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English worksheet for the 7th grades

Read the following text and answer the questions.

                                Our teacher
Our teacher Steve is a very big man, but Harry, the other teacher that walks

into class with him, is twice as big! That is because Harry is a horse.

Why does Steve take a horse into his classes? He thinks that it will make his

pupils more interested in his science classes. They have to learn how to feed

the horse, take care of it and study how it behaves. The children must also

keep up with their studies in other subjects like English and Math.

When the children finish learning all their subjects they get a big prize  a

chance to ride the horse, which is the most fun of all.

Steves experiment is very successful. His pupils enjoy coming to school much

more than they did before, their marks are much better and they remember

what they learn!

1. Why is Harry so much bigger than Steve?

Because _____________________________________ .

2. What happens when the pupils finish everything they need to do?
__________________________________________ .

3. What do the pupils have to learn about the horse?

Circle the three correct answers.

a. how to give it food

b. how old it is

c. how to take care of it

d. how it acts

4. A good name for this story might be

a. How to Feed a Horse

b. A Fun Way to Study Science

c. Steve and His Friends

d. The Big Prize .

5. a. What is different about Steves science lessons? ______________

_________________________________________________ .

b. How do we know that they are successful? Give one reason.

_________________________________________________ .

6. Would you like to learn this way? Yes / No

Explain your answer in one sentence. (4 pts)


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English worksheet for the 7th grades

  • 1. English worksheet for the 7th grades Read the following text and answer the questions. Our teacher Our teacher Steve is a very big man, but Harry, the other teacher that walks into class with him, is twice as big! That is because Harry is a horse. Why does Steve take a horse into his classes? He thinks that it will make his pupils more interested in his science classes. They have to learn how to feed the horse, take care of it and study how it behaves. The children must also keep up with their studies in other subjects like English and Math. When the children finish learning all their subjects they get a big prize a chance to ride the horse, which is the most fun of all. Steves experiment is very successful. His pupils enjoy coming to school much more than they did before, their marks are much better and they remember what they learn! Questions 1. Why is Harry so much bigger than Steve? Because _____________________________________ . 2. What happens when the pupils finish everything they need to do?
  • 2. __________________________________________ . 3. What do the pupils have to learn about the horse? Circle the three correct answers. a. how to give it food b. how old it is c. how to take care of it d. how it acts 4. A good name for this story might be a. How to Feed a Horse b. A Fun Way to Study Science c. Steve and His Friends d. The Big Prize . 5. a. What is different about Steves science lessons? ______________ _________________________________________________ . b. How do we know that they are successful? Give one reason. _________________________________________________ . 6. Would you like to learn this way? Yes / No Explain your answer in one sentence. (4 pts) _________________________________________________________.