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English grammar in use
       Yigit Ozkaya

 English Tenses
 Prepositions in English

 Articles in English


 Reported speech

 Complex Object

English Tenses
   舒舒 于亠仄亠仆舒 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 仗亠亟舒于仍ム
    亟仆仂亳 亟仍 亳亰舒ム亳 舒仆亞仍亳亶从亳亶. 弍仆磳 仂
    亠仄, 仂 亳亠仄舒 于亠仄亠仆 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 仆亠仗仂仂亢舒 仆舒
    , 从仂仂舒 亳仗仂仍亰亠 于 从仂仄 磶从亠, 仂 仆亠从仂仂亠
    仗舒舒仍仍亠仍亳 仗仂于亠亳 于亠 亢亠 仄仂亢仆仂. 亟仆舒从仂  亳亠仄
    舒仆亞仍亳亶从亳 于亠仄亠仆 亠 仆亠仂仗仂亳仄仂亠 亟仂仂亳仆于仂  仂仆舒
    仂弍仍舒亟舒亠 仂亞仂亶 仗仂磲仂亠仆仆仂, 仍仂亞亳仆仂, 亳
    仗仂亟亳仆磳 亰舒从仂仆舒仄 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亳.
     仆亞仍亳亶从亳亠 于亠仄亠仆舒. 舒从舒 舒舒从亠亳亳从舒
   亠亞仂 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 亠于亠 12 于亠仄亠仆, 从仂仂亠
    亟亠仍 仆舒 亠亠 亞仗仗:
   - simple 亳仍亳 indefinite (亞仗仗舒 仗仂 于亠仄亠仆);
   - continuous 亳仍亳 progressive (亞仗仗舒 亟仍亳亠仍仆 亳仍亳
    仗仂亟仂仍亢亠仆仆 于亠仄亠仆);
   - perfect (亞仗仗舒 仂于亠亠仆仆 于亠仄亠仆);
   - perfect continuous 亳仍亳 perfect progressive (亞仗仗舒
    仂于亠亠仆仆 亟仍亳亠仍仆 于亠仄亠仆).
    舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 舒从 亢亠, 从舒从 亳 于 从仂仄 磶从亠,
    亟亠亶于亳亠, 于舒亢亠仆仆仂亠 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂仄, 仄仂亢亠 仗仂亳仂亟亳 于
    仗仂亠亟亠仄, 仆舒仂亠仄, 亳仍亳 弍亟亠仄. 弌仂仂于亠于亠仆仆仂,
    从舒亢亟舒 亳亰 仆舒亰于舒仆仆 于亠 亞仗仗 于亠仄亠仆 仄仂亢亠 弍
    于舒亢亠仆舒 于 仗仂亠亟亠仄 于亠仄亠仆亳 (past tense), 仆舒仂亠仄
    于亠仄亠仆亳 (present tense), 亳仍亳 弍亟亠仄 于亠仄亠仆亳 (future
   舒亢亟舒 亞仗仗舒 于亠仄亠仆 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 于舒亢舒亠
    舒亰仆亠 亳舒亳亳.
   仂亠 于亠仄亠仆舒 仂仗亳于舒ム 舒从 仗仂亳仂亢亟亠仆亳 亟亠亶于亳,
    弍亠亰仂仆仂亳亠仍仆仂 仗仂礀亠仆仆仂亳 仂亞仂 亟亠亶于亳. 丐舒从亢亠 仂仆亳
    亳仗仂仍亰ム 亟仍 仂仗亳舒仆亳 亟亠亶于亳亶, 从仂仂亠 仗仂亳仂亟 
    仆亠从仂仂仂亶 亠亞仍仆仂.
   仍亳亠仍仆亠 于亠仄亠仆舒, 从舒从 仍亠亟亠 亳亰 仆舒亰于舒仆亳, 仂仗亳于舒ム 仂, 仂
    仗仂亳仂亟亳 于 亠亠仆亳亠 从舒从仂亞仂-仍亳弍仂 仗仂仄亠亢从舒 于亠仄亠仆亳, 从舒从 仗舒于亳仍仂,
    亰舒亟舒仆仆仂亞仂 亠仄 仄仂仄亠仆仂仄, 仂 从仂仂仂仄 亳亟亠 亠. 丐舒从亢亠 亞仍舒亞仂仍 亟舒仆仆仂亶
    亞仗仗 于亠仄亠仆 于亠亞亟舒 仂  亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠仄 亞仍舒亞仂仍舒 be, 亳 从 仆亳仄
    于亠亞亟舒 亟仂弍舒于仍磳 仂从仂仆舒仆亳亠 "-ing".
   弌仂于亠亠仆仆亠 于亠仄亠仆舒 仂仗亳于舒ム 亟亠亶于亳, 从仂仂亠 亢亠
    亰舒于亠亳仍亳 从 从舒从仂仄-仍亳弍仂 仄仂仄亠仆 于亠仄亠仆亳. 仍舒亞仂仍 于 亟舒仆仆仂亶
    亞仗仗亠 于亠仄亠仆 于亠亞亟舒 亳仗仂仍亰ム  于仗仂仄仂亞舒亠仍仆仄
    亞仍舒亞仂仍仂仄 have, 亳 仂仆亳 于亠亞亟舒 仂 于 仂仄亠 仗亳舒亳 仗仂亠亟亠亞仂
   弌仂于亠亠仆仆亠 亟仍亳亠仍仆亠 于亠仄亠仆舒, 从舒从 于亳亟仆仂 亳亰 仆舒亰于舒仆亳,
    仂仗亠亟亠仍ム 于 亠弍亠 仗亳亰仆舒从亳 于亠仄亠仆 仂于亠亠仆仆仂亶 亳 亟仍亳亠仍仆仂亶
    亞仗仗, 仂仆亳 仂仗亳于舒ム 亟亠亶于亳, 从仂仂亠 仗仂亟仂仍亢舒仍亳 仆舒
    仗仂礀亠仆亳亳 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亞仂 仗亠亳仂亟舒 于亠仄亠仆亳. 仍舒亞仂仍 亟舒仆仆仂亶 亞仗仗
    亳仗仂仍亰ム 亟于舒 于仗仂仄仂亞舒亠仍仆 亞仍舒亞仂仍舒  have 亳 been, 亳 亳仄亠ム
    仂从仂仆舒仆亳亠 "-ing".
English grammar in use
English Tenses. Exercises
 1. This time tomorrow you ___ sitting in a
  deck chair on the beach.
4)will be
  2. Before you telephoned, I ___ watching television.
2)will be
4) have
 3. After the storm ___ finished, many people were

   found lying in the street.
 4. Tomorrow we ___ taking the day off.
 5. How many times ___ you been there?

 6. It's time we ___.
3)are going
 7. He asked me what I ___ doing there.

3)will be
Prepositions in English
亠亟仍仂亞亳 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳:         towards  仗仂 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳
 to the left  仆舒仍亠于仂         从
 to the right  仆舒仗舒于仂      away, from  仂
 up  于于亠                  through  亠亠亰, 从于仂亰
 down  于仆亳亰                 out of  亳亰
 off                       into  于
 onto  仆舒                   along  于亟仂仍
                              past  仄亳仄仂
                              across  亠亠亰
亠亟仍仂亞亳 仄亠仂仗仂仍仂亢亠仆亳:
 above  仆舒亟

 over  仆舒亟

 between  仄亠亢亟

 near, at, by, beside  仂从仂仍仂, 于仂亰仍亠, 

 behind  亰舒, 亰舒亟亳

 under  仗仂亟

 below  仗仂亟

 outside  亳亰

 in front of  仗亠亠亟
亠亟仍仂亞亳 于亠仄亠仆亳:

   at  于 舒舒
   in  于 仄亠舒, 亞仂亟舒
   on  于 亟仆
   from  c, 仂
   to  亟仂 从舒从仂亞仂-仂 仄仂仄亠仆舒
   since  仂 从舒从仂亞仂-仂 仄仂仄亠仆舒
   till  亟仂
   before  仗亠亠亟, 亟仂
   after  仗仂仍亠
   about  仂从仂仍仂, 仗亳弍仍亳亰亳亠仍仆仂
   for  于 亠亠仆亳亠 仗亠亳仂亟舒 于亠仄亠仆亳
   during  于 亠亠仆亳亠 + 亠于亳亠仍仆仂亠
   by  从 从舒从仂仄-仂 仄仂仄亠仆
 亳亳仆仆亠 仗亠亟仍仂亞亳:
because of  仗仂仂仄 仂
in accordance with  仂亞仍舒仆仂, 于 仂仂于亠于亳亳
on account of  于仍亠亟于亳亠, 亳亰-亰舒
thanks to  弍仍舒亞仂亟舒
Prepositions Exercises
   丕仗舒亢仆亠仆亳亠 1. 舒于亠 仗亠亟仍仂亞亳 on, in 亳仍亳 into.

    1. Where is the book? - - It is ... the table. 2. Where is the tea?
     It is ... the cup. 3. Put the plates ... the table. 4. Put the book
    ... the bag. 5. There is a beautiful picture ... the wall. 6. He
    went ... the room. 7. I like to sit ... the sofa ... my room. 8.
    Mother is cooking dinner ... the kitchen. 9. She went ... the
    room and sat down ... the sofa. 10. There are many people ...
    the park today. 11. There is a girl standing ... the bridge. Why
    is she crying? - She has dropped her doll ... the water. 12.
    There is no tea ... my cup. 13. Pour some tea ... my cup. 14.
    Put these flowers ... the window-sill. 15. I saw many people ...
    the plat-form waiting for the train. 16. We went ... the garden
    and sat down ... a bench.
   丕仗舒亢仆亠仆亳亠 2. 亠亠于亠亟亳亠 仆舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从亳亶 磶从
    仍亠亟ム亳亠 仍仂于仂仂亠舒仆亳.

    亠亠 舒舒, 于 仗仂仍仂于亳仆亠 亠仂亞仂, 弍亠亰 亠-于亠亳
    亳, 仆舒 亰舒从舒亠, 于 亠于亠 仗仂亞仂, 于 仗仂仍仆仂, 于
    仗 仄亳仆 亠仂亞仂, 弍亠亰 亟亠亳 亟于舒, 仗仂仍亟亠仆, 仆舒
    于仂仂亟亠 仂仍仆舒, 于 亟于舒亟舒 仗 亠亠亞仂.
Articles in English
亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍
   仂亞亟舒 仆亢仆仂 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒 仆亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 a/an:
   丐仂仍从仂  亳亳仍磳仄仄亳 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳 于 亠亟亳仆于亠仆仆仂仄 亳仍亠,
    从仂亞亟舒 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 仆亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 于亠亳: I cant find a taxi   仆亠
    仄仂亞 仆舒亶亳 舒从亳. 舒从仂亠 舒从亳? 舒 仍ミ頴笑, 仆亠 于舒亢仆仂.  仂仄 仍舒亠,
    亠仍亳 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 仆亠亳亳仍磳仄 亠于亳亠仍仆, 仍亳弍仂 仂
    仄仆仂亢亠于亠仆仆仂仄 亳仍亠 亳亳仍磳仄, 仂 亳仗仂仍亰亠 some: Give me
    some water, please. There are some taxis at the taxi rank.
    仂仄 仍舒亠, 从仂亞亟舒 仗亠亟仄亠 仆舒仄 亰舒舒仆亠亠 仆亠 亳亰于亠亠仆, 仗亳 仗亠于仂仄
    仗仂仄亳仆舒仆亳亳 亳仗仂仍亰亠 仆亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍, 仆仂 仗亳
    仗仂仍亠亟ム亠仄 仗仂仄亳仆舒仆亳亳 亢亠 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶: I have got a car. The car
    is red.
   亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 舒仂 亳仗仂仍亰亠 仗仂仍亠 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂于 have 亳
    be: I have got a pen. She is a teacher.
   亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 于仗舒亠 于 从舒亠于亠 仍仂于舒 束per損: He works
    five days a week  仂仆 舒弍仂舒亠 5 亟仆亠亶 于 仆亠亟亠仍
   亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 亳仗仂仍亰亠 从仂亞亟舒 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂
    仗亠亟舒于亳亠仍亠 从仍舒舒 仗亠亟仄亠仂于: An African elephant has larger ears
    than an Indian elephant.
仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍
   弌 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳, 从仂仂亠 仆舒仄 亳亰于亠仆, 从仂仂亠 于亟亠仍ム 亳亰 磲舒 于亠亠亶. 仂亞亟舒
    仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 亠仄-仂 从仂仆从亠仆仂仄. 丐舒从仂亠 舒仂 仗仂亳仂亟亳 仗亳 仗仂于仂仆仂仄 仗仂仄亳仆舒仆亳亳:
    Bob has got a car and a bike. The car is green and the bike is blue.
   弌 仆亳从舒仍仆仄亳 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳: the sun, the Earth
   弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 亞舒亰亠 (the Guardian), 从亳仆仂亠舒仂于 (the Odeon), 亠舒仂于 (the Empire), 仄亰亠亠于
    (the Louvre), 从仂舒弍仍亠亶 (the Marie Celeste), 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳礆亳 (the United Nations)
   弌 仆舒亰于舒仆亳礆亳 亠从 (the Thames);  亞仗仗舒仄亳 仂仂于仂于 (the Seychelles);  仄舒亳于舒仄亳 亞仂
    (the Alps);  仗仆礆亳 (the Sahara);  仂从亠舒仆舒仄亳 (the Atlantic);  从舒仆舒仍舒仄亳 (the Panama
    canal); 舒仆舒仄亳, 亠仍亳 仂仆亳 于从仍ム舒ム 于 亠弍 仍仂于舒 亳仗舒 States, Kingdom, Republic (the
    UK);  舒礆亳 于亠舒 (the North/East/South/West)
   弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 仄亰从舒仍仆 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 亳 舒仆亠于: the guitar, the salsa
   弌 仆舒亰于舒仆亳礆亳 亠仄亠亶 (仆舒仗. the Browns) 亳 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆仂礆亳, 仂从舒仆亳于舒ム亳仄亳 仆舒 -sh,
    -ch, 亳仍亳 -ese (the French).  亳仆仂仄 仍舒亠 仄仂亢仆仂 亞仂于仂亳 亳  the 亳 弍亠亰 (the
   弌仂 亰于舒仆亳礆亳: the Queen, the President. : Queen Victoria (.亠. 亠仍亳 从舒亰舒仆仂 亳仄  仆亠
   弌仂 舒于仆亳亠仍仆仄亳 亠仗亠仆礆亳: the best. : Most people enjoy going to the cinema
   弌仂 仍仂于舒仄亳 day, morning, afternoon 亳 evening: It was early in the morning when they left.
    : at night, at noon, at midnight, by day/night
   弌 亳仂亳亠从亳仄亳 仗亠亳仂亟舒仄亳: the last Ice Age, the Vietnam war. : World War I
   弌仂 仍仂于舒仄亳 only, last 亳 first (亠仍亳 仂仆亳 亳仗仂仍亰ム 从舒从 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆亠): She was the
    only one who didnt come
仍亠于仂亶 舒亳从仍
   弌 仆亠亳亳仍磳仄仄亳 亳 仄仆仂亢亠于亠仆仆仄亳 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳, 从仂亞亟舒 仄
    亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 亠仄-仂 于 仂弍亠仄 仄仍亠 仂亞仂 仍仂于舒. Planes are a safe means
    of transport. Tea is a very popular drink.
   弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳: Ann works as a librarian
   弌 仆舒亰于舒仆亳礆亳 亳亞, 亟仆礆亳, 仄亠舒仄亳, 仗舒亰亟仆亳从舒仄亳, 于亠舒仄亳,
    仆舒仗亳从舒仄亳 亳 亠亟仂亶. We had dinner with the Smiths on Friday.
   弌 磶从舒仄亳. Bob speaks Polish, French and English fluently. 仂 亠仍亳
    亳仗仂仍亰亠 仍仂于仂 language 仂 舒亳从仍 舒于亳: The French language
    is spoken in parts of Canada
   弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 舒仆, 从仂仂亠 仆亠 于从仍ム舒ム 于 亠弍 仍仂于舒 State, Kingdom
    亳仍亳 Republic. Germany, India, Australia. 从仍ム亠仆亳: the Netherlands,
    the Gambia, the Vatican
   弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 仍亳 (Oxford street, Penny Lane), 仗仍仂舒亟礆亳 (Trafalgar
    Square), 仄仂舒仄亳 (London Bridge)
English grammar in use
English grammar in use
Articles Exercises
   1. Choose the correct variant.
   I. Smiths have a dog and a cat.
    a)  b) The c) A
    2. He knows how to work on  computer.
    a) a b) an c) 
    3. She was the first woman to swim across  English Channel.
    a) a b)  c) the
    4. Go down  Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.
    a) the b) a c) 
    5. I dont like milk in  tea.
    a)  b) the ) 舒
    6. At the end of busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy.
    a) the b) a c) 
    7. Well go for a walk if  weather is fine.
    a) a b)  c) the
    8. Could you give me  information I asked for in my letter?
    a) the b)  c) a
    9. war is a terrible thing.
    a) The b)  ) 
    10. I spent  very interesting holiday in England.
    a) the b) a c)
Conditional Exercises
   Open the brackets:
   1. If I hear the thief I (catch) him.
    2. I (go) to the cinema if I had more time.
    3. I will call her if I (find out) her number.
    4. If they (be) rich they would stay in a more expensive hotel.
    5. She (feel) ill if she eats so much.
    6. If he skis too fast he (break) his leg.
    7. You (get) wet if you dont take an umbrella.
    8. He (cause) an accident if he drives too dangerously.
    9. They would get drunk if they (drink) too much beer.
    10. If you steal the purse they (arrest) you.
    11. If she (explain) him the situation he will understand it.
    12. If he offered me a job I (take) it.
Reported Speech

   弌仂亞仍舒仂于舒仆亳亠 于亠仄亠仆
English grammar in use
舒亢亠仆亳 于亠仄亠仆亳 亳 仄亠舒 于
     从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳
Reported speech Exercises
   1.  亠亠仗亳亳亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳 于 从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳, 仂弍舒亳亠 于仆亳仄舒仆亳亠 仆舒 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠
    仄亠仂亳仄亠仆亳亶 亳 于亳亟仂于亠仄亠仆仆 仂仄 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂于.
   1. They said, "This is our book."
   They said __________.
   2. She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
   She said __________.
   3. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow."
   He said __________.
   4. You said, "I will do this for him."
   You said __________.
   5. She said, "I am not hungry now."
   She said __________.
   6. They said, "We have never been here before."
   They said __________.
   2.  仂仗仂 于 从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳. 亠亠仗亳亳亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳 于
    从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳, 仂弍舒亳亠 于仆亳仄舒仆亳亠 仆舒 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠 仄亠仂亳仄亠仆亳亶 亳
    于亳亟仂于亠仄亠仆仆 仂仄 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂于.
   1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.
   She asked __________.
   2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.
   Martin asked us __________.
   3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"
   He asked __________.
   4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.
   The mother asked her daughter __________.
   5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend.
   She asked her boyfriend __________.
   6. "What are they doing?" she asked.
   She wanted to know __________.
   7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me.
   He wanted to know __________.
English grammar in use
Complex object Exercises
    舒从仂仆亳亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳, 亳仗仂仍亰 亳仗仂仍亰
    仍仂亢仆仂亠 亟仂仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亠 (Complex Object).
    1. She wants you 
    2. We saw them
    3. He considered her
    4. Mary heard Tim
    5. Sarah watched her sister 
    6. I noticed her
    7. We never expected them 
    8. Id like my friend 
    9. Mother wishes her daughter 
    10. Father expected his son

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Jane Neshatayeva
舒仍亠于舒 于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)
舒仍亠于舒   于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)舒仍亠于舒   于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)
舒仍亠于舒 于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)
"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒 亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒
"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒  亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒  亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒
"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒 亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒
仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从
仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从
仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从
仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从
仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从
Olya Sannikova
仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒
仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠  舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂  磶从舒仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠  舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂  磶从舒
仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒
Elena Mahanova
仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "
从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "
从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "
仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
Jane Neshatayeva
舒仍亠于舒 于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)
舒仍亠于舒   于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)舒仍亠于舒   于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)
舒仍亠于舒 于 亞舒仄舒亳从舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒 于 仂弍仍亳舒 (20 舒弍仍亳)
"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒 亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒
"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒  亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒  亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒
"仂亠仄 仍仂于舒 舒从 仆舒亰于舒ム?" 仆亠仂仆舒 亟亠亠仍仆仂 2 从仍舒
仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从
仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从
仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 亳从
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002_new
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002
亞亟亰. 从亳亶 磶从 7从仍 舒亰仄仂于从舒 亳 亟 2002
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从
仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从
仍亠从仂仆仆亶 亠弍仆亳从
Olya Sannikova
仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒
仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠  舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂  磶从舒仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠  舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂  磶从舒
仗舒于仂仆亳从 仗仂 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亠 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂亞仂 磶从舒
Elena Mahanova
仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "
从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "
从仂仆仗亠从 仂从舒: "亠亰亟舒仆亠 仗舒亟亠亢仆亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳 亳仄亠仆 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆 "
仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒
仗仂亠从 1 仍亠从仂仆仆舒 从仆亳亞舒

English grammar in use

  • 1. English grammar in use Yigit Ozkaya
  • 2. Content English Tenses Exercise Prepositions in English Exercise Articles in English Exercise Conditionals Exercise Reported speech Exercise Complex Object Exercise
  • 3. English Tenses 舒舒 于亠仄亠仆舒 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 仗亠亟舒于仍ム 亟仆仂亳 亟仍 亳亰舒ム亳 舒仆亞仍亳亶从亳亶. 弍仆磳 仂 亠仄, 仂 亳亠仄舒 于亠仄亠仆 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 仆亠仗仂仂亢舒 仆舒 , 从仂仂舒 亳仗仂仍亰亠 于 从仂仄 磶从亠, 仂 仆亠从仂仂亠 仗舒舒仍仍亠仍亳 仗仂于亠亳 于亠 亢亠 仄仂亢仆仂. 亟仆舒从仂 亳亠仄 舒仆亞仍亳亶从亳 于亠仄亠仆 亠 仆亠仂仗仂亳仄仂亠 亟仂仂亳仆于仂 仂仆舒 仂弍仍舒亟舒亠 仂亞仂亶 仗仂磲仂亠仆仆仂, 仍仂亞亳仆仂, 亳 仗仂亟亳仆磳 亰舒从仂仆舒仄 亞舒仄仄舒亳从亳. 仆亞仍亳亶从亳亠 于亠仄亠仆舒. 舒从舒 舒舒从亠亳亳从舒 亠亞仂 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 亠于亠 12 于亠仄亠仆, 从仂仂亠 亟亠仍 仆舒 亠亠 亞仗仗: - simple 亳仍亳 indefinite (亞仗仗舒 仗仂 于亠仄亠仆); - continuous 亳仍亳 progressive (亞仗仗舒 亟仍亳亠仍仆 亳仍亳 仗仂亟仂仍亢亠仆仆 于亠仄亠仆);
  • 4. - perfect (亞仗仗舒 仂于亠亠仆仆 于亠仄亠仆); - perfect continuous 亳仍亳 perfect progressive (亞仗仗舒 仂于亠亠仆仆 亟仍亳亠仍仆 于亠仄亠仆). 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 舒从 亢亠, 从舒从 亳 于 从仂仄 磶从亠, 亟亠亶于亳亠, 于舒亢亠仆仆仂亠 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂仄, 仄仂亢亠 仗仂亳仂亟亳 于 仗仂亠亟亠仄, 仆舒仂亠仄, 亳仍亳 弍亟亠仄. 弌仂仂于亠于亠仆仆仂, 从舒亢亟舒 亳亰 仆舒亰于舒仆仆 于亠 亞仗仗 于亠仄亠仆 仄仂亢亠 弍 于舒亢亠仆舒 于 仗仂亠亟亠仄 于亠仄亠仆亳 (past tense), 仆舒仂亠仄 于亠仄亠仆亳 (present tense), 亳仍亳 弍亟亠仄 于亠仄亠仆亳 (future tense). 舒亢亟舒 亞仗仗舒 于亠仄亠仆 于 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 磶从亠 于舒亢舒亠 舒亰仆亠 亳舒亳亳.
  • 5. 仂亠 于亠仄亠仆舒 仂仗亳于舒ム 舒从 仗仂亳仂亢亟亠仆亳 亟亠亶于亳, 弍亠亰仂仆仂亳亠仍仆仂 仗仂礀亠仆仆仂亳 仂亞仂 亟亠亶于亳. 丐舒从亢亠 仂仆亳 亳仗仂仍亰ム 亟仍 仂仗亳舒仆亳 亟亠亶于亳亶, 从仂仂亠 仗仂亳仂亟 仆亠从仂仂仂亶 亠亞仍仆仂. 仍亳亠仍仆亠 于亠仄亠仆舒, 从舒从 仍亠亟亠 亳亰 仆舒亰于舒仆亳, 仂仗亳于舒ム 仂, 仂 仗仂亳仂亟亳 于 亠亠仆亳亠 从舒从仂亞仂-仍亳弍仂 仗仂仄亠亢从舒 于亠仄亠仆亳, 从舒从 仗舒于亳仍仂, 亰舒亟舒仆仆仂亞仂 亠仄 仄仂仄亠仆仂仄, 仂 从仂仂仂仄 亳亟亠 亠. 丐舒从亢亠 亞仍舒亞仂仍 亟舒仆仆仂亶 亞仗仗 于亠仄亠仆 于亠亞亟舒 仂 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠仄 亞仍舒亞仂仍舒 be, 亳 从 仆亳仄 于亠亞亟舒 亟仂弍舒于仍磳 仂从仂仆舒仆亳亠 "-ing". 弌仂于亠亠仆仆亠 于亠仄亠仆舒 仂仗亳于舒ム 亟亠亶于亳, 从仂仂亠 亢亠 亰舒于亠亳仍亳 从 从舒从仂仄-仍亳弍仂 仄仂仄亠仆 于亠仄亠仆亳. 仍舒亞仂仍 于 亟舒仆仆仂亶 亞仗仗亠 于亠仄亠仆 于亠亞亟舒 亳仗仂仍亰ム 于仗仂仄仂亞舒亠仍仆仄 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂仄 have, 亳 仂仆亳 于亠亞亟舒 仂 于 仂仄亠 仗亳舒亳 仗仂亠亟亠亞仂 于亠仄亠仆亳. 弌仂于亠亠仆仆亠 亟仍亳亠仍仆亠 于亠仄亠仆舒, 从舒从 于亳亟仆仂 亳亰 仆舒亰于舒仆亳, 仂仗亠亟亠仍ム 于 亠弍亠 仗亳亰仆舒从亳 于亠仄亠仆 仂于亠亠仆仆仂亶 亳 亟仍亳亠仍仆仂亶 亞仗仗, 仂仆亳 仂仗亳于舒ム 亟亠亶于亳, 从仂仂亠 仗仂亟仂仍亢舒仍亳 仆舒 仗仂礀亠仆亳亳 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亞仂 仗亠亳仂亟舒 于亠仄亠仆亳. 仍舒亞仂仍 亟舒仆仆仂亶 亞仗仗 亳仗仂仍亰ム 亟于舒 于仗仂仄仂亞舒亠仍仆 亞仍舒亞仂仍舒 have 亳 been, 亳 亳仄亠ム 仂从仂仆舒仆亳亠 "-ing".
  • 7. English Tenses. Exercises 1. This time tomorrow you ___ sitting in a deck chair on the beach. 1)Are 2)Were 3)Will 4)will be
  • 8. 2. Before you telephoned, I ___ watching television. 1)Was 2)will be 3)Am 4) have 3. After the storm ___ finished, many people were found lying in the street. 1)Has 2)Had 3)Were 4)did
  • 9. 4. Tomorrow we ___ taking the day off. 1)Will 2)Have 3)Were 4)are 5. How many times ___ you been there? 1)Has 2)Will 3)Have 4)did
  • 10. 6. It's time we ___. 1)Go 2)Went 3)are going 4)going 7. He asked me what I ___ doing there. 1)Am 2)Did 3)will be 4)was
  • 11. Prepositions in English 亠亟仍仂亞亳 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳: towards 仗仂 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳 to the left 仆舒仍亠于仂 从 to the right 仆舒仗舒于仂 away, from 仂 up 于于亠 through 亠亠亰, 从于仂亰 down 于仆亳亰 out of 亳亰 off into 于 onto 仆舒 along 于亟仂仍 past 仄亳仄仂 across 亠亠亰
  • 12. 亠亟仍仂亞亳 仄亠仂仗仂仍仂亢亠仆亳: above 仆舒亟 over 仆舒亟 between 仄亠亢亟 near, at, by, beside 仂从仂仍仂, 于仂亰仍亠, behind 亰舒, 亰舒亟亳 under 仗仂亟 below 仗仂亟 outside 亳亰 in front of 仗亠亠亟
  • 13. 亠亟仍仂亞亳 于亠仄亠仆亳: at 于 舒舒 in 于 仄亠舒, 亞仂亟舒 on 于 亟仆 from c, 仂 to 亟仂 从舒从仂亞仂-仂 仄仂仄亠仆舒 since 仂 从舒从仂亞仂-仂 仄仂仄亠仆舒 till 亟仂 before 仗亠亠亟, 亟仂 after 仗仂仍亠 about 仂从仂仍仂, 仗亳弍仍亳亰亳亠仍仆仂 for 于 亠亠仆亳亠 仗亠亳仂亟舒 于亠仄亠仆亳 during 于 亠亠仆亳亠 + 亠于亳亠仍仆仂亠 by 从 从舒从仂仄-仂 仄仂仄亠仆
  • 14. 亳亳仆仆亠 仗亠亟仍仂亞亳: because of 仗仂仂仄 仂 in accordance with 仂亞仍舒仆仂, 于 仂仂于亠于亳亳 on account of 于仍亠亟于亳亠, 亳亰-亰舒 thanks to 弍仍舒亞仂亟舒
  • 15. Prepositions Exercises 丕仗舒亢仆亠仆亳亠 1. 舒于亠 仗亠亟仍仂亞亳 on, in 亳仍亳 into. 1. Where is the book? - - It is ... the table. 2. Where is the tea? It is ... the cup. 3. Put the plates ... the table. 4. Put the book ... the bag. 5. There is a beautiful picture ... the wall. 6. He went ... the room. 7. I like to sit ... the sofa ... my room. 8. Mother is cooking dinner ... the kitchen. 9. She went ... the room and sat down ... the sofa. 10. There are many people ... the park today. 11. There is a girl standing ... the bridge. Why is she crying? - She has dropped her doll ... the water. 12. There is no tea ... my cup. 13. Pour some tea ... my cup. 14. Put these flowers ... the window-sill. 15. I saw many people ... the plat-form waiting for the train. 16. We went ... the garden and sat down ... a bench.
  • 16. 丕仗舒亢仆亠仆亳亠 2. 亠亠于亠亟亳亠 仆舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从亳亶 磶从 仍亠亟ム亳亠 仍仂于仂仂亠舒仆亳. 亠亠 舒舒, 于 仗仂仍仂于亳仆亠 亠仂亞仂, 弍亠亰 亠-于亠亳 亳, 仆舒 亰舒从舒亠, 于 亠于亠 仗仂亞仂, 于 仗仂仍仆仂, 于 仗 仄亳仆 亠仂亞仂, 弍亠亰 亟亠亳 亟于舒, 仗仂仍亟亠仆, 仆舒 于仂仂亟亠 仂仍仆舒, 于 亟于舒亟舒 仗 亠亠亞仂.
  • 18. 亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 仂亞亟舒 仆亢仆仂 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒 仆亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 a/an: 丐仂仍从仂 亳亳仍磳仄仄亳 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳 于 亠亟亳仆于亠仆仆仂仄 亳仍亠, 从仂亞亟舒 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 仆亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 于亠亳: I cant find a taxi 仆亠 仄仂亞 仆舒亶亳 舒从亳. 舒从仂亠 舒从亳? 舒 仍ミ頴笑, 仆亠 于舒亢仆仂. 仂仄 仍舒亠, 亠仍亳 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 仆亠亳亳仍磳仄 亠于亳亠仍仆, 仍亳弍仂 仂 仄仆仂亢亠于亠仆仆仂仄 亳仍亠 亳亳仍磳仄, 仂 亳仗仂仍亰亠 some: Give me some water, please. There are some taxis at the taxi rank. 仂仄 仍舒亠, 从仂亞亟舒 仗亠亟仄亠 仆舒仄 亰舒舒仆亠亠 仆亠 亳亰于亠亠仆, 仗亳 仗亠于仂仄 仗仂仄亳仆舒仆亳亳 亳仗仂仍亰亠 仆亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍, 仆仂 仗亳 仗仂仍亠亟ム亠仄 仗仂仄亳仆舒仆亳亳 亢亠 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶: I have got a car. The car is red. 亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 舒仂 亳仗仂仍亰亠 仗仂仍亠 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂于 have 亳 be: I have got a pen. She is a teacher. 亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 于仗舒亠 于 从舒亠于亠 仍仂于舒 束per損: He works five days a week 仂仆 舒弍仂舒亠 5 亟仆亠亶 于 仆亠亟亠仍 亠仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 亳仗仂仍亰亠 从仂亞亟舒 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 仗亠亟舒于亳亠仍亠 从仍舒舒 仗亠亟仄亠仂于: An African elephant has larger ears than an Indian elephant.
  • 19. 仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亶 舒亳从仍 弌 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳, 从仂仂亠 仆舒仄 亳亰于亠仆, 从仂仂亠 于亟亠仍ム 亳亰 磲舒 于亠亠亶. 仂亞亟舒 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 亠仄-仂 从仂仆从亠仆仂仄. 丐舒从仂亠 舒仂 仗仂亳仂亟亳 仗亳 仗仂于仂仆仂仄 仗仂仄亳仆舒仆亳亳: Bob has got a car and a bike. The car is green and the bike is blue. 弌 仆亳从舒仍仆仄亳 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳: the sun, the Earth 弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 亞舒亰亠 (the Guardian), 从亳仆仂亠舒仂于 (the Odeon), 亠舒仂于 (the Empire), 仄亰亠亠于 (the Louvre), 从仂舒弍仍亠亶 (the Marie Celeste), 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳礆亳 (the United Nations) 弌 仆舒亰于舒仆亳礆亳 亠从 (the Thames); 亞仗仗舒仄亳 仂仂于仂于 (the Seychelles); 仄舒亳于舒仄亳 亞仂 (the Alps); 仗仆礆亳 (the Sahara); 仂从亠舒仆舒仄亳 (the Atlantic); 从舒仆舒仍舒仄亳 (the Panama canal); 舒仆舒仄亳, 亠仍亳 仂仆亳 于从仍ム舒ム 于 亠弍 仍仂于舒 亳仗舒 States, Kingdom, Republic (the UK); 舒礆亳 于亠舒 (the North/East/South/West) 弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 仄亰从舒仍仆 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 亳 舒仆亠于: the guitar, the salsa 弌 仆舒亰于舒仆亳礆亳 亠仄亠亶 (仆舒仗. the Browns) 亳 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆仂礆亳, 仂从舒仆亳于舒ム亳仄亳 仆舒 -sh, -ch, 亳仍亳 -ese (the French). 亳仆仂仄 仍舒亠 仄仂亢仆仂 亞仂于仂亳 亳 the 亳 弍亠亰 (the Egyptians/Egyptians) 弌仂 亰于舒仆亳礆亳: the Queen, the President. : Queen Victoria (.亠. 亠仍亳 从舒亰舒仆仂 亳仄 仆亠 舒于亳仄) 弌仂 舒于仆亳亠仍仆仄亳 亠仗亠仆礆亳: the best. : Most people enjoy going to the cinema 弌仂 仍仂于舒仄亳 day, morning, afternoon 亳 evening: It was early in the morning when they left. : at night, at noon, at midnight, by day/night 弌 亳仂亳亠从亳仄亳 仗亠亳仂亟舒仄亳: the last Ice Age, the Vietnam war. : World War I 弌仂 仍仂于舒仄亳 only, last 亳 first (亠仍亳 仂仆亳 亳仗仂仍亰ム 从舒从 仗亳仍舒亞舒亠仍仆亠): She was the only one who didnt come
  • 20. 仍亠于仂亶 舒亳从仍 弌 仆亠亳亳仍磳仄仄亳 亳 仄仆仂亢亠于亠仆仆仄亳 亠于亳亠仍仆仄亳, 从仂亞亟舒 仄 亞仂于仂亳仄 仂 亠仄-仂 于 仂弍亠仄 仄仍亠 仂亞仂 仍仂于舒. Planes are a safe means of transport. Tea is a very popular drink. 弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳: Ann works as a librarian 弌 仆舒亰于舒仆亳礆亳 亳亞, 亟仆礆亳, 仄亠舒仄亳, 仗舒亰亟仆亳从舒仄亳, 于亠舒仄亳, 仆舒仗亳从舒仄亳 亳 亠亟仂亶. We had dinner with the Smiths on Friday. 弌 磶从舒仄亳. Bob speaks Polish, French and English fluently. 仂 亠仍亳 亳仗仂仍亰亠 仍仂于仂 language 仂 舒亳从仍 舒于亳: The French language is spoken in parts of Canada 弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 舒仆, 从仂仂亠 仆亠 于从仍ム舒ム 于 亠弍 仍仂于舒 State, Kingdom 亳仍亳 Republic. Germany, India, Australia. 从仍ム亠仆亳: the Netherlands, the Gambia, the Vatican 弌 亳仄亠仆舒仄亳 仍亳 (Oxford street, Penny Lane), 仗仍仂舒亟礆亳 (Trafalgar Square), 仄仂舒仄亳 (London Bridge)
  • 23. Articles Exercises 1. Choose the correct variant. I. Smiths have a dog and a cat. a) b) The c) A 2. He knows how to work on computer. a) a b) an c) 3. She was the first woman to swim across English Channel. a) a b) c) the 4. Go down Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street. a) the b) a c) 5. I dont like milk in tea. a) b) the ) 舒 6. At the end of busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy. a) the b) a c) 7. Well go for a walk if weather is fine. a) a b) c) the 8. Could you give me information I asked for in my letter? a) the b) c) a 9. war is a terrible thing. a) The b) ) 10. I spent very interesting holiday in England. a) the b) a c)
  • 25. Conditional Exercises Open the brackets: 1. If I hear the thief I (catch) him. 2. I (go) to the cinema if I had more time. 3. I will call her if I (find out) her number. 4. If they (be) rich they would stay in a more expensive hotel. 5. She (feel) ill if she eats so much. 6. If he skis too fast he (break) his leg. 7. You (get) wet if you dont take an umbrella. 8. He (cause) an accident if he drives too dangerously. 9. They would get drunk if they (drink) too much beer. 10. If you steal the purse they (arrest) you. 11. If she (explain) him the situation he will understand it. 12. If he offered me a job I (take) it.
  • 26. Reported Speech 弌仂亞仍舒仂于舒仆亳亠 于亠仄亠仆
  • 28. 舒亢亠仆亳 于亠仄亠仆亳 亳 仄亠舒 于 从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳
  • 29. Reported speech Exercises 1. 亠亠仗亳亳亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳 于 从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳, 仂弍舒亳亠 于仆亳仄舒仆亳亠 仆舒 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠 仄亠仂亳仄亠仆亳亶 亳 于亳亟仂于亠仄亠仆仆 仂仄 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂于. 1. They said, "This is our book." They said __________. 2. She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday." She said __________. 3. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." He said __________. 4. You said, "I will do this for him." You said __________. 5. She said, "I am not hungry now." She said __________. 6. They said, "We have never been here before." They said __________.
  • 30. 2. 仂仗仂 于 从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳. 亠亠仗亳亳亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳 于 从仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠亳, 仂弍舒亳亠 于仆亳仄舒仆亳亠 仆舒 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳亠 仄亠仂亳仄亠仆亳亶 亳 于亳亟仂于亠仄亠仆仆 仂仄 亞仍舒亞仂仍仂于. 1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. She asked __________. 2. "How are you?" Martin asked us. Martin asked us __________. 3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?" He asked __________. 4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. The mother asked her daughter __________. 5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. She asked her boyfriend __________. 6. "What are they doing?" she asked. She wanted to know __________. 7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. He wanted to know __________.
  • 32. Complex object Exercises 舒从仂仆亳亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳, 亳仗仂仍亰 亳仗仂仍亰 仍仂亢仆仂亠 亟仂仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亠 (Complex Object). 1. She wants you 2. We saw them 3. He considered her 4. Mary heard Tim 5. Sarah watched her sister 6. I noticed her 7. We never expected them 8. Id like my friend 9. Mother wishes her daughter 10. Father expected his son