Taller de Periodisme (per als alumnes de 3r de Primria de l'Acad竪mia Igualada)Albert Rossell
Aquesta 辿s la presentaci坦 que vaig preparar per al Taller de Periodisme que vaig impartir el 21 de maig de 2015 per als alumnes de 3r de Primria de l'Acad竪mia Igualada. Mestres, alumnes i jo ens ho vam passar d'all嘆 m辿s b辿 en una tarda diferent i divertida en qu竪 tots vam aprendre molt.
O documento discute o processo de inova巽達o centrado no usu叩rio, que envolve pesquisa com usu叩rios, design de interface do usu叩rio, testes de usabilidade e desenvolvimento iterativo para garantir que as necessidades dos usu叩rios sejam atendidas.
El documento proporciona siete cosas que no se deben hacer despu辿s de una comida: 1) fumar, 2) comer frutas, 3) beber t辿, 4) aflojar el cintur坦n, 5) ba単arse, 6) caminar inmediatamente, y 7) dormir de inmediato. Estas actividades pueden dificultar la digesti坦n o aumentar el riesgo de c叩ncer.
El documento propone un reto a los maestros y estudiantes del Grupo 113 para que respondan en equipo los numerales 1.8 y 1.1 del Planificador de Ambientes de Aprendizaje, tomando en cuenta las 5 C, y enviando la actividad resuelta por correo electr坦nico. Adicionalmente, pide dar 2 ejemplos sobre la diferencia entre prop坦sito y objetivo.
Este documento describe las herramientas de Web 2.0 como Skype, Twitter, Blogger, Google Drive, 際際滷share, Wordpress, Wikipedia, Facebook, MySpace y Flickr. Web 2.0 se refiere a la evoluci坦n de aplicaciones web enfocadas en los usuarios finales que permiten la interacci坦n y participaci坦n de los mismos.
Este documento introduce los conceptos b叩sicos de instrumentaci坦n e introduce varios temas clave como la importancia de la instrumentaci坦n en la industria moderna, los procesos industriales comunes que utilizan instrumentaci坦n, las ventajas de la instrumentaci坦n y algunas definiciones b叩sicas como instrumento, rango e errores. Tambi辿n presenta brevemente las mediciones b叩sicas que se pueden realizar con un tester en componentes como diodos y transistores.
Este documento describe los principales perif辿ricos de salida, incluyendo monitores, impresoras, bocinas, proyectores digitales y aud鱈fonos. Un perif辿rico de salida es un dispositivo que recibe informaci坦n procesada de una computadora y la reproduce de manera que sea perceptible para el usuario.
The document summarizes the results of a survey conducted in the EU on people's views about the EU. 23 people were interviewed and asked questions about whether they want to be informed about EU issues, which country they think is most organized in the EU, and when they think the EU helps. For the first question, 13 said yes and 10 said no. For the second question, most (14) said Germany was the most organized country. For the third question, responses included helping the economy, poor, and European globalization. The conclusions were that not many want information about the EU, many think Germany is well organized, and opinions differ on whether and how the EU helps.
The document is a collection of curiosities and short summaries about the European Union. It includes summaries that:
1) Explain that the 12 stars on the EU flag represent the first 12 countries that joined the European Union.
2) State that the problem in Ukraine was serious because the country was divided between being closer to Russia or joining the EU.
3) Suggest that people do not give much importance to the EU because it is not advertised on TV enough and people are not well informed.
The document summarizes a debate in the Catalan Parliament about poverty in Catalonia. It discusses measures proposed to address poverty, such as studying guaranteed income and expanding minimum income programs. It also notes that while talking about poverty allows politicians to appear sensitive, it does not necessarily solve problems for the poor. The debate had characteristics of simulation rather than finding real solutions.
The document discusses key facts about the European Union including that the first European Parliament elections were held in 1979, that the EU currently has 27 member countries and 500 million citizens, and that the EU has 23 official languages with over half the population only speaking their mother tongue.
Third year secondary school students in Spain are participating in a project to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg to develop skills in knowledge about the European Union, digital skills, and proficiency in English. The project focuses on learning about the role of the European Parliament and democracy as well as the European elections in 2014.
The document discusses European youth policy and programs aimed at reducing unemployment among young people in the EU. It notes that over 5 million young people are unemployed in the EU and the unemployment rate has risen from 14% in 2008 to 23.9% in 2013. The EU's Youth Strategy 2010-2018 aims to improve education and employment opportunities for youth. Specific programs mentioned include Erasmus+, which provides grants for university study and professional training abroad, Leonardo scholarships for vocational education, youth exchanges, and volunteer projects. The document provides websites for more information on accessing scholarships and other support for young EU citizens.
The document summarizes the results of a survey conducted in the EU on people's views about the EU. 23 people were interviewed and asked questions about whether they want to be informed about EU issues, which country they think is most organized in the EU, and when they think the EU helps. For the first question, 13 said yes and 10 said no. For the second question, most (14) said Germany was the most organized country. For the third question, responses included helping the economy, poor, and European globalization. The conclusions were that not many want information about the EU, many think Germany is well organized, and opinions differ on whether and how the EU helps.
The document is a collection of curiosities and short summaries about the European Union. It includes summaries that:
1) Explain that the 12 stars on the EU flag represent the first 12 countries that joined the European Union.
2) State that the problem in Ukraine was serious because the country was divided between being closer to Russia or joining the EU.
3) Suggest that people do not give much importance to the EU because it is not advertised on TV enough and people are not well informed.
The document summarizes a debate in the Catalan Parliament about poverty in Catalonia. It discusses measures proposed to address poverty, such as studying guaranteed income and expanding minimum income programs. It also notes that while talking about poverty allows politicians to appear sensitive, it does not necessarily solve problems for the poor. The debate had characteristics of simulation rather than finding real solutions.
The document discusses key facts about the European Union including that the first European Parliament elections were held in 1979, that the EU currently has 27 member countries and 500 million citizens, and that the EU has 23 official languages with over half the population only speaking their mother tongue.
Third year secondary school students in Spain are participating in a project to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg to develop skills in knowledge about the European Union, digital skills, and proficiency in English. The project focuses on learning about the role of the European Parliament and democracy as well as the European elections in 2014.
The document discusses European youth policy and programs aimed at reducing unemployment among young people in the EU. It notes that over 5 million young people are unemployed in the EU and the unemployment rate has risen from 14% in 2008 to 23.9% in 2013. The EU's Youth Strategy 2010-2018 aims to improve education and employment opportunities for youth. Specific programs mentioned include Erasmus+, which provides grants for university study and professional training abroad, Leonardo scholarships for vocational education, youth exchanges, and volunteer projects. The document provides websites for more information on accessing scholarships and other support for young EU citizens.
2. El passat dia 19 de mar巽 vam sortir al carrer a fer
unes preguntes sobre la uni坦 europea, apart de
les preguntes tamb辿 vam gravar algunes de les
entrevistes. Vam decidir fer tres preguntes
senzilles de contestar, encara que hi fossin
senzilles poca gent va voler contestar-les, molta
gent no hi estava informada sobre temes de la
uni坦 europea y no li feien gaire importncia.
Encara que poques persones contestessin vam
aconseguir fer lentrevista a 23 persones.
10 persones 6 persones 7 persones
Les preguntes eren:
1. Tagrada estar informat sobre temes de la UE?
2. Quin creus que es el pa鱈s m辿s organitzat de la
3. En que creus que ajuda la UE?
4. A la primera pregunta van contestar:
A la segona pregunta:
14 persones van contestar que el pa鱈s m辿s organitzat de
la UE era Alemanya.
3 persones van contestar Espa単a, els altres no ho sabien.
A la tercera pregunta van contestar:
Ajuda en leconomia, ajuda als pa誰sos pobres, ajuda a la
globalitzaci坦 dEuropa i al mercat lliure. Els altres van
contestar que no ajuden en res o en poc, en que hi hagi
crisi i en posar impostos.
5. Vam arribar a diverses conclusions, una de
elles es que no a moltes persones li agrada
estar informada sobre la uni坦 europea o
preferien no parlar del tema, tamb辿 vam
arribar a la conclusi坦 de que moltes persones
pensen que Alemanya 辿s un dels pa誰sos m辿s
be organitzat. Tamb辿 molta gent adulta ens
explicava com vivien ells abans y ens van fer
arribar a la conclusi坦 de que hem empitjorat,
encara que aix嘆 de tenir una moneda 炭nica
els hi agradava bastant.