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How to form questions

Para formar perguntas em ingl棚s deve-se seguir a seguinte ordem

pronome interrogativa+ auxiliar+ sujeito+ verbo

O auxiliar se a resposta s坦 tiver um verbo pode ser do/does ou did, em todos os outros
casos o auxiliar j叩 l叩 est叩 basta fazer a troca.


He is playing tennis at the club

pronome when+ auxiliar is+ sujeito he+ verbo playing tennis

My parents often travel abroad

pronome How often + auxiliardo+ sujeito my parents + verbo travel

Se a resposta for do tipo yes/no segues a mesma ordem mas sem o pronome

Yes, he does. He plays football.

    auxiliardoes+ sujeito he + verbo play


        Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who)
    The car is across the street from the house. (where)
    I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which)
    She felt better after she took a nap. (how)
    That is an English book. (what)
    My sister called her boyfriend yesterday (when)
    She talked to him for an hour. (how long)
    He studies piano at the university. (what)
    The party lasted all night. (how long)
    The check was for $5.50. (how much)

Read the text and find evidence


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  • 1. How to form questions Para formar perguntas em ingl棚s deve-se seguir a seguinte ordem pronome interrogativa+ auxiliar+ sujeito+ verbo O auxiliar se a resposta s坦 tiver um verbo pode ser do/does ou did, em todos os outros casos o auxiliar j叩 l叩 est叩 basta fazer a troca. Repara He is playing tennis at the club pronome when+ auxiliar is+ sujeito he+ verbo playing tennis ou My parents often travel abroad pronome How often + auxiliardo+ sujeito my parents + verbo travel Se a resposta for do tipo yes/no segues a mesma ordem mas sem o pronome interrogativo. Yes, he does. He plays football. auxiliardoes+ sujeito he + verbo play Exercises Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who)
  • 2. _______________________________________________________________________ The car is across the street from the house. (where) _______________________________________________________________________ I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which) _______________________________________________________________________ She felt better after she took a nap. (how) _______________________________________________________________________ That is an English book. (what) _______________________________________________________________________ My sister called her boyfriend yesterday (when) _______________________________________________________________________ She talked to him for an hour. (how long) _______________________________________________________________________ He studies piano at the university. (what) _______________________________________________________________________ The party lasted all night. (how long) _______________________________________________________________________ The check was for $5.50. (how much) _______________________________________________________________________ Read the text and find evidence 1,