This document outlines the various forms of business organizations that exist in Romania. It discusses the five main forms defined by Company Law no. 31/1990: limited liability company, joint stock company, general partnership, limited partnership, and limited partnership by shares. Approximately 98% of Romanian businesses are limited liability companies or joint stock companies. Investors typically prefer limited liability companies for small or medium businesses and joint stock companies for larger companies. For a company to become a legal entity, it must register with the Romanian Trade Register Office and complete certain legal formalities and procedures.
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1. Tema: The Romanian
business environment
Facultatea de Management, Inginerie Economic 樽n Agricultur i Dezvoltare Rural
Nume si Prenume :Stroe
Profesor: asist. univ.
Mihai Daniel Frumuelu
3. Company Law no. 31/1990, which has been
modified several times since it came into force,
allows and defines five forms of companies: This
section outlines the various business
organizations that exist in Romania and will
provide you with the main characteristics of each
of these forms of companies.
4. Limited liability company (Romanian: "Societate
cu raspundere limitata", or abbreviated "S.R.L.");
Joint stock company (Romanian: "Societate pe
actiuni", or abbreviated "S.A.");
General partnership (Romanian: "Societate in
nume colectiv", or abbreviated "S.N.C.");
Limited partnership (Romanian: "Societate in
comandita simpla", or abbreviated "S.C.S.");
Limited partnership by shares (Romanian:
"Societate in comandita pe actiuni", or
abbreviated "S.C.A.").
5. Approximately 98% of the businesses in Romania
are conducted via limited liability companies (the
most common legal form of company), or joint stock
companies. Investors, either domestic or foreign,
usually prefer a limited liability company when they
decide to set up a small or a middle sized business
in Romania, especially if the company will be
managed by its shareholders, while the joint stock
companies are usually, but not always, large
companies with more widely dispersed ownership.
6. Irrespective of its legal form, a company becomes
a legal entity upon its registration with the
Romanian Trade Register Office, where certain
legal formalities have to be followed, including a
delegated judges decision and the granting of the
fiscal code of the new company.