this is a summary presentation for the englishh class of my business idea of starting a new kind of radio station
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1. 26. Prepare the marketing
plan for a business that you
want to start
2. • My idea of a business is to createa a
never-heard of before radio station
• It will be named : BeatFM
3. There are many radio stations playing a
certin genre of music, for example
VibeFM,DanceFM are playing house music.
MagicFM, RomanticFM are playing 80’s
4. What we broadcast?
• It will be a radio station that will play mostly
hip-hop music and also trap music, dancehall
• We will have news about the stars that we
promote, latest songs and albums that come
• And also we promote break dance and hip-
hop and we stay up to date with the contests
in the country and we’ll inform you
5. Target audience
• It will be listened by those who love dacing
and vibrant music, for those people who are
tired of the same songs,played on and on at
• It will be listened by break dancers and
enen get inspired by the songs
6. Advertising
• We will promote our radio station via
internet using social networks or even
making a commercial for Tv