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Peace Corps Session Plan
Training Series: PST
Session Title: English As An Additional Language
Date of Session: Monday, June 22nd
, 2015
Sequencing of session (if applicable):
What session(s) should come before this one? Language Classes, School
What session(s) should follow this one? Supporting and Mentoring Teachers,
Interactive Teaching
Facilitators/Technical Experts: Scout, Tim
Target Audience: PCTs
Length of Session: 1: 00 hour
KSAs and Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this session:
KSAs Learning Objective(s)
K By the end of PST, participants will be able to identify three methods for
effectively teaching English as an additional language.
Level 2 (Did they learn it?) Evaluation Methodology:
How will you determine if Volunteer/Trainee learned content of session?
Who will evaluate: Scout, Tim
When will evaluation take place: During session
Materials and Equipment needed for this session:
1. White Board
2. Dry Erase Markers
3. Scenarios
Preparation Checklist for session (what do you need to do to get ready for the
1. Print out scenarios
2. Gather Materials
Training Methodology: What methodology will you use in this session?
Discussion, scenarios, survey
Outline of session activities: Approx. Time
I. Motivation
 Tim leads an interactive mini-lesson about how to fold paper to
create a booklet speaking only in Pulaar.
 After the lesson, Scout asks participants the following questions:
What did you learn? Did you feel confident enough to answer
questions? How did it feel to be talked at (and expected to learn) in
a language you did not understand?
10 minutes
II. Information/Presentation
 Scout and Tim will read off four different statements and participants
10 minutes
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will give a thumbs up if they think the statement is true and a thumbs
down if they think it is false. After every participant has chosen, the
facilitator will tell the class if the statement is true or false and then
explain why.
 The statements are:
o Languages are learned mainly through imitation and
memorization (F) Imitiation and memorization can be helpful tools, but
languages are learned mainly through practice, listening, and conversations.
o Errors should be corrected as soon as they are made in order to
prevent bad habits (F) Correcting every error immediately discourages
learners and it inhibits fluency. Errors should be corrected at the
completion of the sentence/idea/conversation and they should not be
corrected every time. It is much more helpful to learners to correct patterns
of errors rather than individual errors.
o When learners are allowed to talk freely with each other in a
group or pair activities they copy each others errors (F) Errors
are not typically copied, but rather this experience gives learners the chance
to practice speaking with someone in a slow, patient manner who may better
understand errors made and their meaning due to a common first language.
o Learners should practice examples of each grammar structure
before going on to a more complex one (F) While advanced
grammar structures should be taught later in the language learning process,
teachers and speakers should not avoid using them in speech with learners.
Additionally, it is not necessary for learners to master one grammatical
concept before moving on to a more advanced one.
III. Practice
 Present the idea of scaffolding and define what it means
 Present ways to scaffold:
o Vocab
 Use pictures
 Use actions
 Physically show the students the word
 Translate the word
 Use the word often (even when speaking local language,
use the english word)
 Encourage students to use the word
o Grammar
 For young students, give them a fill in the blank
sentence (begin by filling in only noun, then verb and
noun, then)
 Re-cast (repeat what the student said with the correct
 Make conversations (non-memorized)
10 minutes
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o Use a lot of varied repetition for everything
o Want to make students think
 Divide the class into five groups and give them each a different student.
Have them come up with a list of specific ways they will help this
student to learn English.
 Each group will share out the different ways they came up with to
scaffold their students learning.
10 minutes
15 minutes
IV. Application
 Open up the class to questions, comments, and suggestions.
 Remind the participants that when teaching language students need to
have practice that makes them think.
 Encourage participants to pay attention to these as they continue trying
to learn language.
5 minutes
Scenario 1:
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Yaya is a grade one student. He had no English in ECD and his family speaks only
Wolof at home. He likes long walks on the beach and domida. How will you scaffold
lessons for Yaya?
Scenario 2:
Umi is a grade three student. She took first in her class in both grade one and grade
two. She has two teenage sisters who speak English fairly well and often practice with her in
their compound. Many in her class can only speak a few English phrases and often have
difficulty understanding the teacher. Umi enjoys playing with the dirty dogs around the
village. How will you scaffold lessons for Umi?
Scenario 3:
Adama is a grade five student. In Adamas class of forty, Adama has always fallen in
the middle. Adama seems to understand English when her teacher gives instructions, but
she always responds in local language. Adama aspires to one day hike the Alps. Even
though they are cold, Adama is not afraid. How will you scaffold lessons for Adama?
Scenario 4:
Lamin is in grade seven. He has been attending a Dara (koranic school where no
English is spoken) unitl recently when his mother and father both died and he was adopted
by his uncle. Lamins uncle is insistent that he attend the local public school even though
Lamin does not understand English. Lamin recently won the village wrestling tournament
and is quite large because all the rice he eats. How will you scaffold lessons for Lamin?
Scenario 5:
Sukuta, the second grade teacher at your school, has asked you for English lessons.
Whenever you speak with Sukuta, you usually repeat yourself four or five times very slowly
before he is able to understand you. You rarely hear Sukuta speaking English in class.
Sukuta enjoys overeating the salad in the garden while the students tend the beds. How can
you scaffold lessons for Sukuta?
Last revised by LM, SD, and MT 26/06/14
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English as an addition language LP

  • 1. Peace Corps Session Plan Training Series: PST Session Title: English As An Additional Language Date of Session: Monday, June 22nd , 2015 Sequencing of session (if applicable): What session(s) should come before this one? Language Classes, School Visit What session(s) should follow this one? Supporting and Mentoring Teachers, Interactive Teaching Facilitators/Technical Experts: Scout, Tim Target Audience: PCTs Length of Session: 1: 00 hour KSAs and Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this session: KSAs Learning Objective(s) K By the end of PST, participants will be able to identify three methods for effectively teaching English as an additional language. Level 2 (Did they learn it?) Evaluation Methodology: How will you determine if Volunteer/Trainee learned content of session? Scenarios Who will evaluate: Scout, Tim When will evaluation take place: During session Materials and Equipment needed for this session: 1. White Board 2. Dry Erase Markers 3. Scenarios Preparation Checklist for session (what do you need to do to get ready for the session): 1. Print out scenarios 2. Gather Materials Training Methodology: What methodology will you use in this session? Discussion, scenarios, survey Outline of session activities: Approx. Time I. Motivation Tim leads an interactive mini-lesson about how to fold paper to create a booklet speaking only in Pulaar. After the lesson, Scout asks participants the following questions: What did you learn? Did you feel confident enough to answer questions? How did it feel to be talked at (and expected to learn) in a language you did not understand? 10 minutes II. Information/Presentation Scout and Tim will read off four different statements and participants 10 minutes Last revised by LM, SD, and MT 26/06/14 Page 1 of 4
  • 2. will give a thumbs up if they think the statement is true and a thumbs down if they think it is false. After every participant has chosen, the facilitator will tell the class if the statement is true or false and then explain why. The statements are: o Languages are learned mainly through imitation and memorization (F) Imitiation and memorization can be helpful tools, but languages are learned mainly through practice, listening, and conversations. o Errors should be corrected as soon as they are made in order to prevent bad habits (F) Correcting every error immediately discourages learners and it inhibits fluency. Errors should be corrected at the completion of the sentence/idea/conversation and they should not be corrected every time. It is much more helpful to learners to correct patterns of errors rather than individual errors. o When learners are allowed to talk freely with each other in a group or pair activities they copy each others errors (F) Errors are not typically copied, but rather this experience gives learners the chance to practice speaking with someone in a slow, patient manner who may better understand errors made and their meaning due to a common first language. o Learners should practice examples of each grammar structure before going on to a more complex one (F) While advanced grammar structures should be taught later in the language learning process, teachers and speakers should not avoid using them in speech with learners. Additionally, it is not necessary for learners to master one grammatical concept before moving on to a more advanced one. III. Practice Present the idea of scaffolding and define what it means Present ways to scaffold: o Vocab Use pictures Use actions Physically show the students the word Translate the word Use the word often (even when speaking local language, use the english word) Encourage students to use the word o Grammar For young students, give them a fill in the blank sentence (begin by filling in only noun, then verb and noun, then) Re-cast (repeat what the student said with the correct grammar) Make conversations (non-memorized) 10 minutes Last revised by LM, SD, and MT 26/06/14 Page 2 of 4
  • 3. o Use a lot of varied repetition for everything o Want to make students think Divide the class into five groups and give them each a different student. Have them come up with a list of specific ways they will help this student to learn English. Each group will share out the different ways they came up with to scaffold their students learning. 10 minutes 15 minutes IV. Application Open up the class to questions, comments, and suggestions. Remind the participants that when teaching language students need to have practice that makes them think. Encourage participants to pay attention to these as they continue trying to learn language. 5 minutes Scenario 1: Last revised by LM, SD, and MT 26/06/14 Page 3 of 4
  • 4. Yaya is a grade one student. He had no English in ECD and his family speaks only Wolof at home. He likes long walks on the beach and domida. How will you scaffold lessons for Yaya? Scenario 2: Umi is a grade three student. She took first in her class in both grade one and grade two. She has two teenage sisters who speak English fairly well and often practice with her in their compound. Many in her class can only speak a few English phrases and often have difficulty understanding the teacher. Umi enjoys playing with the dirty dogs around the village. How will you scaffold lessons for Umi? Scenario 3: Adama is a grade five student. In Adamas class of forty, Adama has always fallen in the middle. Adama seems to understand English when her teacher gives instructions, but she always responds in local language. Adama aspires to one day hike the Alps. Even though they are cold, Adama is not afraid. How will you scaffold lessons for Adama? Scenario 4: Lamin is in grade seven. He has been attending a Dara (koranic school where no English is spoken) unitl recently when his mother and father both died and he was adopted by his uncle. Lamins uncle is insistent that he attend the local public school even though Lamin does not understand English. Lamin recently won the village wrestling tournament and is quite large because all the rice he eats. How will you scaffold lessons for Lamin? Scenario 5: Sukuta, the second grade teacher at your school, has asked you for English lessons. Whenever you speak with Sukuta, you usually repeat yourself four or five times very slowly before he is able to understand you. You rarely hear Sukuta speaking English in class. Sukuta enjoys overeating the salad in the garden while the students tend the beds. How can you scaffold lessons for Sukuta? Last revised by LM, SD, and MT 26/06/14 Page 4 of 4