1. +M?i th? l?i b?t ??u khi n?m m?i ?ang ??n. Ch¨²c b?n n?m m?i ??y h?nh ph¨²c v¨¤ nh?ng th¨¢ng ??y tri?n
v?ng v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c nh?t.
Everything starts a new with the new year coming. May your new year be filled with the happinest things
and your days with the brightest promise.
+ Hy v?ng t?m thi?p n¨¤y s? chuy?n ??n nh?ng l?i ch¨²c ch?n th¨¤nh c?a t?i ??n v?i b?n. B?n s? tr¨¤n ??y
h?nh ph¨²c trong t??ng lai.
Hoping this card bring your my sinceve greetings. you will be blessed through the coming year in fullest
+Anh l¨¤ hu?n luy?n vi¨ºn em y¨ºu qu? nh?t. Em g?i anh l?i ch¨²c m?ng nh?n ng¨¤y " L? T¨¬nh Nh?n ".
You one my favourite instructor. I send you a Valentine greeting.
+ Ch¨²c b?n n?m m?i vui v? v¨¤ ph¨¢t t¨¤i.
Have a happy and profitable year.
+ G?i ??n b?n nh?ng l?i ch¨²c h?nh ph¨²c trong ng¨¤y l? Gi¨¢ng Sinh v¨¤ n?m m?i.
Bringing your good wishes of happiness this Chritmas and on the coming year.
+ M?i vi?c l?i b?t ??u t?t ??p. Ch¨²c b?n th¨¤nh c?ng trong n?m m?i. Nh?ng l?i ch¨²c ch?n th¨¤nh c?a t?i
??n v?i cu?c s?ng huy ho¨¤ng c?a b?n.
This is another good beginning. May you be richly blessed with a succesfull new year. May my sincere
blessing suround spendid travel of you life.
+ N?ng nhi?t ch¨²c m?ng th¨¤nh c?ng l?n c?a b?n l¨¤ ?? ho¨¤n th¨¤nh kho¨¢ nghi¨ºn c?u sinh v¨¤ ??t ???c b?ng
Th?c S?.
Hearty felications on your completing the post-graduate course acquiring the degree of Master of Sinse.
+ Ch¨²ng t?i ch¨²c m?ng hai b?n nh?n ng¨¤y ?¨ªnh h?n c?a c¨¢c b?n. Hy v?ng r?ng c¨¢c b?n ??t ???c nh?ng
g¨¬ h?ng mong mu?n trong cu?c s?ng chung.
Best wishes from us both on your engagement. We hope you will have everything you wish for in life
+ L?i ch¨²c m?ng t?n ?¨¢y l¨°ng nh?n d?p l? th¨¤nh h?n c?a b?n.
Sincere congragulation from the botton of my heart on your marrige.
2. + G?i ??n b?n m¨®n qu¨¤ n¨¤y v?i c? t?m l¨°ng v¨¤ m?t l?i ch¨²c b?n s? h?nh ph¨²c tr¨¤n ??y. Nh?ng ?i?u h?nh
ph¨²c nh?t lu?n ??n v?i b?n.
Sending you this present with my heart and with that you'll be happy in fullest measure. May the
happinest things alway happen to you.
+ Cho ph¨¦p t?i ch¨²c m?ng b?n nh?n d?p n?m m?i ??n v¨¤ xin g?i ??n b?n nh?ng l?i ch¨²c t?t ??p: d?i d¨¤o
s?c kh?e v¨¤ th?nh v??ng.
Allow me to congragulation you on arrival of the new year and to extend to you all my good wishes for
your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
+ T?i nhi?t th¨¤nh ch¨²c m?ng h?nh ph¨²c cu?c h?n nh?n c?a b?n. Mong r?ng s? k?t h?p n¨¤y s? mang l?i
h?nh ph¨²c m?i m?i cho gia ?¨¬nh m?i c?a b?n.
I congragulation you wholeheratedly on your blessful marriage. May the significant bond fruit everlasting
felicity on your new family.
+ Cho t?i g?i l?i ch¨²c m?ng ch?n th¨¤nh nh?t c?a t?i nh?n d?p b?n c¨® th¨ºm m?t c?u con trai. C¨® th? t??ng
t??ng c?u b¨¦ em l?i ni?m vui cho b?n v¨¤ gia ?¨¬nh b?n bi?t bao.
Let me offer you my sincerest congragulation upon the arrival of your son. I can well imagine the joy
which it must affod yourself and your family.
+ T?i tin t??ng r?ng cu?c h?n nh?n c?a b?n s? l¨¤ ngu?n vui v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c cho c? hai ng??i. H?y nh?n
m¨®n q¨´a nh? n¨¤y v?i l?i ch¨²c m?ng c?a t?i trong l? c??i ??u h?nh ph¨²c cu? b?n.
I trust that your marrige will be a source of blessing and happiness of your both, please accept this little
present with my congragu;ations upon your happy wedding.
+ Trong ??i ch¨²ng ta g?p nhau ?? r?i cu?i c¨´ng n¨®i hai ti?ng " chia tay ". Ch¨²c t¨¬nh b?n c?a ch¨²ng ta m?i
m?i v??t qua th?ii gian v¨¤ kh?ng gian.
We met get together to know each other but say " good-bye" at last in such a crowded world. May our
friendship grow more dear inspite of time and space.
+ G?i ng??i th?n nh?t trong ng¨¤y l? Gi¨¢ng Sinh vui v? n¨¤y.
To my dearrest love on this is your Christmas.
+ Anh kh?ng ngh? r?ng anh c¨® th? c¨® h?nh ph¨²c th?c s? cho ??n ng¨¤y anh g?p em. Ch¨²c em " Ng¨¤y T¨¬nh
Nh?n " h?nh ph¨²c.
I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness. The I met you. Happy Valentine's Day dear.
+ Ch¨²c em : Ng¨¤y T¨¬nh Nh?n " h?nh ph¨²c. H?y theo ?u?i c?ng vi?c t?t ??p c?a em!
3. Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day. Keep up the good work !
+ Trong " Ng¨¤y T¨¬nh Y¨ºu " n¨¤y c?ng nh? m?i ng¨¤y kh¨¢c, t?t c? nh?ng g¨¬ t?i c¨® l¨¤ t¨¬nh y¨ºu d¨¤nh cho em.
On this Valentine's day, just like every day, all I have is love for you.
+ Mong r?ng n?m m?i s? mang s? b¨¬nh y¨ºn v¨¤ ph¨¢t ??t ??n cho b?n.
I hope that the coming year bring you peace and prosperity.
+ D¨´ kh?ng gian c¨® ph?n c¨¢ch ch¨²ng ta v¨¤ th?i gian c¨® tr?i ?i m?i ng¨¤y, t?i v?n gi? trong tim s? quan
t?m v¨¤ nh?ng l?i ch¨²c t?t ??p cho em.
Though distance separates us and time keeps us going on our own way, through each and every day I will
hold in my heart the caring and blessing for you and never let you go.
+G?i ??n em nh?ng l?i ch¨²c t?t ??p nh?t, ng?t ng¨¤o nh? nh?ng b?ng hoa n¨¤y, v¨¬ em ?? c¨´ng anh ?i ??n
t?n c¨´ng th? gi?i. Ch¨²c sinh nh?t h?nh ph¨²c.
Send you my beautiful blessing that is as sweet as a flower to be your companion till the and of the world.
Happy birthday to you.
+ Trong ng¨¤y sinh nh?t t?t ??p n¨¤y, ch¨²c b?n nh?ng ng¨¤y th?c s? h?nh ph¨²c ? trong t?m tay c?a b?n. V¨¤
nh?ng ??c m? r?c r? nh?t ??u c¨® th? th?c hi?n ???c.
On such a day like your birthday, may you be in arm with a truly happy day bringing fulfillment of your
favorite hope your brightest promise.
+ H?y ?? nh?ng l?i ch¨²c s?u l?ng c?a t?i lu?n ? b¨ºn c?nh cu?c s?ng tuy?t v?i c?a b?n. t?i hy v?ng trong
n?m t?i b?n lu?n kh?e m?nh v¨¤ thu?n bu?m xu?i g¨ªo trong c?ng vi?c. Sinh nh?t vui v?.
Let my deep blessing always. Surround magnificent travel of your life. I hope in years to come you will
hane a good health and plain sailing.
Happy birthday.
+ T?i ch¨²c b?n t¨¬ng y¨ºu v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c nh?n d?p sinh nh?t c?a b?n.
I want to wish you love and happiness on your birthday.
+ ??c g¨¬ em c¨® th? b¨¤y t? l¨°ng bi?t ?n c?a em ??i v?i th?y, th?y k¨ªnh m?n c?a em, nh?ng th?t kh¨® n¨®i
n¨ºn l?i. Em mong r?ng t?m thi?p n¨¤y s? b¨¤y t? ph?n n¨¤o s? bi?t ?n s?u s?c t? ?¨¢y l¨°ng em.
I wish I knew some way to let you know the gratitude.
I fell for you my dear teacher but jusrt can't say.
So I hope this little card will show, at least, in part the Warmest appeciation that is come from the botton
of my heart.
4. + Ch¨²ng ta quen nhau ?? l?u. T?m thi?p n¨¤y ?? bi?t r?ng em lu?n ? trong suy ngh? c?a t?i.
It's been so long since we have gotton together. Here is a little card to let you know that you're in our
thoughts often.
+ C¨¤ng ? xa em c¨¤ng ngh? nhi?u v? th?y. Nh?ng l?i th?y d?y b?o v¨¤ s? bi?t ?n c?a em l¨¤ v? c¨´ng. Ch¨²c
th?y m?nh kh?e, b¨¬nh an v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c.
The further I am away from you the more I am thinking of you.
There is no end to your instruction
There is no end to my gratitude.
Wish you health, peacefuland happy.
+ B?n m?n,
M?t Gi¨¢ng Sinh vui v? v¨¤ n?m m?i h?nh ph¨²c ??n v?i b?n .
T?i v¨¤ gia ?¨¬nh t?i xin g?i l?i ch¨²c t?t ??p ??n gia ?¨¬nh b?n.
C?u mong gia ?¨¬nh b?n kh?e m?nh trong m¨´a ngh? l?.
V¨¤ mong m?i n?m t¨¬nh th?n c?a ch¨²ng ta c¨¤ng g?n b¨®.
A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you ! Allow me to offer you Season's Greeting on the
advent of what will surely be a bringt and prosperous New Year,I trust that you and your family are
enjoying this holiday Season in execllent health.
My family, who are well and happy, join me my good wishes. May every year unite our hearts more
+ M? y¨ºu d?u
Con xin g?i nh?ng l?i ch¨²c t?t ??p nh?n sinh nh?t c?a m?. Con ??c g¨¬ m¨¬nh c¨® th? c¨® m?t ? ??y chia vui
c¨´ng m? nh?ng con kh?ng th?. Con g?i c¨´ng m¨®n q¨´a nh? n¨¤y l¨¤ t¨¬nh y¨ºu v¨¤ l¨°ng th¨¤nh k¨ªnh m?n c?a
con. Con hy v?ng m? s? th¨ªch m¨®n q¨´a ?¨®. h?y gi? g¨¬n s?c kho?.
Con trai c?a m?
Dear Mom,
Warm wishes on your birthday, I wish that I could be there to celebrate it with you, but that is impossible.
I send along my love and affection. I'm also sending a little gift. I hope you like it. Take care !
Your son.
+ Cu?c h?a h?n c?a ch¨¢u l¨¤ m?t tin trong ??i! C? v¨¤ ch¨² l?m c?m n¨¤y xin g?i ??n cho c? hai ch¨¢u nh?ng
l?i ch¨²c t?t ??p nh?t. Ch¨²c cho c? hai ch¨¢u ???c h??ng m?i h?nh ph¨²c v¨¤ th¨¤nh ??t trong cu?c s?ng
chung ??i.
What great news about your engage ment ! Best wishes to you both from a doting aunt and uncle.May
you enjoy every happiness ang success in your life together.
+ Xin ch¨²c m?ng hai b?n nh?n l? k? ni?m hai m??i l?m n?m ng¨¤y hai b?n k?t h?n. Haib?n ?? h??ng
nhi?u n?m tuy?t v?i nh? th? b¨ºn nhau. T?i ch? c¨® th? ch¨²c b?n h??ng th¨ºm nhi?u n?m t??ng t? trong th?i
gian t?i. Ch¨²c ng¨¤y k? ni?n h?nh Ph¨²c.
5. Congragulation on your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary ! You have had so many woderful years
togethers. I can only wish you more of same ahead. Happy anniversary.
+ C?u cho s? Gi¨¢ng Sinh c?a ??ng C?u Th? trong th?i gian n¨¤y ?em l?i cho c¨¢c b?n h?nh ph¨²c v¨¤ s?c
kh?e trong su?t n?m t?i.
May this time of our savior's birth bring you joy good helth throughout the coming year.
+ ??y ch? l¨¤ l¨¢ th? ng?n ?? t?i ch¨²c hai b?n m?t l? Hanukkah c?c k? vui v? v¨¤ m?t n?m h?nh ph¨²c, an
khang, th?nh v??ng. Ch¨²ng ta ?ang ch? ?¨®n nh?ng th?i k? t?t ??p h?n. C?u cho n?m s?p t?i ??y l¨¤ n?m
??p nh?t t? tr??c t?i nay.
Just a note to say I wish you both a very Happy Hanukkah and a happy helthy, prosperous New Year. We
are looking forward to better times. May this coming year be the best one ever.
+ Trong khi n?m 2000.. ?ang nhanh ch¨®ng ??n g?n, ch¨²ng t?i ch¨²c cho hai b?n nh?ng ?i?u t?t ??p nh?t
v¨¤ m?t n?m m?i c?c k? h?nh ph¨²c.C?u mong cho n?m nay mang l?i s?c kh?e, th?nh v??ng, v¨¤ an b¨¬nh
cho t?t c? ch¨²ng ta.
With 2000..fast approaching, we wish you both all the best and a very Happy New Year. May this year
bring helth, prosperity, and peace to us all.
+ M¨¬nh vi?t th? n¨¤y ch¨²c m?ng ng¨¤y k? ni?m ?¨¢m c??i b?c c?a hai b?n. M¨¬nh ch¨²c hai b?n th?t nhi?u,
th?t nhi?u n?m h?nh ph¨²c.
I write to congragulate you on your silver wedding anniversary. I wish you many, many more years of
wedded bliss.
+ Ch¨²c b?n kh?e v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c trong n?m m?i.
Wishing you helth and happiness in the year to come.
+ Ch¨²c cho con ???ng anh ?i lu?n r?ng th¨ºnh thang. Anh c¨® ??y ni?m tin v¨¤ ngh? l?c ?? c¨® ?i?u m¨¬nh
mong mu?n.
Wishing your path is very spacious, you will have full engergy and confident to get desireble things.
+ M? y¨ºu ! Sinh nh?t c?a m? con ch¨²c m? m?nh kh?e v¨¤ nh?ng may m?n, h?nh ph¨²c nh?t s? ??n v?i m?
trong cu?c ??i.
Mun ! on occasion of your birthday, wishing you a good helth and lucky, the most happiness will come to
mum your life.
+ Anh y¨ºu ! Sinh nh?t anh em ch¨²c anh g?t h¨¢i nhi?u th¨¤nh c?ng. Mong anh m?i y¨ºu em nh? ng¨¤y ??u v¨¤
lu?n ? b¨ºn em.
6. Darling ! on occasion of you birthday, wishing you success more. Hoping that you will love me forever
same as the first time and you are always besides me.
+ M?ng sinh nh?t c? ch¨²ng em ch¨²c c? lu?n t??i tr? m?nh kh?e v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c. M?i m?i l¨¤ ng??i ch¨²ng
em y¨ºu q¨²i.
Congragulation your birthday, we wish you young and nice forever and happiness. You are teacher that
we love and respect.
+ Nh?n d?p sinh nh?t l?n th? 20 c?a em, ch¨²c em lu?n t??i kh?e, tr? ??p. C?u mong nh?ng g¨¬ may m?n
nh?t, t?t ??p nh?t v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c nh?t s? ??n v?i em trong tu?i m?i.
On occasion of your 20th birthday, wishing you happy and beatiful, young.The best wishes to you with
the most lucky, the best and most happiness will come to you in new age.
+ Nh?n d?p n?m m?i em xin ch¨²c gia ?¨¬nh anh ch? m?t n?m m?i th?t h?nh ph¨²c, v?n s? nh? ? !
On occasion of new year,wishing your family the most happiness in new year Everything is the best !
+ Ch¨²c em m?t sinh nh?t xa nh¨¤ nh?ng v?n h?nh ph¨²c. h?y c? g?ng h??ng t?i t??ng lai.
Wishing you birthday far from house byt still happy. Try to see to future.
+ Nh?n ng¨¤y Ch¨²a ra ??ianh ch¨²c em v¨¤ gia ?¨¬nh t?n h??ng m?t m¨´a Gi¨¢ng sinh vui v?.
On occasion God's birthday, I wish you and your family a Merry and happy Christmas.
+ Nh?n d?p n?m m?i ! Em xin ch¨²c anh ch? m?t n?m m?i th?t h?nh ph¨²c. An khang th?nh v??ng.
On occasion of new year,wishing your family the most happyness in new year. Everything is OK.
+ Ch¨²c em m?t sinh nh?t th?t nhi?u ? ngh?a v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c. C?u mong m?i ?i?u may m?n s? ??n v?i em.
Wishing you a happy birthday. Praying you luckily.
+ T?ng ph?m n¨¤y ri¨ºng n¨® ch?ng c¨® ? ngh?a g¨¬ c?,nh?ng m¨¤ k? ni?m ? ??y l¨¤ anh g?i cho em t?t c?
nh?ng t¨¬nh c?m tha thi?t nh?t. Sinh nh?t vui v?.
This present is not valuable itself, but it is a souvenir heroto, it brings all most my warm sentiment. happy
birthday to you.
+ Nh¨¤ ngh¨¨o, em ch? t?ng c¨¢c th?y c? d?n d?t em ?i con ???ng ?¨²ng ??n hai m¨®m qu¨¤ nh? nh?ng ? ngh?a
l?n: th?t nhi?u ?i?m 10 ?? ch¨®i, t?m thi?p ??n s? c¨´ng l?i ch¨²c c¨¢c th?y c? m?nh kh?e, g?t h¨¢i ??c nhi?u
th¨¤nh c?ng. Em hy v?ng c¨¢c th?y c? s? h¨¤i l¨°ng v?i hai m¨®n qu¨¤ em d?ng t?ng v?i ?m l¨°ng th¨¤nh k¨ªnh.
Beacause of poor, I only present teachers who have instructed me step on properway. Two present have
great mean: more brilliant score 10, simple card with you healthy, get more achievement. I hope that you
7. will pleasant for two presents which I present to you my respectful.
+ Th?y ?i ! kh?ng ph?i ch? c¨® ng¨¤y 20-11 con m?i nh? ??n th?y. M¨¤ ??i v?i con, ng¨¤y n¨¤o c?ng ??u l¨¤
20-11.Con k¨ªnh ch¨²c tth?y m?i vui t??i h?nh ph¨²c v¨¤ h?nh di?n b¨ºn nh?ng h?c sinh lu?n l¨¤ con ngoan tr¨°
gi?i c?a m¨¬nh.
Teachers ! it is not November 20 I remember you. To me, every days is November 20. I wish you mey,
happy forever and you are proudof with your students who are always your good and excellence children.
+ Xin c?m t? th?y c? - l¨¤ th?y c? c?a ch¨²ng em, ?? cho ch¨²ng em m?t l?i n¨®i, h¨¬nh ?nh ? t??ng ?? ch¨²ng
em x?y ??p cu?c ??i.
Thanksgiving: You are teachers of us, you give us voice images, thought so that we build to our life.
+Ng¨¤y l¨¤nh, n?m m?i, ch¨¢u y¨ºu qu? ! b?ng t?t c? t?m l¨°ng m¨¬nh c? ch¨²c ch¨¢u ???c t?ng ti?n trong t¨¬nh
th??ng, trong l? ph?i v¨¤ nhi?u s?c kh?e. ?¨® l¨¤ t¨¤i s?n qu? gi¨¢ nh?t.
Nice day, new year, my dears ! By all my heart,I wish you will improve in love, in common sense and
more helthy. May be these are most valuable properties.
+ Nh?n ng¨¤y nh¨¤ gi¨¢o Vi?t Nam 20-11. K¨ªnh ch¨²c th?y c? v¨¤ gia ?¨¬nh ???c d?i d¨¤o s?c kh?e, h?nh ph¨²c
lu?n th¨¤nh ??t trong cu?c s?ng.
On occasion of Vietnam Teacher's Day. wishing you and your family a good health, happiness and
success in your life.
+ K¨ªnh ch¨²c cho ?ng b¨¤ m?t ng¨¤y l? t? ?n vui v?. Ch¨¢u ch? mong l¨¤ ch¨¢u c¨® m?t ? ?¨® v?i hao ?ng b¨¤.
Ch¨¢u nh? r?t nhi?u ??n nh?ng th?i gian h?nh ph¨²c t?i nh¨¤ c?a ?ng b¨¤ v¨¤o ng¨¤y t? ?n.
Ch¨¢u g?i l?i ch¨¤o ??n t?t c? h? h¨¤ng v¨¤ xin ?ng b¨¤ ?m h?n gi¨²p ch¨¢u ??a ch¨¢u g¨¢i m?i nh?t c?a ch¨¢u.
Mong m?i ng??i c¨® m?t ng¨¤y tuy?t v?i.
Wishing Grandfaher a merry on Thanksgiving Day. I only hope that will be herewith grandfather. I
memory very much about happy time at grandfather's house on Thanksgiving Day.
I send greeting to allmy relatives and hope that Grandfather will embrace and kiss my newest niece.
Have a wonderful Day.
+ Nh?n d?p n?m m?i t?i ch¨²c c¨¢c ng¨¤ig?p ???c nhi?u s? may m?n v¨¤ h?nh ph¨²c.
On occasion of New Year,wishing you happiness and lucky.
+ Nh?n d?p n?m m?i t?i k¨ªnh ch¨²c to¨¤n th? gia ?¨¬nh b?n m?t n?m m?i g?p ???c nhi?u may m?n v¨¤ h?nh
On occasion of New Year,wishing all your family happiness and lucky.