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TestI Listening:
Listenas the teacherreadsa story.Then answerthe questionsthatfollow.
The First Spider
A longtime ago,a youngwomannamedGamba was verygoodpinningthreadstoturn them
intocloth,weavingittocreate dresses.She wouldfinishthe dressinnotime,alwaysbeingof the
bestqualityandtake more ordersright away.
Gamba neverstoppedworkingandweaving.She wassoabsorbedwithherweavingtools,that
she evenputmore importance of themthanher mother.Hermotherwas worriedabouther.
One day, Gamba wenttotown to getnew threads.Meanwhile,hermothernoticedthe torn
curtainshe askedGamba to sewwas notdone yet.She thoughtthat Gamba neglectedhererrand.
So,she tooka needle andathreadfrom herdaughterssewingtoolstofix itherself.
WhenGamba came back and noticedthathermotherusedhersewingtools,she gotmadand
confrontedher.Itoffendedhermother andtoheranger she said,If you care nothingbut weaving,
evenmore thanI your mother,mayyoube weavingall throughoutyourlife.
Secondsafterhermothersaidthis,Gamba turnedintoa weavinginsect.Withmuchregret,her
mothercalledthe weavinginsectGamba.
Choose the letterof the correct answer:
1. What doesGamba love todo most?
A. Painting B. weaving C. dancing D. gardening
2. What happened firstbeforeGambaturnedintoa spider?
A. She weavesthreadsintocloth C. She got angry withhermother
B. She seweddressesforotherpeople D. She wentto buysome threads.
3. Gamba neverstoppedworkingandweaving.Thisstatementwouldgive usanideaabout
Gamba. Whichof these wordsbestdescribesher?
A. Diligent B. lazy C. thrifty D. respectful
4. Whicheventwouldhave happenedif motherhadnotsewnthe torncurtain?
A. Gamba wouldhave sewnitherself. C. Gamba couldhave boughta new curtain.
B. Gamba couldhave change the curtains D. Gamba couldhave done the sewingbetter
intoa newsetof curtains. thanher mother.
5-7. Draw the part of the story where Gambaturnedintoa spider.
Rubricsfor drawing:
3  drawingshowscreativityandexactideaof the story.
2  drawingshowscreativitybutprovidesincompleteideaof the story
1  drawinglackscreativityandinaccurate ideaof the story
TestII: ReadingComprehension
Readthe followingstory.Answerthe questionsthatfollow.
The Legend of the Monkey
Once there wasa younggirl wholivedinthe forestandwasa trainee of the Goddessof
Weavers.One day,the Goddesscalledthe girl andaskedherto make a dressmade of cotton.The young
girl had no ideahowto make it. So the Goddessexplainedthatshe hastocleanthe cotton,beatit,spin
it,weave itintocloth,cut it andfinallysew it.
But the girl was lazyand thoughtthat makinga dressoutof the cotton wasa lot of hard work.
So she thoughtof an easierway. She tookthe leatherclothwhichisusedto beatthe cotton and wore it.
She alsothoughtthat the leatherwouldlastlongerthanthe cotton.
Whenthe Goddessaskedthe girl to show herthe dress,she gotfurioustofindout whatthe girl
did.So she punishedherbymakingthe leathersticktoherskinandbeat herwitha woodenstickwhich
became hertail.
Andthe girl became the firstmonkey.
Choose the letterof the correct answer.
1. The girl isa trainee.She islearninghow tobecome agood weaver.Whichwordissimilartothe
word trainee?
A. Skilful B. learner C. expert D. practiced
2. Whicheventhappenedbefore the girl thoughtof makingthe leatherasherdress?
A. The girl sewedthe leatherintodress C. The leatherstuckto the girlsskin.
B. The Goddessaskedthe girl to make a dress D. The girl turnedintoa monkey.
3. All,EXCEPTone,has a longvowel sound.Whichisthe word?
A. Beat B. weave C. find D. trainee
4. Whichcompoundwordcan be formedoutof the wordsline andclothes?
A. Lineclothes B. linesof clothes C. clothline D. clothesline
5. Readthe sentence andchoose the wordreadwithsilentletter.
The young girl hadno ideahowto make a dressout of cotton.
A. Young B. girl C. make D. idea
6. In thisseriesof words,whichwordshouldcome after cotton: car, cotton, clean,cut,cry?
A. Cry B. clean C. cut D. car
7. Whichis the plural of monkey?
A. Monkies B. monkey C. monkeys D. monkeyses
8. Whichexpressioncouldtell plural of sugar?
A. A pocketof B. a teaspoonof C. a householdof D. a bottle of
9. Whichsentence showsthe correctexpressionof possessive nouns?
A. The goddessstickturnedintoa tail. C. The goddessstickturnedintoa tail.
B. The goddesssstickturnedintoatail. D. The goddessesstickturnedintoatail.
10. Findthe pair of thisword: forest
A. Plain B. mountain C. woods D. barrio
11  13 Showina graphicorganizerthe stepsinmakinga dressout of cotton.
3 points the graphicorganizerusedisappropriate and showsthe accurate stepsas statedinthe story
2 points the graphicorganizerusedmayor maynot be veryappropriate butone to twostepsare not
1 point the graphic organizerusedisnotveryappropriate andthe stepsare inaccurate
14  17 (One pointforeachcolumnif all the wordslistedare correct}
Fill inthe table belowwiththe correctwords:
Boy,late,cow,shell,rite,chair,calm, weak,look,cute,kneel
Words withLong
Vowel sounds
Words with
Words with
Words withsilent
18. Angryis tocalm as lazyis to __________.
A. idle B. hardworking C. slow D. fast
19. Whichcouldbe the reasonwhythe goddessof weaverswantedthe girl tosew a dress?
A. She wantedthe girl to learnhow to sew a dress.
B. She wantedthe girl to sell the dress.
C. She wantedthe girl to make a dressfor her.
D. She wantedthe girl to do thingsforher.
20. You were askedtodo somethingbutyoudonot know how to do it.What shouldyoudo?
A. Askthe helpof someone todoit for you.
B. Askthe helpof someone toshow youhow to do it,thentry ityourself.
C. Askthe helpof someone toshow youhow to doit thenwaitfor othershelp.
D. Asksomeone toworkit out foryou.
21. Readthe sentencesbelow.Whichsentence hasaword witha longvowel a?
A. The Goddessof weaveraskedthe girl tomake a dress.
B. The Goddessof Weaversaidthe girl has to clean,beat,spin,cutthe cotton thensewthe
C. The Goddessof Weaverthoughtthe cottondressisfine.
D. The Goddessof Weavergotfuriouswhenthe girl disobeyedher.
22. Whichword doesnotbelongtothe group?
A. church B. choir C. chair D. champ
23. If you have to arrange the wordsinalphabetical order,whichcouldbe the correctorder:
A. Monkey,mud,mitten,make,men C. make,men,mitten,monkey,mud
B. Mud, monkey,mitten,men,make D. mitten,men,make,monkey,mud
24. If goddessisto goddesses,thentrainee isto__________.
A. traineesses B. trainees C. trainers D. trainies
25. Whichsentence isexpressedcorrectly?
A. The girl wearsthe leatherasherdress C. The girl wear the leatherasherdress
B. The girlswearsthe leatherastheirdress. D. The girl wearingthe leatherasher dress
Nos. 1-3
In 3 or more sentences,writeashortparagraph that ell somethingaboutanyof the
character inthe storyyouread (the girl or the goddess).Be readytoshare thisto the class.
A. Rubricsfor the paragraph writing
3 points  3 0r more sentenceswereusedtowrite aparagraph; ideaswere
presentedwithcoherence thatdescribesthe characterinthe story
2 points  lessthan3 sentenceswere usedtowrite aparagraph; presentationof
1 point lessthanthree sentenceswere usedtowrite aparagraph; presentationof
ideashas no coherence
Nos.4  6
B. Rubricsfor the oral presentationof the paragraph
3 points  speaksina clear,loudvoice usingappropriate pronunciationand
2 points  Speaksina clearand loudvoice butsome inappropriate pronunciation
and intonationwere observed.
1 point Voice isinaudibleandlacksconfidence inpresentingthe paragraph
Nos.7  10
Usingthe wordsfirst,next,then,andlastly,use the followingsentences towrite a
paragraph onhow to make a clothout of cotton.
Cleanthe cotton.
Beat andspinit.
Weave itintocloth andcut it.

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  • 1. ENGLISH - QUARTER 1 PRE-ASSESSMENT TestI Listening: Listenas the teacherreadsa story.Then answerthe questionsthatfollow. The First Spider A longtime ago,a youngwomannamedGamba was verygoodpinningthreadstoturn them intocloth,weavingittocreate dresses.She wouldfinishthe dressinnotime,alwaysbeingof the bestqualityandtake more ordersright away. Gamba neverstoppedworkingandweaving.She wassoabsorbedwithherweavingtools,that she evenputmore importance of themthanher mother.Hermotherwas worriedabouther. One day, Gamba wenttotown to getnew threads.Meanwhile,hermothernoticedthe torn curtainshe askedGamba to sewwas notdone yet.She thoughtthat Gamba neglectedhererrand. So,she tooka needle andathreadfrom herdaughterssewingtoolstofix itherself. WhenGamba came back and noticedthathermotherusedhersewingtools,she gotmadand confrontedher.Itoffendedhermother andtoheranger she said,If you care nothingbut weaving, evenmore thanI your mother,mayyoube weavingall throughoutyourlife. Secondsafterhermothersaidthis,Gamba turnedintoa weavinginsect.Withmuchregret,her mothercalledthe weavinginsectGamba. Choose the letterof the correct answer: 1. What doesGamba love todo most? A. Painting B. weaving C. dancing D. gardening 2. What happened firstbeforeGambaturnedintoa spider? A. She weavesthreadsintocloth C. She got angry withhermother B. She seweddressesforotherpeople D. She wentto buysome threads. 3. Gamba neverstoppedworkingandweaving.Thisstatementwouldgive usanideaabout Gamba. Whichof these wordsbestdescribesher? A. Diligent B. lazy C. thrifty D. respectful 4. Whicheventwouldhave happenedif motherhadnotsewnthe torncurtain? A. Gamba wouldhave sewnitherself. C. Gamba couldhave boughta new curtain. B. Gamba couldhave change the curtains D. Gamba couldhave done the sewingbetter intoa newsetof curtains. thanher mother. 5-7. Draw the part of the story where Gambaturnedintoa spider. Rubricsfor drawing: 3 drawingshowscreativityandexactideaof the story. 2 drawingshowscreativitybutprovidesincompleteideaof the story 1 drawinglackscreativityandinaccurate ideaof the story
  • 2. TestII: ReadingComprehension Readthe followingstory.Answerthe questionsthatfollow. The Legend of the Monkey Once there wasa younggirl wholivedinthe forestandwasa trainee of the Goddessof Weavers.One day,the Goddesscalledthe girl andaskedherto make a dressmade of cotton.The young girl had no ideahowto make it. So the Goddessexplainedthatshe hastocleanthe cotton,beatit,spin it,weave itintocloth,cut it andfinallysew it. But the girl was lazyand thoughtthat makinga dressoutof the cotton wasa lot of hard work. So she thoughtof an easierway. She tookthe leatherclothwhichisusedto beatthe cotton and wore it. She alsothoughtthat the leatherwouldlastlongerthanthe cotton. Whenthe Goddessaskedthe girl to show herthe dress,she gotfurioustofindout whatthe girl did.So she punishedherbymakingthe leathersticktoherskinandbeat herwitha woodenstickwhich became hertail. Andthe girl became the firstmonkey. Choose the letterof the correct answer. 1. The girl isa trainee.She islearninghow tobecome agood weaver.Whichwordissimilartothe word trainee? A. Skilful B. learner C. expert D. practiced 2. Whicheventhappenedbefore the girl thoughtof makingthe leatherasherdress? A. The girl sewedthe leatherintodress C. The leatherstuckto the girlsskin. B. The Goddessaskedthe girl to make a dress D. The girl turnedintoa monkey. 3. All,EXCEPTone,has a longvowel sound.Whichisthe word? A. Beat B. weave C. find D. trainee 4. Whichcompoundwordcan be formedoutof the wordsline andclothes? A. Lineclothes B. linesof clothes C. clothline D. clothesline 5. Readthe sentence andchoose the wordreadwithsilentletter. The young girl hadno ideahowto make a dressout of cotton. A. Young B. girl C. make D. idea 6. In thisseriesof words,whichwordshouldcome after cotton: car, cotton, clean,cut,cry? A. Cry B. clean C. cut D. car 7. Whichis the plural of monkey? A. Monkies B. monkey C. monkeys D. monkeyses 8. Whichexpressioncouldtell plural of sugar? A. A pocketof B. a teaspoonof C. a householdof D. a bottle of 9. Whichsentence showsthe correctexpressionof possessive nouns? A. The goddessstickturnedintoa tail. C. The goddessstickturnedintoa tail. B. The goddesssstickturnedintoatail. D. The goddessesstickturnedintoatail. 10. Findthe pair of thisword: forest A. Plain B. mountain C. woods D. barrio
  • 3. 11 13 Showina graphicorganizerthe stepsinmakinga dressout of cotton. Rubrics: 3 points the graphicorganizerusedisappropriate and showsthe accurate stepsas statedinthe story 2 points the graphicorganizerusedmayor maynot be veryappropriate butone to twostepsare not Accurate 1 point the graphic organizerusedisnotveryappropriate andthe stepsare inaccurate 14 17 (One pointforeachcolumnif all the wordslistedare correct} Fill inthe table belowwiththe correctwords: Boy,late,cow,shell,rite,chair,calm, weak,look,cute,kneel Words withLong Vowel sounds Words with diphthongs Words with digraphs Words withsilent letters 18. Angryis tocalm as lazyis to __________. A. idle B. hardworking C. slow D. fast 19. Whichcouldbe the reasonwhythe goddessof weaverswantedthe girl tosew a dress? A. She wantedthe girl to learnhow to sew a dress. B. She wantedthe girl to sell the dress. C. She wantedthe girl to make a dressfor her. D. She wantedthe girl to do thingsforher. 20. You were askedtodo somethingbutyoudonot know how to do it.What shouldyoudo? A. Askthe helpof someone todoit for you. B. Askthe helpof someone toshow youhow to do it,thentry ityourself. C. Askthe helpof someone toshow youhow to doit thenwaitfor othershelp. D. Asksomeone toworkit out foryou. 21. Readthe sentencesbelow.Whichsentence hasaword witha longvowel a? A. The Goddessof weaveraskedthe girl tomake a dress. B. The Goddessof Weaversaidthe girl has to clean,beat,spin,cutthe cotton thensewthe dress. C. The Goddessof Weaverthoughtthe cottondressisfine. D. The Goddessof Weavergotfuriouswhenthe girl disobeyedher. 22. Whichword doesnotbelongtothe group? A. church B. choir C. chair D. champ 23. If you have to arrange the wordsinalphabetical order,whichcouldbe the correctorder: Monkey,men,make,mud,mitten A. Monkey,mud,mitten,make,men C. make,men,mitten,monkey,mud B. Mud, monkey,mitten,men,make D. mitten,men,make,monkey,mud 24. If goddessisto goddesses,thentrainee isto__________. A. traineesses B. trainees C. trainers D. trainies 25. Whichsentence isexpressedcorrectly? A. The girl wearsthe leatherasherdress C. The girl wear the leatherasherdress B. The girlswearsthe leatherastheirdress. D. The girl wearingthe leatherasher dress
  • 4. TestIII Nos. 1-3 In 3 or more sentences,writeashortparagraph that ell somethingaboutanyof the character inthe storyyouread (the girl or the goddess).Be readytoshare thisto the class. A. Rubricsfor the paragraph writing 3 points 3 0r more sentenceswereusedtowrite aparagraph; ideaswere presentedwithcoherence thatdescribesthe characterinthe story 2 points lessthan3 sentenceswere usedtowrite aparagraph; presentationof ideaslackcoherence 1 point lessthanthree sentenceswere usedtowrite aparagraph; presentationof ideashas no coherence Nos.4 6 B. Rubricsfor the oral presentationof the paragraph 3 points speaksina clear,loudvoice usingappropriate pronunciationand intonation 2 points Speaksina clearand loudvoice butsome inappropriate pronunciation and intonationwere observed. 1 point Voice isinaudibleandlacksconfidence inpresentingthe paragraph Nos.7 10 Usingthe wordsfirst,next,then,andlastly,use the followingsentences towrite a paragraph onhow to make a clothout of cotton. Cleanthe cotton. Beat andspinit. Weave itintocloth andcut it. Sewit.