chain:
Boeing: 787
Ford: automotive They all suffers a lot of pain but sure one of the
platform pioneers in their industries can hold position in next
Apple: i-series decade
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
11. A Human Centric Laboratory
Example: DoD 5000 Process Life Cycle Framework
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
12. A Human Centric Laboratory
The 2 cycles: Core Competency of Innovation
Digitization is to transform the activities into a new more productive
workflow but not drop it
From fully in-house to be connection-oriented virtual enterprises
Innovation is effective execution to idea. Without that execution, that is
creativity makes no value to revenue in product company
Dilemma of being failed to transform: cant response to change,
finance instability due to asset-heavy
TI vs. Motorola in semiconductor
Apple vs. HP in connection platform
Ford vs. GM in automotive
Suggested Engineering SC to keep the capability
SCOR vs. ESC coverage
Keep strategic core component, the technology enabler(s)
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
13. A Human Centric Laboratory
SCOR vs. ESC coverage
Short way Finished goods Semi-finished goods
Detail definition Biz level, source/Deliver as Operation level, basic unit is integrated
Input / Output of Make, apply operation of
to all industries Planning/Engineering/Quality
Biz Transaction Only Biz Transaction Parallel to Biz Transaction, execute
SC inter-dependence Assume NO Yes
Quality Lagging as finance Leading to prevent quality event, put
performance inter-dependence under control, as
part of spec
Engineering Assume NO Integration, Failure Analysis, Yield
enhancement etc
Planning Demand-Supply continuity Demand-Supply continuity plus
inventory quality sampling, virtual Mfg
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
14. A Human Centric Laboratory
3.Can you talk about the importance
of the hybrid engineering supply
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
15. A Human Centric Laboratory
IT Evolution Maturity & Globalization
Turning Point
1. The world is confirmed to heading next level of outsourcing when Economic Policy
Institute (EPI) said statistics confirmed 1.4M jobs were created overseas by U.S.
companies, compared to 1M domestically in year Dec, 2010 (Scott, 2010). Majority
of employees growing is overseas or virtual.
2. China became worlds top manufacturing nation, ending 110 year US leadership at
May, 2011
3. U.S. reaches $14.3 trillion debt limit and his perfect credit rating was being
downgraded from AAA to AA+ with a negative outlook by Standard & Poor at Aug
5th, 2011, the first time ever.
4. Apple has surpassed oil group Exxon to become the world's most valuable
company by market capitalization at Aug, 2011;
5. e-commerce is confirmed a persistent activities conducting post-Internet economy
where Amazon (20.4%) sites visited by 1 in 5 global internet users, about 282
millions in June, 2011 following with eBay (16.2%) and Alibaba(11.3%) in China
(comScore, 2011).
6. Facebook value may soar over $100 Billion and Facebook set to reach 1 BILLION
users by 2012
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
16. A Human Centric Laboratory
Challenges in new Game Plan
Governor from doing
Competing the
nothing to do
limited raw
something to hold job in
Material (TWN) Bretton Woods system
broken at 70s and
deficit raised to $800B
at 2007, capital bubble
broken in 2008
Make Consumer
(China) (US)
Lock currency rate to Dollar, Create new industry
30% GDP loan to market cycle (energy, genetic,
which drive over capacity in bionic,.. )
MAKE, export price flat
(Engineering) Build share facility to
balance from increasing improve cost structure
competition and increasing Equal IT and global
cost in China* power between
enterprise and SME
Note(*): Giles Chance, China and the Credit Crisis: The Emergence of a New World Order
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
17. A Human Centric Laboratory
Jobs Moving Back?
Jobs & Innovation Accelerator Challenge
$26 Million Multi-Agency Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge
The Obama Administration announces a $26 million Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge, a partnership between the U.S. Department of Commerces Economic Development Administration and
National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Labors Employment and Training Administration, the Small Business Administration, and the National Science Foundation.
This initiative will assist the development and implementation of regionally-driven economic development strategies that support advanced manufacturing and cluster development. In addition to the six partnering agencies, the
initiative will leverage technical assistance from up to eight other Federal agencies.
Apple wants to make products in U.S., but that's not so easy
Critics want Apple to manufacture more products in the U.S. CEO Tim Cook does, too. But there's a lot in the way.
Entire manufacturing ecosystem has been moved out and not easy to
come back
Global market also needs global manufacturing capability either next to
customer or for taxation purpose
hybrid engineering supply chain to provide enough Degree of Freedom to
connect the facilities where it is when it needed
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
18. A Human Centric Laboratory
Apple Re-engineering Acquisition Lifecycle
to Turn Hardware a 58% PFO Biz, HP 2.5%
1.EMS: Foxconn
1.EMS: Foxconn 2.In-house:A6
CPU design
demand demand Samsung
Channel Employees Assembly 3.Participatory
1.EMS: Foxconn
Application ~7B paid
4.App Store capital in SC
<< Kill Microsofts value >>
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
19. A Human Centric Laboratory
Challenges, Apple as Example
Kill your patterns in long value chain
Apply eliminates Microsofts value in Wintel value chain by creating Apps Store
Re-engineering value chain
Simplify value chain: ask Foxcon does more
Take technology enabler: A6 CPU,
Reserve capacity: hold ~7B paid capital in SC
Right Human Capital
Multiple disciplines expert on complicated engineering SC
Cloud services also complicated engineering complex
More challenge to SME when reaching oversea resource and hybrid ESC
Some players phasing out
ODM industry diminishing. Taiwan ODM only 0.5% of Apple cost structure
Product company can't have vertical integration capability both in the 2 cycles
and services integration
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
20. A Human Centric Laboratory
Significant Impact Area
Rapid Changing Industries like Consumer
OEM (129$B)
IC & EMS (395$B) going to merge due to
TSV(Through-Silicon Via) technology
Terminal market ranking from Apple, HP,
to RIM, Lennova, Acer etc
Rapid Changing Market in SC IT Market
Cloud computing in SaaS sector like in Biz Transaction level will
continue to grow
Loser: SAP
New market in Hybrid Engineering SC shall grow
Social based collaboration tool such as PM, office in the cloud
4PL players to support core Supply Chain Operation
3-15% of revenue vs. 2-3% of revenue in P&L BPO
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential
21. A Human Centric Laboratory
Supporting Infrastructure
Supply Chain System Engineering: Framework Transforming Value Chain in
Business Domain into Manageable Virtual Enterprise and Participatory
Not popular, still in single discipline mentality within SCOR scope
Pioneers such as Foxconn, Apple, Ford, TI, Boeing,..
One-of-a-kind, lagging indicator to Management Science
Lagging, should have training facility to rebuild broken chain of engineering
development ladder due to moving out manufacturing ecosystem
Suggests to create Distributed Manufacturing Center which is share facilities to
industries to provide molding services, and bridge to oversea resources
Timothy P. Tsai Flow Fusion Research. Confidential