An enlargement is a transformation that changes the size and position of a shape. It has two key components:
1. A center of enlargement, which is the point from which the enlargement is constructed.
2. A scale factor, denoted by k, which is the number by which the object is enlarged. All lengths of the shape are multiplied by the scale factor, while angles remain unchanged. The area of the enlarged shape is equal to k^2 times the original area.
2. Transformation
is when a shapes size or position is
changed or transformed.
the original shape is the OBJECT.
the changed shape is the
5. We learn
An enlargement changes the SIZE and the POSITION
of a shape!
To enlarge a shape we need TWO things!
1. A centre or enlargement
2. A scale factor
6. When a shape is enlarged, ALL lengths
are multiplied by the scale factor and all
angles remain UNCHANGED.
An an example of use is a slide
8. Better?
In this case, the
light bulb is the
centre of
C. of E. is the point
from which the E. is
9. The Scale Factor
Is denoted by the
Lets see it in action!
letter k in the new
It is the number by
which the object is fun enlargements
11. Important to note that while
enlargements normally enlarge shapes
you can also decrease, reduce or make
shapes smaller.
For example if k = 1/2 then your shape
would be half the original size!
34. Properties of enlargements
Shape of image is the same only size
has changed.
Angle measures remain the same.
Image length = k (object length) OR
k = Image length/Object length
Area of Image = k^2 (area object) OR
k^2 = Area of Image/Area of object
36. 1. Choose two points on the image and
their corresponding points on the
original 鍖gure.
2. From each of these points on the
larger 鍖gure, draw a line to the
corresponding point on the smaller
3. Produce these lines until they
intersect at the point is the centre of the